Archangel Carrier Fleet / ARCHFLEET

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

A Spacecraft Carrier Fleet to provide security for other orgs, for anti-piracy ops, and to aid the UEE as needed. To finance our fleet, we will have internal freight, trade, mining, intel and science ops. Our goal is to acquire two full Carrier Groups, one with a Bengal and one with a Pegasus.


The goal of the Archangel Carrier Fleet is to bring peace, prosperity, stability, fulfillment and an ideal gaming experience to all players in the Star Citizen Universe to the best of our ability. Join us in this worthy endeavor, and we will gladly reward you with honor, victory, a considerable salary of EEC, the ship and profession of your choice, and the best Star Citizen experience the Universe has to offer.

We are forming a complete Navy that will be independent of yet allied with the UEE, known as the Archangel Carrier Fleet (ACF). The primary benefits of joining our organization will be a gin-up bonus of a free ship and regular pay for warfighters. Those who generate resource to maintain the Archangel Carrier Fleet will have robust and dedicated protection from the fleet at all times, in exchange for a small percentage of their income. All ships will also benefit from all of the other services that can be provided by any and all of the other ships in the fleet, with miners receiving the most comprehensive information possible about the locations of the most valuable resources, freighters being provided with full-time escorts to all of the most dangerous sectors, intel gathering specialists having stealth back-up on standby, and all fighter and bomber wings knowing that they can call down the most powerful fire supporter in the universe on-demand. Everyone will benefit from being a member of a time.

The hours that Fleet members are asked to contribute will be very reasonable. We will operate in 4 hour shifts, one week per month. We will provide you with your own ship for your profession of choice (or the equivalent value in EEC if you already have the ship you want), but by joining you will agree to help pay for the ships of future recruits with a small portion of the income that we as a fleet makes on a weekly basis.

Pay will be based on rank, and rank will be based on performance, not time in service. However, those who join first and help build the seven fleets will also command the fleets, so long as they are willing and able to do so, as a reward for their service. However, compensation for the Fleet Commanders will not be extravagant, probably no more than 3 times the wages for a new recruit. One our transportation, mining, information, exploration, and colonization businesses are up and running, the financial rewards for all of the Fleet’s sailors, marines and servicemembers should be quite substantial. The greatest reward of all for being a member of our team will be sharing in our fleet’s victory over our adversaries. We will be the best ally that honorable players could hope for, and a pirate or a vanduul’s worst enemy. All Fleet Members who own a Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, Destroyer, etc. when they join the Fleet will remain the commanders of their ship and will be awarded the rank of Lietenant Colonel, with pay equal to 250% of other recruits. If another player is promoted above the owner of the ship, as a reward for exceptional merit, accomplishements and valor, then the owner and then new commander will command the ship together as “co-Consuls”, and they will have to agree on how the ship will be commanded. In most cases, this will probably mean that the two players will take turns commanding the ship in shifts. Since a ship will need to be operated 24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, there may be as many as a dozen commanders of a ship who all have different command shifts and different crews. In any case, the owner of the ship will remain the owner of the ship, and whoever is promoted to command the ship must ultimately comply with both the orders of the Fleet Commander and the wishes of the Owner of the Ship, so all three of these players must be in agreement on how the ship will be employed to accomplish the Fleet’s mission while also accomplishing the goals and wishes of the Ship’s owner. A Ship’s owner may leave the fleet at any time and take their ship with them, but the crew may decide to remain in the Fleet and leave the ship if they want to. No mutinies against the SHip’s owner will be permitted though. If they wish to leave the Fleet, and they have not betrayed the Fleet, then they are free to go at any time.

All members of the fleet will contribute 10% of their weekly income to a pool. This pool will be used to expand and maintain the fleet. Our income and expenditures will be made available to all members of the fleet, for their inspection, and shown to potential members as a recruiting tool. Once our fleet has grown to the desired size, including two Spacecraft Carrier Battle Groups, one with a Bengal as the Flagship and the other with a Pegasus, we will stop expanding the fleet and re-direct 10% of the fleet’s income to the warfighters, as pay for their services.

We will build the Archangel Command Fleet and the Vulcan Mining Fleet first, and then expand to form the other fleets afterwards.

