Black Phalanx / 501

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Exploration

Welcome to Black Phalanx
Your reliable partner for Convoy Protection Services.


2525-2540 -> Growth
The Black Phalanx Corporation benefited from the many new trade routes and the rapid expansion of the human territory. Due to clever strategic placement of important trading centers the company’s profits are steadily increasing.

2541-2800 -> Expansion
The expansion of mankind into the universe, the founding of more and more trade lines increases the number of needed armed escorts. Due to the two Tevarin Wars and the cold war with the Empire Xi’An the military is increasingly present within the boundaries.
This fact promotes the growth of the Black Phalanx Corporation, as more and more assaults by smugglers, pirates and aliens threaten the commercial lines. The Black Phalanx Corporation is now one of the leading companies in the field of Convoy Protection with offices on all major commercial stations and planets.

2800-2940 -> Decline
After the end of the military regime of Emperor Messer, and therefore the following subsequent period of relative peace the competition is increasing and the earnable profits are facing a large decrease. After the UEE SynthWorld project started, the economic situation of the Black Phalanx Corporation is more threatened because of the total breakdown of profit.

2940 – Today -> Restructuring
After the takeover of management by Horatio McClaw, he sold large parts of the company and rebuilt the entire product portfolio. Through the introduction of new shareholders and business partners of Horatio McClaw the Black Phalanx Corporation is regaining its former strength. With the new strategic direction of the company and the military and economic expertise of the new company’s management the Black Phalanx Corporation is well positioned to kick against the uncertainties of the future.


How the Black Phalanx is divided and why we are your reliable partner for Convoy Protection Services?

The Black Phalanx Corporation is divided into seven main areas of business plus the position of the CEO and COO. These individual business units are directly accessible via the navigation.

The CEO (Chief Executing Operations) is the managing director and head of the Black Phalanx Corporation. He makes the relevant decisions, which are presented by the input from the officers of the divisions COO, Risk Analysis, Logistic and Combat/Security in the specific case ‘s LVU’s and LVE’s (situational briefing for information and decision).

The COO (Chief Operating Officer) is the deputy and the closest advisor to the CEO. He leads the meetings of the department chief’s and take the first preliminary rounds during the preparatory phases of the LVU’s and LVE’s.

The PR (Public Relations) Division generally refers to the area of ​​responsibility of advertising and marketing here in particular.

The Risk Analysis Division includes the preparation of individual existential issues in terms of significant activities located along the trails in the known universe. His task is to be the interface between the source and the information management system to provide the needed information to all ports, in order to evaluate all kind of possible risks of a contract compared to the benefit.

The Logistics Division is divided into the subcategories traditional procurement and distribution logistics. But in addition it also includes the warehousing overall. As a further area, logistics includes the negotiation for planned hangar extensions, arms sales and contract negotiations for new supply routes.

The Engineering Division is more than the typical maintenance. In view of upcoming contracts and the settlement of completed missions, including the activity of the mechanic and the maintenance, planning and modifying the fleet to ensure the highest and most efficient use of available capacity and resources.

The Recovery Division has to be seen in close relation to the engineering section. It generally refers to the area of ​​responsibility of the Search and Rescue capability. But in addition it also includes the activities of salvage during and after completion of combat fighting. In this regard, the assigned staff has in-depth tactical knowledge and excellent skills as a fighter pilot.

Fight or protection units are divided into combat and security.

Combat Division includes the active defense of a convoy. These includes the active battlefield reconnaissance as well as the tactical division of the observation vectors. Attacking forces are measured from the moment of enlightenment and approach and requires active (according to our current Rules of engagement) fought.

Our security Division forces have the best skills in the close range defense and are therefore essentialy implemented within the structure of Convoy Protection. During ongoing fights they are able to ensure the short-range defense in confined spaces. Due to their high flight discipline and experience, they can prevent pull maneuver conducted by enemy forces successfully.

By building the above mentioneed structures together with the personnel deployed and the perfect interaction of the individual skills
we are ready, willing, and above all capable to establish Black Phalanx Corporation among the leading institutions for Convoy Protection Services again.


§ 1 – Generell

The Black Phalanx is a Corporation under applicable law of the UEE.

Commencement respective the employment in the Black Phalanx in basis of § 1 a) requires a minimum age of 18 years.

The Code of the Black Phalanx UEE is complementary to existing legislation and is legally binding for all employees.

Employees who violate the law of UEE and complementary legal code of the Black Phalanx and beyond the company’s image, consciously or unconsciously harm through their actions, will be cautioned by the CEO or his representative in written or in any other form. In case of repeated violation the employee will be classified into a lower rank (trainee). Should a third violation occur, the employee is dismissed without notice.

§ 2 – Code of Ethics

Pilots/ squads, organisations and company’s, with whom we aren’t at war, shall not be attacked or provoked to attack.

If an employee of the Black Phalanx is attacked in verbal or non-verbal way, he has, according to §3 a), the right to defend himselves. The employee is not allowed to conduct further hostilities as a direct response. In any case, the CEO or his representative must be informed. Further actions will be decide by the CEO or his representatives.

Other companies, associations and organizations, and individual pilots, were the diplomatic status has been marked as “on war” by the CEO or his deputy may be attacked. Attacking these pilots is also encouraged.

§3 – Code of Conduct

It is permitted to utter insult other groups, associations, organizations or pilots by mployees of the Black Phalanx. This applies even if they were facing offensive behavior. Black Phalanx Corporation will not tolerate racist remarks (such behavior, with proven infringement, will lead to immediate dismiss of the respective employee).

§ 4 – Reconciling work and family life

Interests of the Black Phalanx are assigned to the own interests in a reasonable manner.

Exception of § 4 a) obligations in real life, the RL is more important than a game.

§ 5 – Obligation to inform

Every employee has to obtain information on this site about the current situation before he / she starts with his ship.

§ 6 – Trade Agreement

Potentially hostile companies, associations, organizations or individual pilots of the Black Phalanx Corporation may only be supplied if they comply their readiness for extended agreements.

§ 7 – Administration

In order to ensure administrative organization of the orders of the Black Phalanx Corporation, the use of the platform “Teamspeak” is ordered. On this purpose new employees will be advised by the CEO, the COO or the PR Press Officer.

§ 8 – Rules of Engagment

Every employee is obliged to act in accordance with applicable law of the UEE.

Applicable law of the UEE is mandatory in missions of the Black Phalanx.

Each employee of the Black Phalanx is obliged to avert acute dangers to life and limb of the Black Phalanx employees and their wards. Therefore every necessary means could be used by the employees.

The employees of Black Phalanx are allowed to avert imminent danger by direct violence in order to prevent members of the Black Phalanx and their proteges of imminent danger to life and limb.

§ 9 – Disclaimer

All members acting on behalf of the Black Phalanx Corporation and according the applicable laws of the UEE and in addition of the applicable codex of the Black Phalanx Corporation. In case of a survey to claim for damages against employees or against Black Phalanx himself, the burden of proof applies opposed. The applicant is responsible in order to prove a culpable act of the employee or the Black Phalanx Corporation.