The Arcanum Exchange / ARCEX

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

“Everything has value.”


Established in 2948 by our ever illusive Founder, the exchange was forged upon a millennia of profiteering, trade agreements and collated knowledge. As a collective, we share a common interest for profit and collection – regardless of it’s expense. Conjured from the deepest depths of the Nyx system, our whereabouts are unknown and ever-changing; only to be discovered by those with the deepest of pockets; or the will to master the art of that which we hold most sacred.


Our aim is to provide the universe with a range of exotic materials and goods; how those materials are acquired however is none of your concern…

As a syndicate, our primary objective is to serve the exchange in whatever way we can. Operating primarily out of our Banu Merchantman, our grand collection of exotic goods and materials will ensure that all who come upon our home are never left wanting for more.

The great part about The Exchange however, is that despite this unanimous motive, our rank system is specifically designed to cater to each and every individual profession – all of which have a value to the exchange and it’s primary function. Regardless of your skillset, there is a place to learn and grow in the exchange for you!

Have a knack for killing people? The Exchange is always in need of a skilled fighting force to forward it’s expansion! Would you rather spend your days exploring the stars and charting new and unfound riches? Knowledge is the foundation upon which our exchange was built! Everything will in some way contribute towards The Exchange’s ability to fulfil it’s true purpose – accumulate untold wealth!


Should you be deemed worthy of The Exchange, there are a few things to note;

We are a friend group that has accumulated over the course of many years. The syndicate itself may not be the largest but, we value the quality of quantity.

We are UK based, operating in the GMT time zone but welcome anyone. We are quite the social bunch, with ages ranging between 20-26. As such, we would love it if you’d drop by our Discord and say hello if you think that ‘The Exchange’ and the community associated would be for you! It is there that you can find more information about ‘The Exchange’ but, also get involved in the community discussions, events and planning!

We also offer varying levels of advice and training depending on the skillsets that we ourselves are proficient at, with further opportunities to grow and practice your ability in your chosen field.

We look forward to seeing you in the verse’!