Leadership: The Commander is Archangel. He will remain the commander for the duration of his life, and he will name a successor. He will ultimately determine the overall Fleet strategy, give orders to the each of the Battle and Support Groups and appoint the Commanders of each of those Groups. However, all Battle Group Commanders will be asked to discuss and cast their votes on every major policy issue and operation, and we will not establish a policy or engage in an operation without majority support from all of the Battle Group Commanders, a majority of the Ship Commanders, and a Majority of the Pilots. Archangel will propose and amend policies until majority support from the Fleet is secured, and then we will act in agreement as one united Fleet. All pilots and ship owners and commanders may propose policies and operations, or changes to the Fleet structure and composition, and Archangel will carefully consider these proposals and ideas before formulating a strategy and operational orders for the Fleet, which he will then propose to the Fleet, with the goal of bringing victory to the Fleet while also managing the Fleet in a way that earns the consent of the governed and accomplishes the general will of the Fleet.

Archangel has real military experience. He served two tours of duty in combat. He is especially interested in appointing Battle Group Commanders who also have real-world military experience. If you have experience leading forces in combat and you either own a ship or would like to co-command a ship with a ship owner, please contact us and we will gladly promote you to a position that is worthy of your experience and capabilities.

I urge all Archangel Fleet Members to take this mission very seriously. This is not just a game. It is a simulation of our actually future in space. As we act out this simulation, the United States is establishing a real Space Force. This is not a coincidence. Learn everything you can from this simulation, and then apply what you have learned in the service of your nation and with the goal of securing peace, prosperity and freedom for all mankind in the real world.

Our Ultimate Fleet Strength Goals are as follows:

Archangel Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Space Dominance, Naval Warfare, Rear Guard, Fire Support, Fleet Command Headquarters)

1 x Bengal Carrier (The Archangel)
1 x Battleships
2 x Javelin Destroyers
2 x Idris Frigates
3 x Polaris Corvettes
2 x Starlifters
4 x Hammerheads
6 x Redeemers
30 x Superhornets
20 Origin 85x
5 x Hornet Trackers
15 x Retaliators
30 x Sabres
20 x Eclipses
15 x Harbingers
20 x Wardens
7 x Sentinels
8 x Hoplites w/ Marines
2 x Endeavors
2 x Carracks
1 x Origin 890

Ares Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Expeditionary, Amphibious, Planetary Assault, Intel, Exploration, Special Operations, Flanking Maneuvers)

1 x Pegasus Escort Carrier
1 x Cruiser
1 x Javelin Destroyers
1 x Idris Frigates
2 x Polaris Corvettes
3 x Starlifters
5 x Hammerheads
3 x Redeemers
20 x Superhornets
10 x Origin 85x
10 x Harbingers
10 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
4 x Hoplites w/ Marines
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Retaliators
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
1 x Endeavor
1 x Jump 890
1 x Carrack

Atlas Planetary Assault and Boarding Force

7 x Vanguard Hoplites, each with a 6 Man Marine Strike Team
4 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
7 x Starlifters
5 x Redeemers
5 x Prowlers
2 x Hammerheads
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Super Hornets
5 x Harbingers
3 x Eclipses
2 x Sabers
1 x Pioneer
12 x Nox
8 x Nova Tanks
5 x Cyclone AA
5 x Ursa Rovers
1 x Hull E
1 x Apollo Medivac

Apollo Fleet Support Group

2 x Hull E
2 x Hull B
4 x Apollo Triage
2 x Cutlas Red
5 x Starfarer
3 x Pioneer
8 x Crucible
4 x Heralds
8 x Reclaimers
4 x Endeavors
3 x Constellation Aguilars
3 x Carrack
8 x Wardens

Crypteia Special Operations, Intelligence, Infiltration and Stealth Force

1 x Javelins
10 x Heralds
8 x Sentinels
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
5 x Hornet Trackers
5 x Mustang Betas
3 x Freelancer Durs
5 x Carrack
5 x Endeavors
5 x Redeemers
5 x Vanguard Hoplites
4 x Harbingers
4 x Wardens
4 x Prowlers
10 x Nox
3 x Pioneers
1 x Starfarer
1 x Hull A
1 x Cruiser
2 x Polaris
3 x Carracks
1 x Jump 890

