The Order / 235

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Piracy

We are the Order.
The Order is everywhere and nowhere to be seen.
We act in the shadows and amongst highest ranks.
Our wealth and knowledge prospers.
The Order and the fate of the universe cannot be separated
The Order was and will always be.
The Order.


The history is kept hidden among the highest ranks of the Order. It is passed on from generation to generation. Only the most dedicated members know to full impact on the history of universe. It is speculated that the Order had and has influence on every branch of the known universe. This influence seems to go as far as the creators of the universe and the Order are in well known relationship. Thus allowing the Order to affect the fate of the universe in its deepest regions.


The members of the Order live by an honorable Codex. They strive for wealth and knowledge for the greater good of the universe. The Order has no restrictions for their applicants other than the good of the Order. Also the name suggest the Order does not need order in the universe to be. The Order exists where there is chaos or order. The ranks of the Order is filled with government affiliates and so called criminals. The members’ backgrounds reach from the (seemingly) poorest to the highest members of the universe.


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