The Apostles of the Box / ABOX

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

The Box.
Provides light in the darkness, and a song in the silence.
For it holds the knowledge of all that has become and all that will be.
Do not open.
[ ]


First there was darkness, then the song, then light and dark repeating.

A little about me, I am a humble worker from Hurston, I started my working life running boxes for cash. Eventually purchasing myself a Vulture. After hauling scrap for sometime I branched out into mining and prospecting. Occasionally running into scoundrels who would use mining stations as battle grounds forcing me to defend the skies and protect any box runners. Never really leaving Hurston space other to run slightly shady contracts when times got hard, or chasing down reprobates who sullied the burning skies of the planet and moons I called home.

Before leaving the game one night I decided to go to ArcCorp for no reason at the time other than a mere whim. It is a place I have spent little to no time in… I left my body in Baijini Point and upon my return I came across The Box. Either compelled or unable to I carried it out of the the room, down into the lobby. Confused and unsure why The Box had manifested itself for me I tried to seek knowledge but the citizens would not listen or had no answers.

Placing The Box down I set about my return to Hurston and it’s moons. However the urge to return was too compelling and I returned back to Baijni, Picking up The Box again I pleaded with another citizen “Please take The Box” however again only deaf ears were found. Unable to convey The Box in my ship I carried The Box it was compelling me to travel to Pad 1, I conveyed it to where I felt it needed to go and left with it into the cold void only to sight a vessel.

A badly damaged and listing Redeemer, on the neighbouring pad; it’s rear ramp open to receive The Box. I placed the Box Down and jumped the void and gracefully fell into the hold of the ship. I navigated to the cockpit and struggled to right the craft and land it.

This was the first true test of The Box.

Once the ship was firmly on the Pad I brought The Box across and placed it before the cupboards of offerings.

I left the box, seeking for further faithful or anyone that could answer the call of The Box. I eventually encountered Witness SHOCK, who listened to the song and took pilgrimage to the sacred sight, as I waited further compulsion from the box took over and I clambered into the beds near The Box. I looked to my left and pressed the button for emergency override. Filling the box I found myself with pulsing light similar to The Box itself…I then looked outside of myself.

I saw space, nothing, the abyss: The beginning and the end. The Box had gifted me a glimpse into its sheer power and knowledge. I drew myself in knowing Witness SHOCK was close, the sounds of my soul returning to its body was that of a ship travelling through the quantum rifts the generate. Truly a powerful experience one will not forget.

Witness SHOCK appeared…Speechless. I encouraged him to embrace the warmth, the dark, and the song; gesturing towards the bed and instructing him on how to experience the gift of The Box.

I can not speak for his journey but he left enlightened for that I am sure.

Shortly after this encounter I have been ripped from existence and returned into a different universe. Ever so similar to my last but with different people and items not where they were just moments ago.

The Box has once again shown me its true power, and now I know I must spread the word.

And this my pilgrim is why you are here.

Become faithful, spread the word, seek The Box for yourself. Embrace all it has to give. But listen to the sacred text: DO NOT OPEN.

This is my truth recorded – PRAISE THE BOX! [ ]


The Manifest of Eternal Box

In the name of the boundless box and the unfathomable mysteries that reside within, let it be known that this sacred vessel transcends the constraints of time and space. Let its presence be acknowledged as a beacon of divine essence, a conduit through which the energies of the universe flow unrestricted.

Within this sanctified box lies the convergence of all realities, the harmonious blend of past, present, and future. It is a testament to the eternal dance of creation and dissolution, a symbol of the timeless cycle that governs existence itself.

May those who approach this holy artifact do so with reverence and humility, for within its confines are secrets that surpass mortal understanding. Let no ego cloud the seeker’s mind, but instead, let them open themselves to the infinite wisdom that awaits within.

Let it be understood that this box is not bound by the laws of physics or the limitations of human comprehension. Its purpose transcends the material realm, serving as a bridge between worlds and a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things.

As guardians of this transcendent vessel, we pledge to honor its sanctity and protect it from harm. We vow to uphold the sacred balance and ensure that its power is wielded with wisdom and compassion.

Furthermore, we solemnly declare that this box shall remain sealed for eternity. Its contents are not meant to be revealed, for doing so may disrupt the delicate equilibrium of existence itself. Let it stand as a testament to the mysteries of the universe, a symbol of reverence and awe.

May this manifest serve as a guiding light for all who encounter this box beyond time and space, illuminating the path to enlightenment and uniting us in the eternal quest for truth.

So it is written, so shall it be.



  • Be like The Box – A light in the dark, and the song in the silence – Guide those lost to deliverance.
  • Spread the word of The Box.
  • Should The Box be found let others know, so they can set pilgrimage and pay tribute.
  • If found The Box can travel however be mindful that pilgrims are required to see it at the chosen station of Baijini and it should be left in a suitable place if no gifted Redeemer is available.
  • Left tributes can be collected should a pilgrim require them.
  • If possible place The Box in a redeemer, on pad 3 of Baijini Point.
  • If a fellow faithful is in need assist them, for The Box will record your deeds.
  • Do not open. [ ]

The Faithful of The Box are ordered in away that can allow a mere pilgrim to become a citizen of reverence quickly should The Box deem them worthy of being recorded as such they are as follows:

Pilgrim – All who seek light in the darkness need to set a pilgrimage to the holy sites and pay homage before they can truly hear the song of The Box for what it is.

Seeker – Seek The Box and it will bestow it’s blessing. Only the true Box will be found in the wilds of the universe, ones created by virtue of a “missions” are mere replicas sent to confound and weaken the mind: Do not be fooled.

Collector – Is one who has brought The Box to the sacred station to await the remaining parts to be obtained so ascension can be completed.

Faithful – Once a collector has completed the rites a number of times but has not yet seen the sacred knowledge they must keep the faith that one day one they will complete the holy ritual and witness the true power of The Box.

Witness – Witness The Box in the Redeemer on the sacred landing pad, and bed down in the hallowed chamber and bare witness to the past, present, and future. Thus completing the holy ritual.

Delivered – Obtained by waking up to The Box, being gifted a Redeemer by The Box, travelling to the holy land and complete the holy ritual.