Alrac Seekers / 1230123

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to Alrac Seekers! Just a growing community of people wanting to enjoy Star Citizen through its ups and downs. You can chill in here; we do a variety of things; PvP, trade, cargo and more. Invite friends and anyone who seems friendly.




The creation of Alrac Seekers began with the founder, Thranduil. After jumping around from party to party, he was annoyed that there wasn’t a promoted environment for new players to learn the game. Thranduil took it upon himself with the help of a few friends to start a discord server to answer questions and supply new players with a foundation for the game.


As previously mentioned, the purpose behind the discord server was not only to encourage new players to have a place they could learn the game, but also for experienced players to join alongside.


Alrac Seekers main mission is everything Star Citizen, primarily focused on enjoying the game. While our main goal is supplement new players with everything they would need to start, we mostly enjoy flying around as a group and finding fun ways to spend our time! If you see us in the voice channel on discord, don’t be shy, join us!



- Guiding new players into the Star Citizen universe, and supplying them with the needs to enjoy the brutal start of the game.

- We have many players who are veteran Star Citizens who have ranging knowledge on: PVP, PVE, CARGO, MINING, ETC


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