47th Legion / 47LG

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Officum Ante Proprium Bonum
Service Above Self


The 47th was originally established in 2007 as an offshoot of a Star Wars Galaxies guild from the Chilastra server.

By the time of the NGE a lot of interest in SWG had been permanently lost. A deployment or two later I became highly interested in Tabula Rasa and chose to start my own player organization for the game with a few SWG guildmates which came to be known as the 47th A.F.S. Expeditionary Force, or 47th A.F.S.E.F..

Around the time of TR’s closure Earthrise caught the 47th’s interest. We waited for Earthrise for over three years and were finally able to step foot on Enterran soil at game launch.

Unfortunately Earthrise was plagued with launch issues, lacked basic and rudimentary features, had an extremely unoptimized client which ran very poorly, had a small community, and incredibly slow patch releases. In June of 2011 we decided to quit Earthrise.

Moving on from there we briefly dabbled in Star Wars: The Old Republic though in the end the game was simply the antithesis in design of everything we actually enjoy in an MMO.

A few months later we started following the development of the Trion Worlds and SyFy collaboration known as Defiance. We greatly enjoy the game and show and quickly rose to being the most dominant guild on the PC platform.


The 47th Legion stands alone as being the only organization specializing in boarding actions and ground combat. As such, extra emphasis will be placed on ground warfare tactics, boarding strategies, MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain), CQB (Close Quarters Battle), and small arms marksmanship.

With dozens of Legionaries who are current and prior service the 47th Legion can draw on a wealth of real-life dismounted infantry and cavalry tactics from around the world’s Armed Forces.

These types of dangerous ground and boarding missions require an enormous cast of support elements. We recognize this.

We need Legionaries that can serve in multiple capacities or as specialists in direct support of our operations.

Bombers, fighters, transports, tankers, recon, e-war, supply; we can’t get our Legionaries into the fight without every element working in perfect coordination. Whether you want to be the first man through an enemy ship’s breached hull, the transport pilot who got us there, the bombardier who disabled the ship, or the e-war office scrambling enemy sensors from a frigate, the 47th Legion has a place for you.



I am a Terran, fighting in the forces which guard my Empire and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.


I will never harass or insult other players or through inaction allow another Legionary to harass or insult other players. If in command, I will never allow the Legionaries of my command to harass or insult other players.


I will never exploit, hack, or otherwise cheat or through inaction allow another Legionary to exploit, hack, or otherwise cheat. If in command, I will never allow the Legionaries of my command to exploit, hack, or otherwise cheat.


I will never disrespect another Legionary in-game, in VOIP, or on the forums or through inaction allow another Legionary to be disrespected. If in command, I will never allow the Legionaries of my command to disrespect another Legionary in-game, in VOIP, or on the forums.


When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.


I will never forget that I am a Terran, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my Empire free. I will trust in the Terran Empire, the Imperial Armed Forces, and the 47th Legion.