Convergence / 001

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Thank you for stopping by and welcome to Convergence!


Please take a moment to read through this post, and take a look at our Guild website It will tell you a lot about what we’re like, and what we’re trying to build here – you won’t be able to see everything yet as we have a members only section on our forums. If you are still interested, the recruitment section of this site has a simple online application form you can fill in.

Who are we?

We’re a close knit European-based guild recruiting for

Star Citizen




The Elder Scrolls Online

We used to have a large presence in Star Wars: The Old Republic. We also played a lot of Guild Wars 2.

More recently, we played Final Fantasy XIV and Neverwinter as we waited for the next big thing.

We’re also active, to varying degrees in Minecraft, where we’ve had elaborate cities in Vanilla and Tekkit and we’re having a go at Feed the Beast, Planetside, and others.

The group of players at the core of this guild came together after meeting in other MMOs – most notably Warcraft and Aion. Some of us have experience of helping to lead some of the oldest and biggest guilds in WoW.

When our interest in playing those MMOs died, we stayed in touch shooting the breeze and waiting for the next big thing. That we stayed together for so long without a game to play should tell you one thing – we’re not going anywhere and plan to be around for a long time together. And we’d like you to join us.

What we can offer

A European-based guild with solid foundations, a thriving website, a Mumble (voice) server with 50-player capacity, organisation as when and if needed for events and grouping, and a friendly welcome

What is Convergence aiming for?

We’re looking to strike the difficult balance between being serious enough to tackle whatever end-game content the games we play have to offer us, while remaining a friendly, social guild. We appreciate the value of social players who never want to raid and are just looking for a digital home. But we’ve also got an organised core who will be wanting to take on the harder challenges together.

Many of us have young families. We know real life comes first. We are not going to ever tell anyone how to play, or when to play, nor what class. But would expect people who sign up for an event to do their utmost to be there, of course.

We’ve got players aged 18 to 50+ from across Europe. We’ve got journalists, and students, and lawyers, and people between jobs in-guild. We’ve got all sorts of people from all kinds of backgrounds. And we’ve got a very active forum.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for people who fit in to our digital family. Have a look through this board and click on a few posts at random that catch your eye and you will get a feel for this guild and the attitude and camaraderie between the members. That is what we’re looking to preserve. This is a great guild to be in, and we’re going to keep it that way.

What about PvP?

We have dedicated PvPers and intend to PvP regularly, but it isn’t our focus.

What happens when I apply?

We’ll take a look at your application, give anyone who wants to the chance to comment, and come to a decision as quickly as we can. You won’t be waiting long – these are active boards!


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