Adonar Security / ADOSEC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

We serve the greater good and the greatest good is money!


We have potected the assets of hundreds of corporations over the years. Our security forces have secured more than 250 outposts and nearly 15% of stanton’s mining operations in the private and governmental sector. In the first half of the century ADONAR SECURITY, largely responsible for the protection of many commercial trade routes, were seen as a threat to many rival organizations under the guise of market regulation, regulations that turned a blind eye to the customer demand for certain products like widdow or maze. In the years since, the corporate security forces and their allies – including veterans, black box informants, and former UEE Intelligence officers – are working to solidify rule of law and the free market. With the assistance of regional militia, we are now pursuing a plan to undermine every effort to minimize corporate profit and dominance.


Who’s asking?


Who’s asking?