The Legion / ARKABLGNS

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Welcome to the Arkab Legions! We are an extremely casual group of players looking to explore all facets of Star Citizen with our primary emphasis being on fun. Visit our homepage at or send your questions to


…Out Of The Darkness Like The Stars In The Night Sky…

There is a flicker caught in the distance but then still. Was it a trick of the eyes caused by my long travels … No!!! The erupting balls of energy caressing my shields and violently jarring my ship tell me it is all too real. I’ve come all this way to cover the war with the Tevarin fully aware of the dangers, but how could my journey end so soon? Turning the ship over in an attempt to evade my pursuers I curse to myself, “This sector was supposed to be secured from the Tevarin!” Then suddenly I catch the silhouette of a ship and the realization of my predicament hits me… Pirates!!!. Fear reverberates in my ears with every pounding heartbeat and I ask myself, “ What do I do?!” With my panic reaching it’s zenith I watch in total disbelief as the pirate ships erupt into utter oblivion. Then I see them, out of the darkness like stars in the night sky, the Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii. Fear gives way to relief then enthusiasm, my journey to cover a great war story has just begun…

The above excerpt is from the book My Travels With the Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii written by the famous War Correspondent Rexes Corbek. In his book Corbek details his adventures with Arkab Legions during the begining of the First Tevarin War. The popularity of this book gave the Arkab Legions notable exposure, which would help their future endeavors through the coming centuries.

Arkab Legions LLC has gone through many changes over the last four centuries since it’s origination as the mercenary group known as Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii. In that time span it has gone from being a small Merc unit to a full scale Galactic Corporation. Were does it go from here, and what will it achieve… In this vast Cosmos only time will tell.

Timeline History of Arkab Legions LLC

2539: Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii
  • As a result of large scale piracy around Beta Sagittarii, mercenaries are hired to deal with the ever growing problem. For the next two years the different mercenary units will consolidate and eventually form the Arkab Legions.
2541: Tevarin first contact and the First Tevarin War
  • At the beginning of the war the UPE was pulled thin deploying units both to Elysium to fight the war and close to Terra to dissuade any Xi’An actions. Do to this the Arkab Legions were initially hired by several sectors to help fill the gaps in security left by the missing UPE presence. Because of the reputation of their effectiveness the UPE eventually contracted the Arkab Legions to directly help in the war effort.
    • Officially the Arkab Legions were contracted for security details at Military Instillations and supply line protection. However, there were rumors that the UPE secretly contracted the Arkab Legions for Spec Ops missions that the UPE could not be linked too.
  • Following after the war the Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii shifted from being a conglomerate of mercenaries to a fully incorporated security firm notable for providing transport security.
    • It was at this time that Arkab Legions became the sole security provider for the transportation giant “McFinley’s & Sons”.
2603 -2610: The Second Tevarin War
  • In the Second Tevarin War, like the first, the UPE was stretched thin sending forces to deal with the Tevarin while at the same time reinforcing it’s borders around the Xi’An Empire. During the course of the seven years of war Arkab Legions expanded exponentially, gaining large security contracts with several sectors as well as with the UPE itself.
    • Allegation of Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii performing covert missions for the UPE resurfaced during the course of the second war.
2613: Arkab Legions LLC
  • During the war transportation giant McFinley’s & Sons enjoyed very large and lucrative contracts with the UPE. At the beginning of 2610, expecting the war to last another two years, McFinley’s & Sons aggressively expanded their operation. However, the war ended several months later and military contracts were drying up. This left McFinley’s & Sons owing a large debt, and after running three years in the red they no longer could afford to continue. With the assets they had gained from the war, Arkab Legions of Beta Sagittarii was able to pay off the debt and buy out McFinley’s & Sons. With their new acquisition, the company reorganized into Arkab Legions LLC and expanded into transportation and exploration market.
2639: Centennial
  • A century after several mercenary groups consolidated to fight off pirates around Beta Sagittarii, Arkab Legions LLC were well established in the privet security and transportation markets. Also at this time their exploration department was starting to turn a profit by finding several planets for the company to broker for terraforming and colonization. They also obtained the mineral right to several rich asteroid fields that they leased to mining operations. During this time they were also able to acquire several smaller transportation and security companies.
    • The hostile takeover of these smaller companies led many of Arkab Legions’ competitors to question their business practices.
2678: Miners’ Rebellion
  • Up until this point Arkab Legions leased it’s mineral rights to mining companies while providing security and transport. As time went on Arkab Legions was able to acquire several small mining companies that went bankrupt and continue their operation as subsidiaries. By 2674 Arkab Legions LLC consolidated these subsidiaries into itself and started full scale mining operations. With their own mining interest starting, Arkab Legions stopped renewing the leases to the other mining corporations. In December of 2677 the last least expired, however many of the companies refused to abandon their operations. This led to a six month standoff with the miners and the Arakab Legions’ security force. The standoff eventually ended in a small battle, the minors tried to hold their ground against the Arkab Legions’ highly trained security force, but were completely defeated in less than two hours.
    • In the six months leading up to the battle, Arkab Legions LLC bought several news organizations and marketing companies. Many believe that this was done to control the public opinion of the incident. Arkab, on the other hand, has always maintained that the buyouts were completely unrelated.
2681: Vanduul
  • First incidents with the Vanduul begin.
    • Like both Tevarin Wars, there are rumors that the UEE had contracted Arkab Legions for Spec Op missions pertaining to the Vanduul. Both the UEE and Arkab Legions have never confirmed or denied such rumors.
    • In later years there were also rumors the UEE contracted the Arkab Legions for privateer missions against the Vanduul, but both parties have denied such accusations.

