Angels of Stanton / ANGELSOS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Medical
  • Social

Our Mission: We are dedicated to saving and mentoring players across the verse.

Our Motto: Deliver those that are drawn towards death and show them the path of life.

Connect with us here: Discord




Angels of Stanton Charter
  • Version 1.1

I. Preamble

  • We, the members of Angels of Stanton, hereby establish and adopt this charter to govern the operations and objectives of our organization within the Star Citizen universe. Committed to providing medical response services, we pledge to uphold the principles outlined in this document.

II. Mission Statement

  • The primary mission of Angels of Stanton is to save and mentor players across the Star Citizen universe through the use of medical response teams that will provide swift and effective medical treatment in the face of emergent situations. Our commitment is to save lives and ensure the well-being of our fellow citizens. Regardless of their affiliation, we pledge to render aid to all in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and humility in the vast reaches of space.

III. Core Values

  • Humility: We will remain confident in our capabilities and never allow pride or arrogance to destroy ourselves.
  • Integrity: Regardless of who is watching us, we will walk a path of virtue and maintain the highest ethical standards in everything we do.
  • Resilience: In the ever-changing universe of Star Citizen, we will stand ready to face new challenges and adversity.

IV. Membership Requirements

  • Medical Expertise: All members must strive for excellence in medical knowledge to ensure the success of our medical response missions.
  • Flight Training: All members must undergo basic flight training in order to facilitate swift and efficient medical response times.
  • Combat Training: All members must undergo basic combat training in order to be able to defend themselves and their teammates in hostile environments.

V. Affiliation and Merger Policy

  • We are open to cooperation and joint operations. However, we will not allow ourselves to completely merge with another organization for the following reasons:
  • > Focus: Angels of Stanton is dedicated to its unique mission, and a permanent merger may dilute our focus and compromise our ability to fulfill our objectives.
  • > Unity: Merging with external organizations may introduce conflicting interests and jeopardize the unity and cohesion of our team.
  • > Security: Maintaining the security and confidentiality of our operations is paramount. Merging with external entities could compromise sensitive information and undermine our effectiveness.

VI. Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes or disagreements among members will be addressed through a transparent and fair process, with the ultimate goal of preserving the unity and effectiveness of Angels of Stanton.

VII. Amendments to the Charter

  • This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of active administrators, ensuring that the organization remains adaptable to evolving circumstances.

VIII. Ratification

  • This charter shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of founding members and shall take effect immediately upon approval.
  • Date of Ratification: 12/19/2023
  • Founders’ Signature:
  • X__SPARTAN7274
  • X__Krank90
  • X__November
  • X__Connor_Chandler
  • X__SnekMachina