Sopitam Mortem Gang / 1249026

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy

The Sopitam Mortem Gang is a gang formed with the sole purpose of commandeering Capital Class ships. If your org wants a flagship without paying the dealers price, the Sopitam Mortem Gang is here to make that dream come true. Prices will be negotiated depending on ship size/cost of crew required.


The Sopitam Mortem Gang was formed in 2742 by UEE Advocacy trooper 1249026. The founding members were comprised of seven ex-UEE Advocacy agents who had made some friends in the criminal world while acting undercover. Inspired by the income that some skilled pirates were bringing in, the seven agents decided to discretely abandon the UEE and use their elite training to become a notorious squad of pirates. Utilizing their information on the military branches, the 7 men would go undercover as UEE Naval units and infiltrate onto frigates to sabotage the power-plants once the ship was in flight. After subduing the crew, the squads would repair the power-plants and take the ships to the black market. The men were successful in their work and offered jobs to talents they had found on their missions. The Sopitam Mortem Gang have always kept their numbers low and elite, their identities anonymous, and actions notorious.


The Sopitam Mortem Gang is an elite group of trained infiltrators who takeover capital ships and sell them to business partners. We hold our standards high because we only want the best. When we are out there fighting and only have the man beside us to trust, we want that man to be the best.

Our current fleet consists of:
Retaliator Bomber- 1
Freelancer- 1


1. Be relatively active. We want as many players as possible to participate in raids. Inactivity will result in a warning then a kick from the gang.
2. Try your hardest to be available when we plan a capital ship raid.
3. If you make it into the gang, do not let anybody know. We keep our members secret. If your identity gets out, you will be forced to leave the gang.
4. Profit from capital ship sales will be divided equally among the raid participants.
5. Have fun while playing, but take raids seriously. Major flaws will not be tolerated on missions.