Vulcan Mining Support Group

30 x Orions
20 x Prospectors
5 x Pioneers
3 x Hull E’s
2 x Herlands
2 x Mustang Betas
1 x Freelancer Durs
1 X Constellation Aguilar
3 x Endeavors
10 x Dragonflies
4 x Cyclones
2 x Starlifters
1 x Prowlers
8 x Super Hornets
8 x Wardens
4 x Origin 85x
3 x Hornet Trackers
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
3 x Hammerheads
4 x Harbingers

Hermes Transportation and Trade Support Group

25 x Hull Es
15 x Hull Bs
5 x Caterpillars
4 x Heralds
15 x Starfarers
4 x Freelancers
20 x Superhornets
20 x Sabers
8 x Hornet Trackers
8 x Hammerheads
8 x Wardens
4 x Eclipses
4 x Retaliators
4 x Harbingers
1 x Javelin and 1 Cruiser
3 x Polaris
2 x Jump 890
2 x Carrack

Ceres Colonization and Agricultural Support Group

1 x Battleship (Ceres Group’s Command Vessel)
12 x Pioneers
24 Endeavors
12 x Hull Bs
12 x Prowlers
36 x Nova Tanks
36 x Cyclone AAs
12 x Ursa Rovers
12 x Dragonlies
12 x Prospectors
4 x Apollo Triage
12 x Idris
12 x Polaris
24 x Hammerheads
72 x Superhornet
36 Origin 85x
24 Harbingers
12 x Hornet Trackers
12 x Retaliators
12 x Carracks
12 x Heralds
12 x Wardens
24 x Hoplites

Note: The Ceres Colonization Support Group will be divided into 12 Detachments. Each of which will colonize a planet and create a base of operations for agriculture, trade, research and mining operations. Each Ceres detachment will engage in Agriculture and Research on each planet, and mining on a small scale, while transportation, trade, security and larger scale mining operations will be conducted by the other fleets. If Star Citizen allows players to control cruisers, then a Cruise will be stationed above each planet and will conduct security and anti-piracy operations throughout that planet’s solar system. Otherwise,

The composition of these Battle and Support groups will change and adapt to the needs of the Fleet and the demands of the Star Citizens Universe. We will be starting with a much smaller fleet than this, but as soon as possible, we will form a formidable main fleet and immediately begin establishing detachments that will explore the universe, establish colonies on the most suitable planets, begin researching the potential of the systems we discover, initiate mining operations wherever valuable resources can be found, establish farms and manufacturing facilities, and develop trade and shipping routes, all of which will be protected by the main Battle Group. These detachments will gradually grow into relatively autonomous Support Groups with their own internal defense forces, and a second Expeditionary Battle Group will be established. The other aforementioned Battle and Support groups will follow. At the first opportunity, we will capture or repair a Spacecraft Carrier and make it our Flagship, until then, we will most likely use a Javelin as our base of operations, but we will constantly prepare for the day when the we have the opportunity to bring a Carrier into our Fleet, and when that day comes, we will be trained, prepared and equipped to seize it and defend it against all potential adversaries, so long as we can do so without compromising our principles, which are even more valuable to us than our ships. That is what sets us apart from the pirates and the Vanduul.


The goal of the Archangel Carrier Fleet is to bring peace, prosperity, stability, fulfillment and an ideal gaming experience to all players in the Star Citizen Universe to the best of our ability. Join us in this worthy endeavor, and we will gladly reward you with honor, victory, a considerable salary of EEC, the ship and profession of your choice, and the best Star Citizen experience the Universe has to offer.

We are forming a complete Navy that will be independent of yet allied with the UEE, known as the Archangel Carrier Fleet (ACF). The primary benefits of joining our organization will be a gin-up bonus of a free ship and regular pay for warfighters. Those who generate resource to maintain the Archangel Carrier Fleet will have robust and dedicated protection from the fleet at all times, in exchange for a small percentage of their income. All ships will also benefit from all of the other services that can be provided by any and all of the other ships in the fleet, with miners receiving the most comprehensive information possible about the locations of the most valuable resources, freighters being provided with full-time escorts to all of the most dangerous sectors, intel gathering specialists having stealth back-up on standby, and all fighter and bomber wings knowing that they can call down the most powerful fire supporter in the universe on-demand. Everyone will benefit from being a member of a time.

