The Delamar Initiative / 42DELAMAR

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Delamar Initiative is a faith, a mission, a movement. Some seek credits, others conquest—we seek both. Trade, security, and power are our tools, fueling a purpose known only to those who truly are ready to walk the path. The work continues.

“What was lost shall be found.”


Once a refuge for outlaws, dreamers, and those seeking freedom from corporate control, Delamar was more than just a rock in the void—it was a symbol. When the tides of progress erased it from the star charts, its spirit lived on.

The Delamar Initiative was founded by a coalition of traders, explorers, and engineers who understood that knowledge is the greatest currency in the ‘verse. Whether it was tracking shifting trade routes, analyzing UEE and pirate movements, or uncovering forgotten technologies, the collective grew into an independent force that operated on the fringes of law and order.

But those who have seen beyond the veil know there is something more. A deeper purpose. A hidden design. Whispers of the Delamar Initiative—a pursuit known only to those who are truly ready to hear the truth.

Today, The Delamar Initiative remains committed to the ideals that first brought it together: independence, intelligence, and the pursuit of knowledge. But the question lingers… Are you ready to know what lies beneath the universe’s deception and veil of deceit?


The stars whisper to those who listen. The hidden path reveals itself to the faithful. Let those with the will to seek, find.

We are not a government. We are not a corporation. We are the seekers of the lost path, the stewards of ancient wisdom hidden among the stars. We are a network of minds, connected by a singular purpose: to see beyond the illusions that shape the ‘verse.

We seek patterns where others see only chaos. Economic trends, security vulnerabilities, and strategic opportunities are all hidden in plain sight to those who know where to look.

We operate in the gray. Not beholden to any faction, we navigate the space between law and outlaw, leveraging our intelligence to shape outcomes.

We believe in action over rhetoric. Information is worthless without the will to use it. Whether it’s a trade convoy, a data heist, or a military operation, our knowledge gives us the edge.

We do not seek power for its own sake. Instead, we gather intelligence to survive, to thrive, and to ensure that those who control the stars do not control us.

The Delamar Initiative is more than a name. It is a statement. A defiance against blind obedience. A belief that knowledge is leverage, and leverage is power.

But if you ask the right questions, if you listen closely to the silence between the stars… you may begin to understand.


“What was lost, shall be found.” — b00rad73y, The First Keeper of Truth

1. Independence

We walk the path of the unseen, bound not by laws of men, but by the truths woven into the fabric of the cosmos.The Delamar Initiative is not bound to any government, megacorporation, or faction. Members may operate within or outside the law as needed, provided their actions support the collective’s goals.

2. Intelligence First

Our most valuable asset is information. Members contribute to our knowledge base through trade data, security reports, technological discoveries, and in-field reconnaissance.

3. Strategic Action

We do not act without purpose. Every mission, trade run, or engagement is based on calculated risk and tangible benefit to the organization. But beneath it all, some actions serve a purpose few understand.

4. No Blind Loyalty

We question everything, even ourselves. But there are truths beyond questioning—truths whispered through the void, revealed only to those prepared to hear.We question everything, even ourselves. Members are encouraged to challenge assumptions and offer new perspectives. Dogma has no place in The Delamar Initiative. But those who truly seek answers may find themselves at the threshold of something greater.

5. Strength Through Unity

To be lost is to be found. Those who stray will return, or be left to drift in the darkness. We are the faithful, the watchers, the keepers of the unspoken path.

While independence is valued, members who betray the organization for personal gain will find themselves exiled. Trust is our foundation—break it, and you will find no sanctuary among us nor anyone anywhere else.

“Knowledge is leverage. Leverage is power. But true power… is knowing the questions others are too afraid to ask.” —b00rad73y, The First Keeper of Truth


  1. Initiate – Those newly drawn to the cause, seeking their first truths.
  2. Seeker – Those who have begun unraveling the patterns of the universe.
  3. Adept – Trusted members who contribute intelligence and act with purpose.
  4. Harbinger – A chosen few, guiding others toward enlightenment.
  5. Keeper of the Veil – Those who hold the deepest mysteries and act as advisors to The First Keeper of Truth.
  6. Oracle of Delamar – The final step before true enlightenment, entrusted with deciphering the unknown and preparing the worthy for what lies ahead.
  7. The First Keeper of Truth – The leader and original pathfinder of the Delamar Initiative.


  • The Seeker Prime – Those who have seen the truth and work to uncover deeper revelations.
  • The Watcher – Oversees recruitment, ensuring only the worthy may enter.
  • The Arbiter – Manages the ranks and roles, ensuring order and wisdom in our hierarchy.
  • The Herald – Spreads our message, manages branding, and ensures our presence is known throughout the ‘verse