Adventure Capitalists / ACCORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

An association dedicated to the pursuit of sundry fiscal activities, engaging endeavors, skulduggery, miscellaneous acts of varying legality, and used car sales.


Est. 2012

Discord channel established 9/12/2016
Contact a board member for access


Each of us is personally responsible for ensuring that our actions comply at all times with both the spirit and letter of our corporation’s policies. Given the ever changing nature of Star Citizen, it is impossible for any corporate policy to adequately anticipate all possible scenarios wherein your actions may cause harm to the corporation. If we have any questions about the application of this corporate policy, or if we are confronted with a situation not covered by this document, we should seek council from this corporation’s board of directors. We owe it to each other to govern our own actions, and to report the actions of others when you believe that they may cause harm to the corporation.

This Corporation intends to conform to the principles of profit in every way. As near as it is possible to ascertain, it will broadly speaking, be more profitable to conform to the letter of the law and thus leave all possible landing points and services available for use. Any activities which negatively impact the legal standing of this corporation are strictly forbidden. All employees are expected to comport themselves in a manner consistent with profit to the corporation. It is expected that any employee who is unsure about the negative consequences of their actions will first ask a member of the board of directors.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.