The hours that Fleet members are asked to contribute will be very reasonable. We will operate in 4 hour shifts, one week per month. We will provide you with your own ship for your profession of choice (or the equivalent value in EEC if you already have the ship you want), but by joining you will agree to help pay for the ships of future recruits with a small portion of the income that we as a fleet makes on a weekly basis.

Pay will be based on rank, and rank will be based on performance, not time in service. However, those who join first and help build the seven fleets will also command the fleets, so long as they are willing and able to do so, as a reward for their service. However, compensation for the Fleet Commanders will not be extravagant, probably no more than 3 times the wages for a new recruit. One our transportation, mining, information, exploration, and colonization businesses are up and running, the financial rewards for all of the Fleet’s sailors, marines and servicemembers should be quite substantial. The greatest reward of all for being a member of our team will be sharing in our fleet’s victory over our adversaries. We will be the best ally that honorable players could hope for, and a pirate or a vanduul’s worst enemy. All Fleet Members who own a Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, Destroyer, etc. when they join the Fleet will remain the commanders of their ship and will be awarded the rank of Lietenant Colonel, with pay equal to 250% of other recruits. If another player is promoted above the owner of the ship, as a reward for exceptional merit, accomplishements and valor, then the owner and then new commander will command the ship together as “co-Consuls”, and they will have to agree on how the ship will be commanded. In most cases, this will probably mean that the two players will take turns commanding the ship in shifts. Since a ship will need to be operated 24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, there may be as many as a dozen commanders of a ship who all have different command shifts and different crews. In any case, the owner of the ship will remain the owner of the ship, and whoever is promoted to command the ship must ultimately comply with both the orders of the Fleet Commander and the wishes of the Owner of the Ship, so all three of these players must be in agreement on how the ship will be employed to accomplish the Fleet’s mission while also accomplishing the goals and wishes of the Ship’s owner. A Ship’s owner may leave the fleet at any time and take their ship with them, but the crew may decide to remain in the Fleet and leave the ship if they want to. No mutinies against the SHip’s owner will be permitted though. If they wish to leave the Fleet, and they have not betrayed the Fleet, then they are free to go at any time.

All members of the fleet will contribute 10% of their weekly income to a pool. This pool will be used to expand and maintain the fleet. Our income and expenditures will be made available to all members of the fleet, for their inspection, and shown to potential members as a recruiting tool. Once our fleet has grown to the desired size, including two Spacecraft Carrier Battle Groups, one with a Bengal as the Flagship and the other with a Pegasus, we will stop expanding the fleet and re-direct 10% of the fleet’s income to the warfighters, as pay for their services.

We will build the Archangel Command Fleet and the Vulcan Mining Fleet first, and then expand to form the other fleets afterwards.

Leadership: The Commander is Archangel. He will remain the commander for the duration of his life, and he will name a successor. He will ultimately determine the overall Fleet strategy, give orders to the each of the Battle and Support Groups and appoint the Commanders of each of those Groups. However, all Battle Group Commanders will be asked to discuss and cast their votes on every major policy issue and operation, and we will not establish a policy or engage in an operation without majority support from all of the Battle Group Commanders, a majority of the Ship Commanders, and a Majority of the Pilots. Archangel will propose and amend policies until majority support from the Fleet is secured, and then we will act in agreement as one united Fleet. All pilots and ship owners and commanders may propose policies and operations, or changes to the Fleet structure and composition, and Archangel will carefully consider these proposals and ideas before formulating a strategy and operational orders for the Fleet, which he will then propose to the Fleet, with the goal of bringing victory to the Fleet while also managing the Fleet in a way that earns the consent of the governed and accomplishes the general will of the Fleet.

Archangel has real military experience. He served two tours of duty in combat. He is especially interested in appointing Battle Group Commanders who also have real-world military experience. If you have experience leading forces in combat and you either own a ship or would like to co-command a ship with a ship owner, please contact us and we will gladly promote you to a position that is worthy of your experience and capabilities.

I urge all Archangel Fleet Members to take this mission very seriously. This is not just a game. It is a simulation of our actually future in space. As we act out this simulation, the United States is establishing a real Space Force. This is not a coincidence. Learn everything you can from this simulation, and then apply what you have learned in the service of your nation and with the goal of securing peace, prosperity and freedom for all mankind in the real world.

