The 309th Aerospace Expedition / 309

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome To The 309th Aerospace Expedition. Modus Perfectus.


Join Our Teamspeak
This organization was founded on 6/28/2014
Clan insignia created on 7/9/2014
First Clan banner created on 8/18/2014
Brainstorming possible story
Clan Website in development 7/11/2015
the website is working, ironing out bugs before I and the team pretty it up, sign up to the forums!
Have any questions PM: Mr.Pie309, FXXL

Page(s) is subject to change and editing (Still in development)


We have finally reached quick interstellar travel; the universe is a big place filled with many stars. Just like a person has their own story so does each star and we intend explore as many as we can, while protecting our own and the innocent. I have outlined the book, now its up to people like you to fill the pages.

Who are we looking for?:
We are looking for just about anyone, as long as you consider yourself mature, well composed, and at the age of 14. If you share some of our interest this might be the place for you. Really no matter how far your devotion goes toward the game: Casual, Regular, or Hardcore we’d like to have you!

Here at The 309th Aerospace Expedition we look forward to providing a friendly, fun, adventure filled, and safe atmosphere for our members/allies/honored guests and to just about all others around us. We want to know our members here by name, not as a pawn in the system. We also want to provide team-play and cooperation in our organization to provide the best support for the best experience possible. This ensures that missions/expeditions get done at the best of abilities, along with quality service while also being adaptable to different situations. We also want to offer player freedom, when your not doing an expedition, or not up to much important you are free to do as you please and hangout with others. I don’t want to bind members down constantly with time restrictions. However I will try to keep a good balance between group play, and player freedom.

Here at The 309th Aerospace Expedition we have three main jobs/services we want to pursue, Exploration, Security ,and Industry.
Under these three main goals land many smaller tasks so everyone has something they can do.
We also intend to help the others when in need, and taking out pirates,slavers, and people who try to block our path. We additionally intend to learn and interact with the things around us, and make new friends and, most importantly, have a good time.

  1. We despise slavery and any affiliation or actions toward it will not be tolerated.
  2. Piracy is forbidden, we despise the actions of piracy and helping/associating with pirates.
    However if you have abandoned your piracy ways and affiliations we will accept you as a member if wanting to join.
  3. Don’t pick a fight with everyone you see, use mutual respect for one another.
  4. Open to alliances

Just like you and I we are looking forward to what will be one of the greatest games created when it comes out. We will test out the modules in alpha and get a decent feel for the controls. In beta we will try to get as many people together as we can to test out key features of the PU. Once the game is out we will work together to complete our missions, expeditions, and tasks at hand. We want to learn from each other during this game experience so we can get better. We will go through all obstacles necessary to get our mission done while also sticking to our key values. Join Today and become apart of The 309th Aerospace Expedition and become part of the story.


Core Expectations
  • All members are expected to treat one another fairly with respect, tolerance and kindness this also goes towards regular players not part of the
  • All members are expected to represent the Organization in at least one way with tags, logos, avatars, or signatures,etc.
  • All members are expected to not take up serious/delicate situations and matters on their own without asking for assistance from an officer.
Core Guidelines:
  • All members should not consult or be affiliated with piracy, human trafficking groups or actions.
  • Do not interfere with special operations or command during important situations or meetings.
  • Report all problems, concerns and questions to a higher rank member.
General Expectations and Rules:
  • All members are expected to help solve problems professionally with explanation and reasoning.
  • All members are expected to show up within an agreed time frame when asked and in emergency situations.
  • Do not rely on or use any type of cheats and hacks.
  • Do not advertise another clan or try to recruit in our premises.
  • Do not constantly complain or whine too much.
Key Notes:
  • Use common sense, don’t take everything way too serious or too lightly, don’t cause unnecessary drama, etc.
  • Our members/team speak is filled with all walks of life, so please keep an open mind as we have a different rules on the TS.
    i.e Free Speech.
  • Do not accuse others without showing proof and consulting an officer first.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Don’t be super sensitive.
  • Pages subject to change.
  • We do allow Role-play for people that want to.
  • Have Fun!