7th Recon Flotilla / 7RECON

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“Perdidit in sempiternum”

We are a rag-tag group of players looking to go wherever and do whatever. We put the “fun” in dysfunctional. If you would like to join this circus of madness, please apply.

We’re at our best with discord, so please have that. Mic optional, but strongly recommended.


The 7th or the “Lost Flotilla” was founded on March 23, 2820.

It’s current commander is Llama

The 7th is named the “Lost Flotilla” for its role it played during the attack on Vega II, namely the fleet got lost in hyperspace when the helmsmen accidentally laid in a course for Virgil and joined the battle late, arriving after the 2nd fleet had subdued the Vanduul horde with its fleet of a Bengal Carrier and escort. By the time the 7th was in the AO; Admiral Bishop was on the surface surveying the damage.

The next time the 7th saw combat was during Operation Mandrake, during the battle over Oberon the regiment held the line, albeit in vain. The regiment was almost wiped out, suffering 80% casualties, including the then commander William “Wolfman” Norric who was killed when his Carrack was destroyed by sustained fire from a squadron of Vanduul Scythes.

Today, the 7th remains as a capable recon unit within the UEE navy, as a special recon unit; the 7th is allowed to execute any mission they deem fit, including black ops missions.

Learn more about our history here


We aim to have fun. We intend to play the game, on our terms. We have no time for the pad ramming, ship stealing, smack talking children who we share this game with. We will do our best to help those who ask, those who try to take what is ours will meet a swift and violent end. We are the 7th and we intend to misbehave. Join us or step aside.


7th Recon Flotilla Rules and Guidlines

1. Must be 18 or older to join the organization.
2. Must join the discord channel. So we know who you are; your discord channel name must match in game name.
3. Respect others. Treat all other players with dignity and respect. Be respectful of other members of the org, their abilities, their contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the org running.
4. Thou shalt not kill or intentinally ruin another citizens day unless its for profit or revenge.
5.Thou Shalt not pad ram org members or other citizens.
6. Drama will not be tolerated. Disagreements or other behaviours which become disruptive are unacceptable.
7. Do not use excessive, gratuitous or explicit language. Justifiable mature language and conversation is to be accepted in a org of adults. Politics, religion, and similarly divisive topics are embargoed to be avoided.
8. Be mature. Immature and infantile behaviour is not tolerated. This is a guild of adults, so make sure you act like it.
9. Not everyone will agree with everyone else and conflict will inevitably arise. As adults, members are expected to either try to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately and independently. Failing that, try to work around it. Approach an Officer for assistance if you have exhausted all other options.
10. Positive criticism is a good thing. Members should feel free to give advice and suggestions to other players to improve their play. Equally, Members should view any positive criticism as an opportunity to improve.

Upon Joining the 7th recon all new recruits will be subject to a 1-2 week probation period. During this probation period recruits will be evaluated on how they interact with other org members.
Org members are not required to play with other org members or partake in events or activities you may roam the stars as you please. (But the more the merrier as they say and whatnot.)
All playstyles are accepted as long as members are abiding by the above stated rules.
Members that break any of the rules will be given a maximum of 3 warnings. Anymore than three warning and said offender will have all affiliation with the org terminated. Subject to change.
Please remember the game is in Alpha. If we are experiencing problems marshaling our selves for a mission or whatever group activity we are attempting, this game is “feature” rich and we will experience all the “features” together as an org.
7th Recon Flotilla Rules and Guidlines are subject to change as the org grows and as star citizen is developed. Any changes being made will be announced prior in the Discord.