Our Ultimate Fleet Strength Goals are as follows:

Archangel Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Space Dominance, Naval Warfare, Rear Guard, Fire Support, Fleet Command Headquarters)

1 x Bengal Carrier (The Archangel)
1 x Battleships
2 x Javelin Destroyers
2 x Idris Frigates
3 x Polaris Corvettes
2 x Starlifters
4 x Hammerheads
6 x Redeemers
30 x Superhornets
20 Origin 85x
5 x Hornet Trackers
15 x Retaliators
30 x Sabres
20 x Eclipses
15 x Harbingers
20 x Wardens
7 x Sentinels
8 x Hoplites w/ Marines
2 x Endeavors
2 x Carracks
1 x Origin 890

Ares Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Expeditionary, Amphibious, Planetary Assault, Intel, Exploration, Special Operations, Flanking Maneuvers)

1 x Pegasus Escort Carrier
1 x Cruiser
1 x Javelin Destroyers
1 x Idris Frigates
2 x Polaris Corvettes
3 x Starlifters
5 x Hammerheads
3 x Redeemers
20 x Superhornets
10 x Origin 85x
10 x Harbingers
10 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
4 x Hoplites w/ Marines
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Retaliators
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
1 x Endeavor
1 x Jump 890
1 x Carrack

Atlas Planetary Assault and Boarding Force

7 x Vanguard Hoplites, each with a 6 Man Marine Strike Team
4 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
7 x Starlifters
5 x Redeemers
5 x Prowlers
2 x Hammerheads
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Super Hornets
5 x Harbingers
3 x Eclipses
2 x Sabers
1 x Pioneer
12 x Nox
8 x Nova Tanks
5 x Cyclone AA
5 x Ursa Rovers
1 x Hull E
1 x Apollo Medivac

Apollo Fleet Support Group

2 x Hull E
2 x Hull B
4 x Apollo Triage
2 x Cutlas Red
5 x Starfarer
3 x Pioneer
8 x Crucible
4 x Heralds
8 x Reclaimers
4 x Endeavors
3 x Constellation Aguilars
3 x Carrack
8 x Wardens

Crypteia Special Operations, Intelligence, Infiltration and Stealth Force

1 x Javelins
10 x Heralds
8 x Sentinels
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
5 x Hornet Trackers
5 x Mustang Betas
3 x Freelancer Durs
5 x Carrack
5 x Endeavors
5 x Redeemers
5 x Vanguard Hoplites
4 x Harbingers
4 x Wardens
4 x Prowlers
10 x Nox
3 x Pioneers
1 x Starfarer
1 x Hull A
1 x Cruiser
2 x Polaris
3 x Carracks
1 x Jump 890

Vulcan Mining Support Group

30 x Orions
20 x Prospectors
5 x Pioneers
3 x Hull E’s
2 x Herlands
2 x Mustang Betas
1 x Freelancer Durs
1 X Constellation Aguilar
3 x Endeavors
10 x Dragonflies
4 x Cyclones
2 x Starlifters
1 x Prowlers
8 x Super Hornets
8 x Wardens
4 x Origin 85x
3 x Hornet Trackers
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
3 x Hammerheads
4 x Harbingers

Hermes Transportation and Trade Support Group

25 x Hull Es
15 x Hull Bs
5 x Caterpillars
4 x Heralds
15 x Starfarers
4 x Freelancers
20 x Superhornets
20 x Sabers
8 x Hornet Trackers
8 x Hammerheads
8 x Wardens
4 x Eclipses
4 x Retaliators
4 x Harbingers
1 x Javelin and 1 Cruiser
3 x Polaris
2 x Jump 890
2 x Carrack

Ceres Colonization and Agricultural Support Group

1 x Battleship (Ceres Group’s Command Vessel)
12 x Pioneers
24 Endeavors
12 x Hull Bs
12 x Prowlers
36 x Nova Tanks
36 x Cyclone AAs
12 x Ursa Rovers
12 x Dragonlies
12 x Prospectors
4 x Apollo Triage
12 x Idris
12 x Polaris
24 x Hammerheads
72 x Superhornet
36 Origin 85x
24 Harbingers
12 x Hornet Trackers
12 x Retaliators
12 x Carracks
12 x Heralds
12 x Wardens
24 x Hoplites

