19th Fleet / 19F

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Greetings and welcome to the 19th Fleet! We are here to be your home away from home, allies in battle, friends in need, whatever you wanna call it. If you ever need someone, even if it’s just to talk, there’s always someone here for you.

Join us on discord here.


The 19th Fleet was founded in 2293 by Admiral Nogura because the Federation was on the verge of war with the Klingons. It was disbanded in 2295 and later refounded during the Dominion Wars. It has been redisbanded after the war ended, but was refounded yet again on stardate 87742.07 when Admiral Necheyev decided the Fleet could be used in the border skirmishes against the Klingon Empire. And then in 2414 the Fleet entered Sector 14, along with the 23rd Feet, and consequently all were thrown into a temporal flux.

Most of the 19th and all of the 23rd Fleet got unstuck in time because of this flux, because not everyone had a flux capacitor installed, since the capacitor was only an experiment in its early stages it had not yet rolled out to the rest of the 19th Fleet, let alone the rest of Starfleet. And thus the few that had a flux capacitor start anew from scratch in 2944. After arriving in 2934 they kept cruising the galaxy for 6 years until they met the scouts of FROG this encounter soon evolved into a very close alliance which still stands today.



An ulterior one

Depends on what equipment you use to view (and also the direction you’re looking in)

OK all jokes aside, you can read our official manifesto and charter here: UF-19F-R11BF-AS/X


Extracted from official document UF-19F-R9A8-AS/X
Technically this is not a charter, but RSI calls this page that so eh.


RULE 20A: Every Fleet Member may recruit.

RULE 20B: Every new recruit is to be validated by a Joint Chief


RULE 44E: Be and have fun

RULE 44F: Be friendly to other Fleet Members.

RULE 45A: When visiting then one is to obey the owner of forenamed property.

RULE 45B: When visiting a ship then one is to obey the CO of forenamed ship.

RULE 49A: No stealing loot or flaming or other things like that.


RULE 50A: Fleet Members that are found breaking any other rule are to be reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

RULE 50B: If a Fleet Member is found guilty to breaking any other rule by the majority of the Joint Chiefs of Staff then they’re sent off to the other side of the galaxy and are allowed to build their own society where there’s less crime.


RULE 10B: Joining the military section of the Fleet is optional

RULE 10E: When not on a mission, one is free to do whatever they prefer, as long as it is within our rules.

RULE 10F: When doing missions for the Fleet one is to adhere to the hierarchy.

RULE 15S: NEVER start a fight, but ALWAYS finish it!

These only apply to Members of the 19th Fleet

RULE 74F: If one is found breaking any rules of any ally whom they’re currently on a mission with then forenamed ally is to be the one to judge them as per their rules.

RULE 74G: If one is found breaking any rules of any ally whom they’re currently on a mission with AND any rules of the Fleet then they are to receive penance as per the rules of forenamed ally AND as per the Fleet’s rules.

RULE 75A: If one is in a position to gain an alliance with another Organisation, then they are to notify the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

RULE 76A: When visiting property of an ally then one is to obey the owner of forenamed property.

RULE 76B: When visiting a ship/fleet of an ally then one is to obey the CO of forenamed ship/fleet.