The Church of Alvis / ALVIANS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome everyone, to the heart of our community. Please rest yourself and feel free to look around, especially on our forums at, and if you feel that we are the ones for you, then have a drink and make your way to the recruitment section.


The Church of Alvis is a guild founded in August of 2003 in Star Wars Galaxies. Since then we have spread to other games, but always maintained a connection with each other. With the release of Bioware and LucasArts’s Star Wars: The Old Republic our numbers swelled a little and we hope to bring that camaraderie and fellowship to Star Citizen. Please feel free to browse the site and let us know if you have any questions or are interested in joining.


Our aim is to get fighting drunk and beat the asses of the non-believers!


The Church of Alvis Charter

0.0 This is a charter is intended to provide a framework for the Church of Alvis for the Star Citizen Universe. It is rather light and grants broad authoritative powers to those in leadership.

0.1 This formal constitution will be put up for general ratification by the membership at large. The draft that as put up cannot be amended during the ratification vote, however that constitution can be amended after enactment based on whatever policies that constitution lays out.

0.2 This Charter is considered a living document that can change with time, and based on unique circumstances.

Guild Structure
1.1 The leader of the guild is the Archbishop.
1.1.2 The Archbishop is the Primary executive officer of the Guild and responsible for executing and enforcing guild policy as laid out by the College of Cardinals (see section 1.2)
1.1.3 The Archbishop has the power to appoint bishops(section 1.3) to carry out needed tasks for a healthy maintenance of the guild.
1.1.4 The Archbishop has the authority to make ad hoc rules to resolve a contemporary crisis which can later be overturned by a majority of the College of Cardinals (section 1.2)
1.1.5 At launch the Archbishop is Jounville Blackferne may Alvis have mercy on his non-existant soul.

1.2 The Legislative body of the guild is known as the College of Cardinals
1.2.1 The College of Cardinals is a group of elected officers who have been members for at least 6 months who collaborate on guild policy and review the work of the Bishops and Archbishop to maintain a positive guild culture and a healthy guild environment. A no-confidence vote can be called for on the Archbishop or any Cardinal by the membership of the church. This vote would be triggered by a no-confidence petition being created and signed by 25% of the church membership. A Cardinal cannot have a no-confidence vote for three months after winning a confidence vote or election. Cardinals can be forcibly removed from office by a unanimous vote by the other Cardinals and the Archbishop.
1.2.3 Cardinals appoint the Archbishops and can replace a sitting Archbishop with a supermajority vote to replace. The replacement must be named when the Archbishop is removed from office.
1.2.4 Cardinals may elect to remove a member from the rank of Bishop with a supermajority vote.
1.2.5 While an Archbishop can forcibly remove an individual for egregious behavior from the guild, that decision can be overridden by the College. In addition the ability to remove a player from the church can be decided by the College of Cardinals provided they have talked to the offending player previously and given ample time to correct the offending behavior.
1.2.6 Any alliances or treaties with other guilds must be approved by the College.
1.2.7 If a Cardinal has not logged into the game for a period of one month he can be removed from office with the consent of the other Cardinals. It is also expected that Cardinals will realize when their real lives have too much going on and need to step down for the good of the guild.

1.3 The Bureaucracy of the Church are the Bishops.
1.3.1 Bishops are appointed by the Archbishop or a majority of the College of Cardinals. Bishops do not have set terms. They however can be dismissed at anytime by the Archbishop or a majority of the College of Cardinals.
1.3.2 Bishops are assigned specific tasks or projects to help maintain the needed functions of guild leadership. These tasks include but are not limited to raid leader, pvp coordinator, crafting manager, bartender.
1.3.3 Bishops have the authority to provide ad hoc resolutions to conflicts which can only be overturned by the College of Cardinals or the Archbishop.

1.4 The main church membership rank is that of Priest
1.4.1 Priests are the rank and file of the Church. The Archbishop, College of Cardinals and Bishops are ultimately accountable to them.
1.4.3 The priest has a start date reflecting the day they created an account on the official Church of Alvis forums. This is the date used to determine eligibility to run for Cardinal.
1.4.4 If a Priest has a grievance with another player or players they have a right to have the conflict arbitrated by a Bishop, Cardinal or the Archbishop.
1.4.5 A priest cannot be removed from the guild, except in cases of egregious behavior, without review from the College of Cardinals and the Priest can expect an opportunity to defend themselves and receive an explanation as to why they are being removed.
1.4.6 A Priest may be censured by the Church and reprimanded to the rank of altarsquid if removal from the guild is not an appropriate response. If this occurs the guild start date is set to the date of the reprimand.

1.5 Initiates to the Church are known as Altarsquids.
1.5.1 Altarsquids are new members of the church with restricted rights and privileges. They are under evaluation for full membership into the Church and may be dismissed by the Archbishop, a Cardinal, or a Bishop without explanation.
1.5.2 After a period of no less than one month of active participation in game and on the official Church of Alvis forums they can be promoted to Priest. If after two months of active participation in game and on the official Church of Alvis forums they have not yet been promoted to priest, they can petition the Archbisop, a Cardinal, or a Bishop for a promotion to Priest. This promotion does not require oversight by the College of Cardinals or the membership at large.

2.0 Recruitment
2.1 All applicants to the church must register a forum account and fill out an online application within 2 days of being invited. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the Church.

3.0 Code of conduct
3.1 Don’t be an asshat. That may sound overly simple, but if the leadership thinks you are being an asshat, you will not last long here.
3.2 Expect some teasing. We like to tease one another, if you can’t laugh at yourself this will be a problem.
3.3 Alvians are expected to help one another as they can. Profit is not to be made from other Alvians.
3.4 If you are caught exploiting game bugs, you will be booted. Same goes for use of third party products or services found in violation of the terms of use.

4.0 Church Activities
4.1 Non-raiding church activities are to be scheduled at least twice per quarter.
4.2 Events will be things similar, but not restricted to, datacron crawls, PVP nights and Sith Sundays.
4.3 Church members will be notified of all Church activities via forum post at least 1 week in advance of the event.
4.4 All members of the Church holding the title of priest and above can schedule and host events.
4.5 Events will be open to all guild members. The event should be in the theme of the great Alvian Picnics in the days of old.

5.0 Guild Resources
5.1 We have a guild bank, use it.
5.2 All items within the guild bank are free to be taken and used at any time without compensation with the exception of the raid items tab.
5.3 Items within the raiding tab are materials obtained in raiding or used for raiding, and as such are expected to be used explicitly for that activity. Items may be purchased from the raid tab at 25% of the normal GTN price of the item.
5.4 All money put into the guild bank will be used for future guild amenities such as more guild bank tabs, a guild capital ship (if they ever exist), guild raid repairs, and other similar guild-wide benefits.

6.0 Miscellaneous details surrounding the process
6.1 A majority is defined as 50%+1. If a larger majority is needed a threshold will need to be explicitly defined.
6.2 A supermajority is defined as 50%+1 of the College of Cardinals.
6.2 Amendments to this charter after ratification require supermajority approval from the College of Cardinals followed by a ratification vote lasting seven days where the amendment passes with 2/3rd+1 of the vote total. For ratification votes Altarsquids are not eligible to vote.