Dreygar Industries / ADIM

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Dreygar Industries

A company founded on practicality and professionalism. Designing and manufacturing premier hardware for all your needs.

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Efficiency, Quality, Dependability.

Advanced Ground and Space based Armament. An area Dreygar Industries has been founded and expanded upon for over Seven years. A new comer on the block that is blowing away the competition, literally.

  • Ballistic weaponry ranging from small arms pistols all the way to Size 4 railguns to meet the needs and demands of most pilots in the Universe.
  • Deflector R-129™ is an in-house and patented compounded alloy used in the manufacturing of our Armor plating. A combination of lightweight and penetration resistance makes this the perfect Armor. Widely available for use in body armor but also available as ship plating1.

Cyromar™ is our Industry leading molecular nanotechnology coolant designed to make over-heated components a thing of the past. Cyromar™ is available for use in all available manufacturers cooling systems. Non-corrosive and non-volatile means your ship and systems are safe in the event of damage and exposure. Cyromar™ can keep your systems cool for up to 8 minutes in the event of a cooling system failure, giving you enough time to get to safety and shut down and await rescue.

Mia™ is our customizable and personable Integrated Ship Systems Operator. Mia™ will learn your habits and predict your actions on the fly while you still remain as the executable. Neuro-linkable technology to make the most out of your flight experience and merge the pilot and the Ship once and for all2.

1 Deflector R-129™ is only available in 2×3 meter sections due to production limitations. We do offer a mounting system to layer R-129 to cover a greater portion without sacrificing protection but at the expense of a greater cross-section radar signal as well as increased weight. For smaller ships however there is only one choice… Deflector R-129™

2 Mia™ uses Military-grade encryption keys, embedded and synced to the pilot making it impossible to break or sabotage the link. Pilot safety is #1 Priority and this system has been approved and validated by the UEE Surgeon General for safe use under Regulation 42293.QH1 section 9C of the Safe Pilot’s Act of 2471.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.