Note: The Ceres Colonization Support Group will be divided into 12 Detachments. Each of which will colonize a planet and create a base of operations for agriculture, trade, research and mining operations. Each Ceres detachment will engage in Agriculture and Research on each planet, and mining on a small scale, while transportation, trade, security and larger scale mining operations will be conducted by the other fleets. If Star Citizen allows players to control cruisers, then a Cruise will be stationed above each planet and will conduct security and anti-piracy operations throughout that planet’s solar system. Otherwise,

The composition of these Battle and Support groups will change and adapt to the needs of the Fleet and the demands of the Star Citizens Universe. We will be starting with a much smaller fleet than this, but as soon as possible, we will form a formidable main fleet and immediately begin establishing detachments that will explore the universe, establish colonies on the most suitable planets, begin researching the potential of the systems we discover, initiate mining operations wherever valuable resources can be found, establish farms and manufacturing facilities, and develop trade and shipping routes, all of which will be protected by the main Battle Group. These detachments will gradually grow into relatively autonomous Support Groups with their own internal defense forces, and a second Expeditionary Battle Group will be established. The other aforementioned Battle and Support groups will follow. At the first opportunity, we will capture or repair a Spacecraft Carrier and make it our Flagship, until then, we will most likely use a Javelin as our base of operations, but we will constantly prepare for the day when the we have the opportunity to bring a Carrier into our Fleet, and when that day comes, we will be trained, prepared and equipped to seize it and defend it against all potential adversaries, so long as we can do so without compromising our principles, which are even more valuable to us than our ships. That is what sets us apart from the pirates and the Vanduul.


The goal of the Archangel Carrier Fleet is to bring peace, prosperity, stability, fulfillment and an ideal gaming experience to all players in the Star Citizen Universe to the best of our ability. Join us in this worthy endeavor, and we will gladly reward you with honor, victory, a considerable salary of EEC, the ship and profession of your choice, and the best Star Citizen experience the Universe has to offer.

We are forming a complete Navy that will be independent of yet allied with the UEE, known as the Archangel Carrier Fleet (ACF). The primary benefits of joining our organization will be a gin-up bonus of a free ship and regular pay for warfighters. Those who generate resource to maintain the Archangel Carrier Fleet will have robust and dedicated protection from the fleet at all times, in exchange for a small percentage of their income. All ships will also benefit from all of the other services that can be provided by any and all of the other ships in the fleet, with miners receiving the most comprehensive information possible about the locations of the most valuable resources, freighters being provided with full-time escorts to all of the most dangerous sectors, intel gathering specialists having stealth back-up on standby, and all fighter and bomber wings knowing that they can call down the most powerful fire supporter in the universe on-demand. Everyone will benefit from being a member of a time.

The hours that Fleet members are asked to contribute will be very reasonable. We will operate in 4 hour shifts, one week per month. We will provide you with your own ship for your profession of choice (or the equivalent value in EEC if you already have the ship you want), but by joining you will agree to help pay for the ships of future recruits with a small portion of the income that we as a fleet makes on a weekly basis.

Pay will be based on rank, and rank will be based on performance, not time in service. However, those who join first and help build the seven fleets will also command the fleets, so long as they are willing and able to do so, as a reward for their service. However, compensation for the Fleet Commanders will not be extravagant, probably no more than 3 times the wages for a new recruit. One our transportation, mining, information, exploration, and colonization businesses are up and running, the financial rewards for all of the Fleet’s sailors, marines and servicemembers should be quite substantial. The greatest reward of all for being a member of our team will be sharing in our fleet’s victory over our adversaries. We will be the best ally that honorable players could hope for, and a pirate or a vanduul’s worst enemy. All Fleet Members who own a Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, Destroyer, etc. when they join the Fleet will remain the commanders of their ship and will be awarded the rank of Lietenant Colonel, with pay equal to 250% of other recruits. If another player is promoted above the owner of the ship, as a reward for exceptional merit, accomplishements and valor, then the owner and then new commander will command the ship together as “co-Consuls”, and they will have to agree on how the ship will be commanded. In most cases, this will probably mean that the two players will take turns commanding the ship in shifts. Since a ship will need to be operated 24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, there may be as many as a dozen commanders of a ship who all have different command shifts and different crews. In any case, the owner of the ship will remain the owner of the ship, and whoever is promoted to command the ship must ultimately comply with both the orders of the Fleet Commander and the wishes of the Owner of the Ship, so all three of these players must be in agreement on how the ship will be employed to accomplish the Fleet’s mission while also accomplishing the goals and wishes of the Ship’s owner. A Ship’s owner may leave the fleet at any time and take their ship with them, but the crew may decide to remain in the Fleet and leave the ship if they want to. No mutinies against the SHip’s owner will be permitted though. If they wish to leave the Fleet, and they have not betrayed the Fleet, then they are free to go at any time.

