Psychonauts / 5MEO

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

Welcome, traveler of the mind!

I am looking for those willing to fill their wallets without spilling blood. Those who value life as well as loot. No treasure is more valuable than the gift of life. Let us keep our coffers full and our hands clean.

Are you up to the task?


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our members are free to pursue any desires they wish, be it trading, smuggling or piracy. Both sides of the law are welcome into our family. Morality is grey out in the black, and only you can write your story.

We hold life’s value above all else. If you must steal, disable the ship and restrain the crew. If you must fight, do so to escape. Too often is a bullet the answer to a conflict. We aim to hold ourselves above this idea. We will take all routes possible to the end without taking a life.

Sometimes, the ‘verse will put you in a no win situation. If all other avenues have been exhausted, and you find yourself within the reapers grasp, you must do what you must. If it comes down to your life or your foes, we do not judge.

Life is sacred, and must be protected at all cost. But we value the life of our brethren over all others.


We have two simple rules.

Take no life unless to protect yours. All beings have a right to life, as well as ensuring the continuance of their own. Killing for any other reason will result in an audience with the counsel for judgement.

Respect the wealth of your brethren. While we encourage you to walk your own path of morality, theft from our family members is inexcusable. Theft or otherwise doing wrong by a family member will result in an audience with the council for judgment.

I welcome the input from fellow members as to new rules.