Purple Belly Antagonists / ANTAGONIST

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

citizenTHORN’s official stream team & mutual aid crew.

We support each other and create “value added gaming” for the Star Citizen community.

People are not your greatest resource……..The RIGHT people are.


Purple Belly Antagonists (ANTAGONIST) was originally created by citizenThorn to support RP & PVP ops with various streamers and organizations with a focus on creating “value added gaming” for the Star Citizen community.

The name was inspired by the protagonist vs antagonist relationship between two characters in storytelling. Purple represents justice and is a nod to the Firefly / Serenity series were the derogatory term for Alliance soldiers was “Purple Bellies”.


We create “value added gaming’ through team play, provide mutual aid support for our loyal members and the larger Star Citizen community.


Our long term goals are to build an organization where the sun never sets. To always have someone in game to provide guidance and mutual aid to our membership 24/7.