All members of the fleet will contribute 10% of their weekly income to a pool. This pool will be used to expand and maintain the fleet. Our income and expenditures will be made available to all members of the fleet, for their inspection, and shown to potential members as a recruiting tool. Once our fleet has grown to the desired size, including two Spacecraft Carrier Battle Groups, one with a Bengal as the Flagship and the other with a Pegasus, we will stop expanding the fleet and re-direct 10% of the fleet’s income to the warfighters, as pay for their services.

We will build the Archangel Command Fleet and the Vulcan Mining Fleet first, and then expand to form the other fleets afterwards.

Leadership: The Commander is Archangel. He will remain the commander for the duration of his life, and he will name a successor. He will ultimately determine the overall Fleet strategy, give orders to the each of the Battle and Support Groups and appoint the Commanders of each of those Groups. However, all Battle Group Commanders will be asked to discuss and cast their votes on every major policy issue and operation, and we will not establish a policy or engage in an operation without majority support from all of the Battle Group Commanders, a majority of the Ship Commanders, and a Majority of the Pilots. Archangel will propose and amend policies until majority support from the Fleet is secured, and then we will act in agreement as one united Fleet. All pilots and ship owners and commanders may propose policies and operations, or changes to the Fleet structure and composition, and Archangel will carefully consider these proposals and ideas before formulating a strategy and operational orders for the Fleet, which he will then propose to the Fleet, with the goal of bringing victory to the Fleet while also managing the Fleet in a way that earns the consent of the governed and accomplishes the general will of the Fleet.

Archangel has real military experience. He served two tours of duty in combat. He is especially interested in appointing Battle Group Commanders who also have real-world military experience. If you have experience leading forces in combat and you either own a ship or would like to co-command a ship with a ship owner, please contact us and we will gladly promote you to a position that is worthy of your experience and capabilities.

I urge all Archangel Fleet Members to take this mission very seriously. This is not just a game. It is a simulation of our actually future in space. As we act out this simulation, the United States is establishing a real Space Force. This is not a coincidence. Learn everything you can from this simulation, and then apply what you have learned in the service of your nation and with the goal of securing peace, prosperity and freedom for all mankind in the real world.

Our Ultimate Fleet Strength Goals are as follows:

Archangel Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Space Dominance, Naval Warfare, Rear Guard, Fire Support, Fleet Command Headquarters)

1 x Bengal Carrier (The Archangel)
1 x Battleships
2 x Javelin Destroyers
2 x Idris Frigates
3 x Polaris Corvettes
2 x Starlifters
4 x Hammerheads
6 x Redeemers
30 x Superhornets
20 Origin 85x
5 x Hornet Trackers
15 x Retaliators
30 x Sabres
20 x Eclipses
15 x Harbingers
20 x Wardens
7 x Sentinels
8 x Hoplites w/ Marines
2 x Endeavors
2 x Carracks
1 x Origin 890

Ares Carrier Battle Group (Mission: Expeditionary, Amphibious, Planetary Assault, Intel, Exploration, Special Operations, Flanking Maneuvers)

1 x Pegasus Escort Carrier
1 x Cruiser
1 x Javelin Destroyers
1 x Idris Frigates
2 x Polaris Corvettes
3 x Starlifters
5 x Hammerheads
3 x Redeemers
20 x Superhornets
10 x Origin 85x
10 x Harbingers
10 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
4 x Hoplites w/ Marines
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Retaliators
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
1 x Endeavor
1 x Jump 890
1 x Carrack

Atlas Planetary Assault and Boarding Force

7 x Vanguard Hoplites, each with a 6 Man Marine Strike Team
4 x Wardens
4 x Sentinels
7 x Starlifters
5 x Redeemers
5 x Prowlers
2 x Hammerheads
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
5 x Hornet Trackers
10 x Super Hornets
5 x Harbingers
3 x Eclipses
2 x Sabers
1 x Pioneer
12 x Nox
8 x Nova Tanks
5 x Cyclone AA
5 x Ursa Rovers
1 x Hull E
1 x Apollo Medivac