To Be Continued


“As we gaze upon the Great Vastness, we bear witness to a glorious and prosperous legacy that shall be laid before the Universe. Sailing the Cosmic Expanse, we venture forth with intrepidity, piercing the Veil of Darkness, and bringing forth the Light of Civilization. For we, the Human Race, are so entrusted with Manifest Destiny.” ~ Pagan Ferrous

We here at the Arkab Legions LLC take this philosophy to heart when serving YOU, our client, with all the necessities required for interstellar expansion. With over 350 years of experience, our company will provide the most effective solutions you will require with an incomparable professionalism you deserve.

Arkab Legions LLC provides all the solutions our customers may require for:
  • Terraforming
  • Colonization
  • Mining
  • Exploration
  • Trading
  • Transportation
To that extent the services we provide are, but not limited too:
  • Interstellar Exploration:
    • Our professional explores locate and inspect new systems for:
      • Planets for colonization
      • Planets for Terraforming
      • Both planets and asteroids for potential mining
    • Our team also investigates, plots, and navigates new jump points
  • Colonization:
    • Provides planetary mapping and surveying
    • Terraforming
    • Construction (through one of our Subsidiaries)
    • Provide support for infrastructure logistics
    • Marketing support (gaining citizens needed for a new colony requires proper advertisement)
  • Transportation:
    • In conjunction with both our Exploration Department and our Security Department, provides the safest and most effective transport lanes
    • Provides both passenger and cargo transport
    • Provides interstellar trading options among multiple systems
  • Security:
    • Planet side security providing:
      • Municipal security
      • Personal security
      • Private military support (done both in-house and through subsidiaries)
    • Off-planet security providing:
      • Convoy protection
      • System based defense
      • Transport lane patrol
      • Search and Rescue operations
  • Research & Development:
    • R&D is always pushing forward the advancement of the ‘Human Condition’ with everything from new terraforming & mining techniques to the latest medical & military technology. We strive to expand the horizons of human development.

For more information or to set up an appointment with one of our consultants, please contact your local Arkab Legions’ branch office.

Looking for employment opportunities, all our departments are eager for new talent. Send your resume and credentials to our Human Resource Department today.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.