Astra Militaris / AMIL

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Fortitude In Adversity! It is not only our organizational foundation, but also our way of living and interacting with members and allies. A place for family, friends, and citizens from all over to feel welcome”



The year was 2550 and The Advocacy was in the midst of the era of director Messer.

Those were dark times for one of the UEE’s most elite entities, things had made a turn for the worse
and The Advocacy made a 180 degree turn from its original purpose, which was to handle the legal and
law enforcement duties of the Empire, this under humanitarian and legal boundaries set in place by the
UEE. See, The Advocacy was meant to be an inter-system police force that received its commands from the
High Advocate, again making it a lawful trusted entity within the UEE. One its citizens could feel protected by.
One that was there to stand up and fight for those who could not fight for themselves.

That turn, again during the mandate of director Messer, transformed The Advocacy into what could be best
described as a personal secret police. Answering only to Messer. They handled intelligence, espionage and
were the subject of many horror stories among citizens of the entire empire. As a matter of fact, records
show that the extent of their actions are still unknown as of today. Assassinations, torture of “terrorists”,
and people not agreeing with Messer’s methods were activities rumored to be the norm in those days. A total contrast to
the values and people behind the values that spearheaded the UEE.

Within the ranks of The Advocacy in the middle of the Messer era, Commander Adam Degrifter, head of the intelligence branch started to feel ashamed of the colors he was wearing, and what they had turned to: The private army and intelligence tool of a maniacal, homicidal despot, and decided to change the tide of things by taking matters into his own hands …

Commander Degrifter found others within The Advocacy’s intelligence community that he could trust: Captain Richard Brinson and Major Kyle Sutherland were also tired of being part of the problem within the agency and conspired together to start a movement that would change things forever. That is when the idea of Astra Militaris was conceived

2551 saw the birth of Astra Militaris, a small group of The Advocacy’s best agents and leaders looking to pick up the torch that the once great agency had dropped under the Messer era. This idea evolved and was nurtured by brilliant minds that decided to join the movement, so that when Imperator Messer fell on that celebrated day of October 19 2552 Astra Militaris stepped triumphantly into the spotlight. A fully fledged, incredibly seasoned, and well led group of citizens that morphed into a trusted and appreciated organization that now works in tandem with The Advocacy and other entities within the UEE rule to keep law and order within all its systems.

Astra Militaris is an Organization that focuses mainly on assisting other Organizations and UEE entities to maintain the balance of the Empire. The organization achieves this successfully by leaning on, and trusting in, its vast resources, not only regarding her fleet – But also of the good people willing to achieve her goals. Remember that the core values of Astra Militaris are built over the foundations and ideals of a glorious organization that was once led astray, and those values shine when it comes to how Astra handles her operations.

Exploration, Industrial projects, and corporate endeavors are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Astra Militaris and its influence within the UEE. It also boasts a seasoned group of pilots, marines, and crewmen that are part of an incredible fighting force dedicated to support and secure all aspects of the organization’s assets. And something that Astra Militaris has learned well: The value of secrecy and keeping things close to the chest of a trusted group of high ranking individuals within the Organization. This is the legacy that The Advocacy imprinted upon our ranks, one that now fuels our drive to make the UEE a safer place.

To be a part of Astra Militaris you first have to understand that you are not stepping into an ordinary organization. You are now a part of history within the UEE, and you are expected to act accordingly. We are a lawful entity that thrives on supporting The Empire and its efforts to step back into the hearts and minds of its citizens after the Messer era. The UEE is now fixated on making amends for the atrocities it committed for years under this facist totalitarian. We understand that the UEE is a mixture of everything, there are good citizens and there are bad people, and every combination in between. This entire universe has experienced politiciansm idealist do-gooders, palm greasers, and crusader heroes that think they can make things better on their own.

That’s where we jump in! Our ideals are cooperation, loyalty, and, our driving motto, “fortitude in adversity”, The UEE has seen enough adversity as it is! We aim to change that and as such, We will assist all of those good citizens in need, starting with individuals and encompassing all parties ranging from the small crews to the large organizations so that they canachieve their goals within the UEE empire, as long as those goals abideby, and adhere to, UEE standards. We are strongly against piracy, outlaws, terrorists, and those who harass and intimidate the weak or indefensible. We will dedicate our efforts and assets to the eradication of those threats if they pose any danger to our clients or allies. That being said, Astra Militaris is not the UEE’s police force, we consider ourselves part of a bigger picture, and we understand that, as well as the impact we can have within the UEE. As such we leave general policing to others as mentioned before so that we can focus on our clients, allies, and contracts issued to us by the UEE.

Thank you very much for considering Astra Militaris as your new home away from home, and for trusting us with your business. We will thrive to deliver unfaltering dedication, expertise, and positive results to all our members, clients, and allies.

“Fortitude In Adversity!” as our founding fathers echoed within the halls of The Advocacy when Astra Militaris was created.

Fly safe citizens!



Astra Militaris is a lawful organization within the commands and tenets of the UEE and it handles itself as such. We are very much against piracy, outlaws, and any harassment of illicit behavior against our clients, allies and citizens within the UEE mandate. We have a wide array of interests that go from trading, passing through exploration all the way to military intelligence and security. We provide such services to our clients to the best of our abilities and only if those clients abide by UEE rules.


-Must have a working headset and microphone. We will make an effort to accommodate Deaf and HoH members if you are not able to meet this requirement.

-Must join our dedicated Discord server as it is our main tool of communication. Link: (DISCORD)

-Must adhere Astra Militaris and its mandates. Any illicit activity while being a member of the organization will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion.

-We are looking for mature and dedicated people. 18+ members are our core base but every case when it comes to joining the organization will be analyzed individually.

-We do not tolerate bullying, drama or disrespect within our ranks. EVERYONE is welcome and is part of our family. We do not discriminate against religion, sexual preference, race or nationality. As long as you treat your brothers and sisters with respect you will have a home in Astra Militaris.

In return, we offer a welcoming and safe space in which you can learn, grow and help your fellow members, our clients and allies. Our leadership team is more than willing to provide a helping hand, and honest advice if needed. We are all players and citizens within the ‘verse like you. We also understand that real life comes first and you are not obligated to be online and participate in organization activities all the time. Just drop a message to one of our officers within the Discord server to let us all know you will be absent for some time and you are all set.

Thanks again for your interest in Astra Militaris!
Fly safe!



Our mission within the UEE empire:

-To provide professional and reliable services to our members, allies and friends, This within UEE laws and mandate, while being an agent of change and advancement for the UEE.

Our Vision:

-To have a safe and nurturing environment for all, in which we all can grow and have fun within Star Citizen. While at the same time achieve our individual goals and help Astra Militaris in the process.

Our Goals As An Organization:

-Excel at every aspect of our jobs.
-To be a trusted organization within the ‘verse. This by letting our actions speak louder than our words. And building a reputation we all can stand strong with.
-To be a commanding presence in every aspect of Star Citizen’s universe: Providing safety to our miners so they can achieve their goals and hit their profit margins. To stand next to our scouts and explorers as they proudly plant our banners in every system that is part of the UEE. To fight along our allies and clients, to ensure the safety of their assets and to destroy any and all opposition to their efforts, as long as those efforts fall under the watchful eye of the UEE empire.

Astra Militaris Command Structure:

We are an organization that believes in structure and purpose, and following that belief, we have a very detailed chain of command. That rewards dedication and character. We want to have the best from our community leading us forward and will help our members reach those positions. Our leadership has a military background and that is reflected in our rank system and roles within the organization.

Roles And Ranks In Astra Militaris:

-Joint Chief of Staff
-Non Commissioned Officers