666th Devil Dogs / 666TH

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The 666th Devil Dogs is the official Star Citizen branch of the gaming organization bearing the same name. Founded in 2003, the 666th Devil Dogs were built on a philosophy of promoting a fun and friendly gaming environment for its members. From Planetside, we now look skyward to the stars.


Founded in 2003 as a Planetside outfit, the 666th Devil Dogs have focused on strength through the specific application of massive and overwhelming force. Built on a philosophy of promoting a fun and friendly gaming environment for its members, the 666th supported over 2500 members on its roster during the peak of PlanetSide 2’s popularity. With such a strong presence—as well as an Operations Commander online 24/7 to help direct its numbers—operations ran around the clock, earning the begrudging respect of our enemies from every timezone.

Now the 666th Devil Dogs have expanded to the stars. Branching off into a large gaming community with members across the globe, we intend to continue the tradition of cohesive, coordinated and respectful game play with friends. Utilizing teamspeak, youtube and our forums, we will share knowledge and experiences throughout our organization. It is our belief that we can excel in any game, regardless of difficulty or complexity through team work, coordination, training and communication. As we gain more members in the Star Citizen branch, positions of responsibility will be added to the command structure. It is our goal to provide all members with a voice to decide what style of game play they would prefer and a community in which to do it. *Our greatest lesson we have learned from the past is that it is the members that make the organization strong. Not even the sky is our limit.


It is our intent to make the 666th Devil Dogs a respected and trustworthy organization within the Star Citizen persistent universe. Adhering to our time honored Code of Conduct as well as newly formed Rules of Engagement, we shall:

  • Seek out contracts and execute them with precision and coordination
  • Endeavor to explore the deepest reaches of the PU
  • Track bounties in every corner of the seediest locations
  • Conduct and secure mining operations
  • Establish secure trade routes
  • Manipulate the economy as we see fit

All members will be given a voice through regularly scheduled meetings. The results of these meetings will help to develop operational strategies and organizational plans.


Code of Conduct (CoC)

1. Be civil and show respect to all players

1.1- Act with maturity towards all outfit members, allies, and opponents, both in game and on the forums.

1.2- All outfit members should be shown respect, and the “rank” or divisional affiliation of a member should not effect your respect shown to them.

2. Disagreements should be kept from public channels and resolved maturely

2.1 – We understand that this is an intense game, and all players are human, but when an argument happens, let it go.

2.2 – If discussion is needed to resolve a personal disagreement, use private methods to do so. Use PM’s on the forums, or a private conversation in TS to resolve issues. Forum posts, and occupied TS channels are NOT private methods and constitute a violation of the CoC.

2.3 – Bring issues up the chain of command if attempts at resolution fail.

3. Play the game with honor and good sportsmanship

3.1 – We will not tolerate cheating, hacking, griefing, exploiting, malicious glitching, stat padding, scamming, use of sketchy programs to interfere with the game to gain an advantage, violating RSI’s ToS/RoC, or similar acts. This applies in other games we play together as well.

4. Operate within Star Citizen adhering to Devil Dogs Manifesto and style of game play

4.1-All players have a voice. Follow the proper chain of command and attend regular meetings to be heard.

4.2 – Confidential information such as but not limited to information specific to missions, contracts or internal operations shall not be shared with an individual outside of the Star Citizen branch of the 666th Devil Dogs.

4.3-WIP-Acts of piracy are a direct violation of the SC 666th Devil Dogs CoC and ROE. Any report of piracy, trolling, or other violations of the Rules of Engagement (ROE) shall be investigated by designated members of the SC branch of the 666th Devil Dogs. Those found to be in violation may receive one or more forms of discipline.

4.4- If at any time a 666th Devil Dog encounters another player in the persistent universe requiring aid/rescue of a reasonable nature, it shall be the responsibility of all members of the SC 666th Devil Dogs to render a reasonable amount of aid/rescue to said player. A SC 666th Devil Dog may only ignore a request for aid/rescue if in the act of rendering, it would interfere with a current sanctioned mission or place the member of the 666th at great personal risk. It is expected that any capable member of the SC 666th Devil Dogs will render aid/rescue to another SC 666th Devil Dog at all costs.

4.6- No member of the SC 666th Devil Dogs may be a member of a crime oriented syndicate

5. Please help enforce the CoC and inform the Star Citizen Officer Corp of issues

5.1 – If we hear of problems, we will gather evidence, and if we determine a violation has occurred, we will take steps to resolve it…

5.2 – Violations of the CoC will result in a discussion or warning at the least. Repeated or especially egregious violations will result in further consequences, such as suspension or banning.

Rules of Engagement (ROE)

No member of the SC 666th Devil Dogs shall conduct acts of unprovoked aggression This does not apply to acts of aggression taken specifically towards targets of sanctioned bounties or missions

-WIP-The act of Piracy, Theft or Fraud is strictly prohibited by any member of the SC 666th Devil Dogs. Nor is any member allowed to assist any other player in the the act of Piracy, Theft or Fraud

When faced with eminent threat, defend yourself

All members of the SC 666th Devil Dogs shall comply with UEE weapons ordinances, when practical

Disciplinary Actions

Any member of the Star Citizen branch of the 666th Devil Dogs who have been accused of violating the Code of Conduct, Organizational Manifesto or Rules of Engagement, will be the subject of an investigation to be conducted by an appointed member of the 666th Devil Dogs. This investigation shall involve an interview with all available parties involved. A committee of officers of the SC 666th Devil Dogs will be formed to pass judgment. If found guilty of a violation, the accused may face one of the following forms of discipline:

Restitution An offending player found guilty by a designated member of the SC branch of the 666th Devil Dogs shall make restitution for damages or losses occurred due to the direct action of the offending member. This restitution shall be determined by the senior officers of the SC 666th Devil Dogs Disciplinary Committee. Any player refusing to obey decisions made by the Disciplinary Committee shall face an immediate and permanent ban from the 666th Devil Dogs gaming community.

Suspension An offending player found guilty by a designated member of the SC branch of the 666th Devil Dogs may face temporary suspension. This suspension and it’s duration shall be determined by the senior officers of the SC 666th Devil Dogs Disciplinary Committee.

Permanent ban from the 666th Devildogs in Star Citizen An offending player found guilty by a designated member of the SC branch of the 666th Devil Dogs may receive a permanent ban from the 666th Devil Dogs in Star Citizen. Access to Star Citizen TeamSpeak and Community Forums will be revoked. The decision to issue a ban shall be determined by the senior officers of the SC 666th Devil Dogs Disciplinary Committee.