Low Durability / ALWAYSLAST

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

This space left empty.


Created by a core of both hardcore and casual players with more years than we can count in the MMO/RPG Genre. There probably isn’t a title out there that we haven’t played.

We’re always on the lookout for the next great game and often playing multiple titles at any given time.

We are very laid back and like to have fun, joke around and just plain take it easy. I must warn any potential applicants that a degree of thick skin is a must for the simple fact that voice-comms and chat can get “interesting” at times.

We do ask that all applicants be 18+ years old and have Discord (and a voice to go with it). We all know that age isn’t a definitive measure of maturity, so we give everyone the benefit of the doubt and just assume that they know how to act like decent human beings.

We don’t really have ‘hours of operation’ per se because our members are from all over the Country. However, our events (scheduled raids, etc) will likely take place in the evenings Pacific Time M-F and anytime we’re feeling the itch on the Weekends.

Our gaming style at this point is fairly casual but we are extremely competitive in both pvp and pve. We can easily accomplish what more “hardcore” guilds can because of our experience, attitude, and efficiency. If you want to be competitive, but don’t want to play a game as a second job, then you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you join us for our adventures in a single title or plan to stick around for the long term, we hope that you have fun while you’re here!

*Server region & rulesets:
North America


Hello there prospective member!

I just wanted to take the time to make sure you understand what you’re signing up for!

Some of us can be a little “silly” at times. We like to make jokes. These jokes run the entire spectrum of the “comedy rainbow”.

Pretty much the only sacred thing to us is family and personal life. We’re all grown adults, some of us with family and children and professional careers. This is where we draw the line. Our on-line persona’s are not a carbon-copy of our personal lives, our social interaction in the “real world”, or our professional lives.

The bottom line is, we use the internet and gaming as an escape from being normal. And while we respect each other immensely, we also like to muck about and get dirty at times too.

We look forward to meeting you and hope you have a good time while you’re here.



I will never give up no matter what the situation.
I will give value in return for value.
I will provide for those who are dependent upon me.
I will not be a burden on others or expect others to provide for me.
I will exchange strong, moral values openly and freely.
I will work hard and encourage hard work in others.
I will develop my mind, body and spirit to realize my full potential and assist others in the same quest.
I will continue to learn and be willing to teach others what I know without restraint.
I will not judge people by their appearance but by the content of their character, usefulness of their intellect and rightness of their actions.
I will treat others the way I want to be treated.
I will not live in fear nor will I be afraid.