Animus Nocendi / ANINOC

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Piracy


The subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences.

We are those dark thoughts you have when you look at your others ships, cargo & gear… but its never stopped us.


Imprisoned for thirteen years for a crime he did not commit Le’Count was liberated from his imprisonment during his transfer for execution by drunken Vanguard Warden pilot B3nny trying to dispose of his ex wife before she could testify against him. The two immediately struck up a friendship based on the loose morals and hate of the intergalactic justice system….. Ten years later the two now head a criminal organization without peer.

Taking contracts from anywhere & anyone they have amassing an ever increasing amount of disposable ships and trade goods they will use to take out your competitor in that asteroid field, that trader undercutting you….or maybe you need those signal towers knocked out to smuggle something through a high security system. Hell it could be as simple as you don’t like someone in your organization but you can destroy his shiny constellation without attracting unwanted attention.

No job is too dirty…..No act is too low…….Nothing is sacred….. The ends always justify the means.

We are still writing our history with the actions we make and the ships we break… watch this space because the reality is always stranger than the fiction.


Base your actions on profit and hilarity
Inspire fear throughout the galaxy
Grief when profitable

Create chaos
Undermine the law
Never hesitate
Take without remorse
Show no mercy


Steal from the stupid, always loyal to Within

No job is too dirty
No act is too low
Nothing is sacred

The ends always justify the means….