Æ‎os Holdings, LLC / AEOS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Trading

“Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?”
— 1SG Daniel J. Daly, Belleau Wood, Earth, 6 June 1918


We are an adult (18+), hardcore PvP guild


We have intentionally organized ourselves in a way that enables people to have the resources of a guild that they’ll need to play the games they want, with the kind of people they want, without a strict hierarchy of ranks and rules.

Generally people who enjoy challenge and competition, whether it’s PvP or PvE, gravitate towards us. For the roleplayers out there, we align ourselves as a Chaotic Neutral guild, that steers clear from authority and holds fast to our freedom and individualism.


Originating with a small friends and family guild in SWToR, Ӕos was founded on 21 March 2012. Guild Master Pander Beers was given the original in February, and over the next three months built the guild up through careful recruiting and guild mergers in order to end up as the dominant PvP guild on the server.

More important than the skill of the gamers was the friendships that they developed. Being in a guild of close-knit, mature gamers became something we wanted to keep and grow. After the guild left SWToR as a whole, the members continued to play various gamers with each other as Ӕos began to establish itself as a multi-gaming guild moving into the future and looking ahead to Guild Wars 2.

One of the coolest events to happen in Æos occurred with our time in Guild Wars 2 – merging with Brain Dead. Ragrot and his crew decided to come play with us for Guild Wars 2, and it ended up being awesome. Brain Dead is full of hilarious and skilled gamers who mingled well with the Æos crew. Eventually, after it was all said and done, Brain Dead decided to stick around on a more permanent status.

Well Guild Wars 2 was fun while it lasted. There was something about the game, though, that didn’t keep our attention, and the guild ended up moving on after playing it for a few months. We returned back to our habit of logging into Mumble to play random games together and partake in light-hearted debauchery in 2013.


Æos opened up the Syndicate officially on January 21, 2014 during the development of Star Citizen.


In a time of economic hardship for the UEE, the government continues to step in the way of progress and refuses to lighten its oppressive grip. Rather than seeking to empower corporations across space and promote free trade, the UEE senators are only interested in lining their own pockets and use their “laws” as the whip to keep the ignorant in line.

Few corporations have seen through the lies and hope to find a sustainable competitive advantage in a time where success as a business is directly related to how close you are to the corrupt UEE government.

Æos Holdings, LLC seeks to bring back corporate success to its roots through real competition rather than leeching off of government handouts. Corporations that live as parasites living off of the exploitative UEE are no better than their hosts they call political leaders. The executives of these kinds of half-dead conglomerates will soon see how far they’ve truly fallen.


1) Don’t be a douchebag – What is a douchebag? Quite simply, it is anything you might do or say that demonstrates that you lack value as a human being. you’re encouraged to interact with the server and the game community as a while, but we have absolutely no tolerance for trolling or anything else that lowers the public image of the guild. While we don’t expect everyone in the guild to be your best friend, you must be capable of working with everyone in the guild openly and cooperatively. Detriments to the guild environment, inside or outside, will not last.

2) Demonstrate eagerness and ability to learn and improve – While we require a certain skill threshold for membership, we don’t expect perfection from day one. As a guild of (mostly) humans, we accept that mistakes happen. That being said, don’t keep making the same mistakes or ignore constructive criticism other guild members provide. You are always encouraged to talk to officers or other members of your class privately about your performance. The more proactive you are about showing your desire and ability to improve, the more favorably you will look when we are considering you for positions.

3) Interact – We want this guild to be a long-term home for all members. Hanging out with the guild on Mumble at off times, participating in outside-of-raid or warzone activities and making fun of each other with the rest of us are all good thing to do. In short, you should enjoy what you’re doing. While we play games with intensity, we try to remember that these are games, and we like to have fun with it.

4) Don’t be a bitch – When you’re playing any kind of PvP game, regardless of how good you are, whether you’re winning or losing, no matter if you think anyone is watching… don’t be a bitch. this is something along the lines of integrity. Don’t use hacks, don’t use exploits, don’t use an overlooked bug that would cause someone to watch you play and think “damn that due blows… he needs to use THAT?”. Here’s an example, using Alt-F4 to auto-close the client in DayZ and avoid dying to another gamer who just outplayed you. You weren’t watching your 6? You missed and got shot? Whatever the excuse, if you died, it’s because you got beat. Take it like an adult and don’t bitch out by trying to game the system. When you see another player use an exploit or something along those lines, you probably think “holy crap, that dude’s a dick, loser, and lame-ass”. I don’t want people associating that kind of attitude with us.

For non-guild members: If you’ve observed someone from Æos violating any of these rules, please notify Pander Beers or any officer. You can contact him on our website at www.aeosgaming.com. We take dirtying the guild name seriously.