Aramco / ARAMCO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Engineering

Welcome to Aramco, Where Energy is Opportunity.

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Today at ARAMCO we routinely prospect for new quantanium or hydrogen deposits, conduct mining and resource extraction expeditions, and contract internally for the security of these missions. To ensure the safety of trade routes and our vast operations, we also conduct bounty hunting missions to remove the system of any malicious individuals. Our teams always head out together, and we take the time to make sure new employees are brought up to speed through training sessions.


On Earth, Sol, upon the commencement of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the domineering oil and gas company Saudi ARAMCO fell under great business stress. Having removed several of its expatriate employees, crucial workers, such as pipeline engineer Syed Badruddoza, the company was making major losses. Making the most of the new opportunity Mr. Miguel Oyongdon Mifunu, colloquially referred to by his team as “Mr. Moseby’‘, took over the administrative tasks of managing the company.

Under the leadership of Mr. Moseby the company began to expand its scope as an energy production conglomerate. In accordance with this effort Mr. Moseby took the company public, officially ending the conglomerate’s ties to the Saudi Government. The organization made a hard pivot into more renewable, efficient, and lasting sources of energy. Unlike the previously limited fossil fuel derived products the company began investing in solar energy, utilizing the empty space and direct sunlight of the Rub Al’ Khali desert to create the largest known solar farm on the planet Earth circa 2042. Coast lines across the middle east were also fitted to generate tidal power and wind farms. All the while, the company would still maintain its capacity for creating oil wells and extracting raw material from the deserts and shoreline as well, expanding projects overseas.

Utilizing the new capital and considerable profit margins Mr. Moseby pushed the company to develop new energy technology focusing primarily on development of hydrogen fuel refinement and processing in 2060. After the founding of Roberts Space Industries, a partnership was struck between RSI and ARAMCO such that refineries could be repurposed and directed to the production of hydrogen fuel. With the aid of RSI’s visionary scientists, especially Dr. Scott Childress, the inventor of the Quantum Drive. and the talented engineers at ARAMCO, new fuel technologies were developed on Earth allowing hydrogen to become a mainstay power source for space flight and commercial ventures. This partnership combined with the discovery of new valuable mineral deposits in asteroids encouraged Mr. Moseby and the new Aramco to begin investing in zero gravity mining equipment particularly for the obtainment and refinement of quantanium in the 2080s. The company was also one of the first to join the effort of terraforming Mars in 2120 and utilizing the experience they had in the middle east to transform the Martian desert into profitable opportunities for solar farms and resource extraction, much like the original founders. of Aramco had done in the 1930s.

By the age of 85, more than 25 years exceeding the typical required retirement age of the company, Mr. Moseby stepped down as company president leaving behind a great legacy. The company had begun to develop into one of the forerunners of the spatial resource and energy market. Since his passing, every acting CEO of ARAMCO has taken on the honorary title in ceremony of Mr. Moseby to honor the legacy left by the first’s work. After 900 years, ARAMCO now owns the majority of the hydrogen and a fair share of the quantanium market. They are beginning to hold the capacity to hold their own interstellar endeavors for resource and fuel gathering beyond what has been discovered, independent of the UEE governmental corps. The megacorporation is now exploring new options and ensuring its place as an energy behemoth among the systems in an effort to match the industrial output the likes of ArcCorp, Hurston, or microTech have been able to achieve after planetary-scale projects began in the recent decades.


Although no confirmations have been provided, media leaks from the confidential project files of ARAMCO’s planning and engineering departments have suggested they may be leaning back into their history of renewable energy. While they have been setting up solar, wind, and tidal energy farms on newly colonized and terraformed planets these leaks suggest something much bigger in scope. Drawing on all their experience working with explosive hydrogen, high energy quantanium, and reflective/absorptive solar panels it seems that the new ARAMCO is in progress of developing dyson sphere technology and hoping to harvest energy from outlying stars.


We are currently under the stewardship of the following board members and executives, each of whom oversee the various facets of ARAMCO:

Title %% Cmdr.
CEO %% Contrail
CIO %% Datastreak
CTO %% GrandeBurrito
COO %% GreaterWalrus
CMO %% Kazoo

Although busy, they are free to contact should any issues arise at the discord.


Our Objectives

With Aramco being at the forefront of interstellar energy production and transportation, we primarily focus on ensuring our day-to-day operations are unhindered. We routinely prospect for new quantanium or hydrogen deposits, conduct mining and resource extraction expeditions, and contract internally for the security of these missions. Our space force, deriving from our air force which was trained and built by the British RAF, consists of an elite squadron of pilots ready to defend our company’s values and property. Being a conglomerate we also partake in any legal business the board deems worthwhile in an effort to preserve the empire our predecessors have built.

Our Values

The words of our 2022 company charter resound even today, 926 years later:

Our behavior is what defines us – as a company, as employees, as people. Everything we do is anchored by our corporate values: citizenship, safety, accountability, excellence and integrity. By living our values and sound business practices, we consistently achieve high levels of performance and efficiency – delivering value not only for our company, but for our customers, partners and the communities in which we operate.