Apollo Fleet Support Group

2 x Hull E
2 x Hull B
4 x Apollo Triage
2 x Cutlas Red
5 x Starfarer
3 x Pioneer
8 x Crucible
4 x Heralds
8 x Reclaimers
4 x Endeavors
3 x Constellation Aguilars
3 x Carrack
8 x Wardens

Crypteia Special Operations, Intelligence, Infiltration and Stealth Force

1 x Javelins
10 x Heralds
8 x Sentinels
20 x Sabres
10 x Eclipses
5 x Hornet Trackers
5 x Mustang Betas
3 x Freelancer Durs
5 x Carrack
5 x Endeavors
5 x Redeemers
5 x Vanguard Hoplites
4 x Harbingers
4 x Wardens
4 x Prowlers
10 x Nox
3 x Pioneers
1 x Starfarer
1 x Hull A
1 x Cruiser
2 x Polaris
3 x Carracks
1 x Jump 890

Vulcan Mining Support Group

30 x Orions
20 x Prospectors
5 x Pioneers
3 x Hull E’s
2 x Herlands
2 x Mustang Betas
1 x Freelancer Durs
1 X Constellation Aguilar
3 x Endeavors
10 x Dragonflies
4 x Cyclones
2 x Starlifters
1 x Prowlers
8 x Super Hornets
8 x Wardens
4 x Origin 85x
3 x Hornet Trackers
1 x Idris
2 x Polaris
3 x Hammerheads
4 x Harbingers

Hermes Transportation and Trade Support Group

25 x Hull Es
15 x Hull Bs
5 x Caterpillars
4 x Heralds
15 x Starfarers
4 x Freelancers
20 x Superhornets
20 x Sabers
8 x Hornet Trackers
8 x Hammerheads
8 x Wardens
4 x Eclipses
4 x Retaliators
4 x Harbingers
1 x Javelin and 1 Cruiser
3 x Polaris
2 x Jump 890
2 x Carrack

Ceres Colonization and Agricultural Support Group

1 x Battleship (Ceres Group’s Command Vessel)
12 x Pioneers
24 Endeavors
12 x Hull Bs
12 x Prowlers
36 x Nova Tanks
36 x Cyclone AAs
12 x Ursa Rovers
12 x Dragonlies
12 x Prospectors
4 x Apollo Triage
12 x Idris
12 x Polaris
24 x Hammerheads
72 x Superhornet
36 Origin 85x
24 Harbingers
12 x Hornet Trackers
12 x Retaliators
12 x Carracks
12 x Heralds
12 x Wardens
24 x Hoplites

Note: The Ceres Colonization Support Group will be divided into 12 Detachments. Each of which will colonize a planet and create a base of operations for agriculture, trade, research and mining operations. Each Ceres detachment will engage in Agriculture and Research on each planet, and mining on a small scale, while transportation, trade, security and larger scale mining operations will be conducted by the other fleets. If Star Citizen allows players to control cruisers, then a Cruise will be stationed above each planet and will conduct security and anti-piracy operations throughout that planet’s solar system. Otherwise,

The composition of these Battle and Support groups will change and adapt to the needs of the Fleet and the demands of the Star Citizens Universe. We will be starting with a much smaller fleet than this, but as soon as possible, we will form a formidable main fleet and immediately begin establishing detachments that will explore the universe, establish colonies on the most suitable planets, begin researching the potential of the systems we discover, initiate mining operations wherever valuable resources can be found, establish farms and manufacturing facilities, and develop trade and shipping routes, all of which will be protected by the main Battle Group. These detachments will gradually grow into relatively autonomous Support Groups with their own internal defense forces, and a second Expeditionary Battle Group will be established. The other aforementioned Battle and Support groups will follow. At the first opportunity, we will capture or repair a Spacecraft Carrier and make it our Flagship, until then, we will most likely use a Javelin as our base of operations, but we will constantly prepare for the day when the we have the opportunity to bring a Carrier into our Fleet, and when that day comes, we will be trained, prepared and equipped to seize it and defend it against all potential adversaries, so long as we can do so without compromising our principles, which are even more valuable to us than our ships. That is what sets us apart from the pirates and the Vanduul.