Clan Acair / ACAIR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Resources


The Clan, or from the Gaelic clann primarily meaning “children” and secondarily meaning “kindred”, is a kinship group of individuals that by participating in a clan have a sense of shared identity.

Clan Acair (Acair being Scottish Gaelic for Anchor) is, as a community, built to focus on its members or clansmen. Together we play many games, games that have a strong focus on teamwork and territory ownership, with the hopes that the experiences we share help us develop a strong sense of belonging and brotherhood within the community.

Our Ethos

In our clan, it is expected of all parties, Clansmen or guests alike, to adhere to the pillars of our Ethos. In these 3 pillars, we believe that the clan can and will be well regulated to ensure a welcoming environment for all involved.

Any deviation from this ethos may result in immediate dismissal from the clan.

1. Good name or public esteem : REPUTATION
2. A keen sense of ethical conduct : INTEGRITY
3. One’s word given as a guarantee of performance

In all things, it is expected of every clansman and guest to Honor themselves and those around them. Through this, ones word has meaning, one accepts responsibility for his or her actions, and one is willing to remain true to their obligations.

1. Unswerving in allegiance

In Loyalty, Clansmen are expected to maintain absolute loyalty to their brethren in that a clansman be willing to sacrifice all for their kin. In this, we value sincerity in any and all interactions, thereby developing trust and concern among the membership.

1. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others

It is expected of all clansmen to respect their fellow members in all things, in word and action. Backbiting and general mistreatment of fellow clansmen is completely unacceptable. It is expected that by ones Honor and Loyalty to the clan, they will hold every fellow clansman in equal respect or higher respect than the respect they hold for themselves.

For any clansman who is willing to adhere to these pillars of our ethos, they will find a sense of belonging that they can find in few places. They will live every day knowing that the clan as a whole will defend and protect them when the need arises, and that they are seen for the value that they are and are treated as such. This is our promise.