We can encompass our values into these 5 key tenets which every Aramcon must follow.


At Aramco, excellence translates into all aspects of our workplace. It is our personal and group commitment to doing what we do well. We drive for best results and are agile in addressing new challenges.

As a business, we drive excellence by setting challenging goals, rewarding top performance, committing ourselves to developing our people, encouraging innovation, creativity and diversity of thought, and fostering teamwork and open communication.


Safety is an integral part of Aramco’s culture. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful working environment for all with the appropriate safety procedures and policies in place onsite and within the community.

We define safety as protecting ourselves, protecting others and protecting our future.


The integrity of business at Aramco is based on the ethical standards of our employees in our everyday operations. Integrity is a precious asset, it is our reputation and the foundation of corporate integrity is personal integrity.

We treat people with fairness and respect, we embrace diversity and accept differences and we do not tolerate misconduct.


No matter where in the world we are conducting business, it is important to be known as a good corporate citizen and to be a positive influence within communities. As a global company in Arabia, we take this role seriously.

We define citizenship as acting as a catalyst for economic growth, demonstrating social responsibility, supporting our communities and serving as role models in building solid relationships with our customers and partners.


Accountability means all employees at Aramco take responsibility for their actions in meeting corporate objectives. Accountability for achieving the company’s overarching business objectives starts with the goals and objectives outlined by the president & CEO for the company’s business lines, and pervades through the entire company.

Our employees place authority where responsibility lies, deliver on commitments and seek and provide constructive feedback.


Vehicle Inventory

The board of ARAMCO, and by proxy the shareholders, have chartered the executives and their operations to utilize the following vehicles in their day-to-day business. This list is not comprehensive, but stands to provide context for the potential employee or shareholder.

General/Multi Purpose

Ship | Quantity
Anvil Aerospace Pisces | 1
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black | 1
Roberts Space Industries Constellation Andromeda | 1
Crusader Industries Mercury Star Runner (MSR) | 1
Anvil Aerospace Carrack | 1
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly | 2


Ship | Quantity
Musashi Industrial Prospector | 1
Robert Space Industries Ursa Rover | 2


Ship | Quantity
Aegis Dynamics Redeemer | 1
Anvil Aerospace Arrow | 2
Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Sentinel | 2
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan | 4

Executive Transport

Ship | Quantity
Origin Jumpworks 100i | 1

Our Code, Our Conduct

Our Code of Business Conduct applies to the employees (often referred to as “we”, “us” or
“you” in this Code), directors, and contract employees of Saudi Aramco, its subsidiaries
and controlled affiliates (the “Company”). It outlines fundamental standards of legal and
ethical behavior. We expect that anyone doing business with the Company or acting on its
behalf will follow these principles.

The purpose of Our Code of Business Conduct is to help us fulfill the ethical commitments
we have made to each other, our Company, our stakeholders, and ourselves. The Code
does not and could not address every possible ethical or legal situation. We provide many
more detailed policies and procedures to guide you in those situations.

Protect yourself and our Company by always doing the right thing and using the Code and
our Values to act as your guide. A violation of the Code may result in negative
consequences, up to and including termination and even legal action against you or us.
By behaving legally, ethically, and responsibly, we can all play a part in upholding our
reputation around the world.

Speak up

We rely on people in every part of our business to speak up about issues and concerns to
improve our operations and act with integrity. People who come forward with concerns
play an important role in maintaining our ethical workplace. You are expected to report
suspected violations of the law, policies, and the Code.

To encourage an open, candid culture, we offer several channels for you to ask questions and speak up:
  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Another member of Management
  • Personnel
  • Compliance
  • Internal Auditing
  • Business Ethics
  • Corporate Security
  • The Hotline


Regardless of the channel you use to speak up, we are committed to addressing the issue

The Company will not tolerate retaliation or discrimination against any person for raising a
genuine concern or assisting in an investigation.

Retaliation can take many forms, including threats, intimidation, harassment, bullying,
humiliation, negatively changing work responsibilities or conditions, or raising issues
against someone maliciously or in bad faith. Anyone found to have engaged in retaliation
is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

If you feel you have been retaliated against for raising an issue or concern and feel that you
cannot raise this issue through other reporting channels, please contact the Hotline.

Our responsibilities as employees

Each of us has a responsibility to:

  • Read, understand and follow Our Code of Business Conduct
  • Know the laws and policies that apply to us and follow them
  • Ask questions if we are not sure about the right thing to do
  • Report situations that we believe violate the Code
  • Cooperate with any investigation of potential violations of the Code, law, or regulation.

Safety and Environment

We are committed to providing a safe workplace. We are also committed to protecting the
environment and promoting safety in the communities where we operate. We strive to
conserve natural resources and minimize the environmental footprint of our activities.

To do your part in keeping each of us safe:
  • Follow all safety, environment, and emergency preparedness standards that apply
    to you and your job
  • Stop your work or the work of others if you see an immediate safety threat
  • Report any actual or potential health, safety or environmental issues immediately
    to your supervisor and any others designated at your facility – never assume that
    someone else has already reported it