ARK United Security / ARKSECURE

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

“Advance, Protect, Unite”
“A finger can be broken. A fist cannot”

We provide security wherever, and whenever. We travel from planet to planet offering our protection, or a death sentence.

Any questions? send us an email at:


Ark United Security files: History:—open—

-Founded by Malnius Arkoth

ARK United Security was founded in the year 2896. Its primary years were dedicated to defending R.S.I’s research and development buildings, as well as various ship building docks and yards. After about 30 years of service with R.S.I and Anno Tech (Our weapons manufacturer) we have spread to countless other companies and private corporations offering our services in return for payment. We have grown very successful in the past years and continue to grow. Our history shows we have had our fill of experience and we strive to succeed wherever we are needed in the galaxy.

Anno Tech Industries (Custom Weapons Manufacturer)()

“Advance, Protect, Unite”

Ark United Security files: History:Founder:—open—

Malnius Arkoth: Our founder was raised in a military family, his father was a high ranking corporal in the U.E.E and his mother a military nurse. As a boy Malnius was quick, smart, and very disciplined, therefore allowing him to conquer any challenge he faced. He did extremely well in the U.E.E academies as a teen and transferred to flight school. After graduating flight school with a near perfect record he became a renowned pilot in the U.E.E completing many successful flights and operations.

Malnius however broke away from the U.E.E by Dis-honorable Discharge. He was sent on a mission to route enemies away from U.E.E ships so that the U.E.E ships may escape (it was a suicide mission). The U.E.E considered him disposable as well as his squadron. The mission failed allowing the enemy to Flank/destroy 2 U.E.E ships, his squadron was killed, yet Malnius managed to escape the fray. He returned to his command to be thought a “Deserter”. He was Dis-honorably Discharged in 2892.

After 4 years his old military wins allowed him to gather followers, and then investors. He built up his private military and sought to create his own defense against the galaxy for others to utilize, saying “I defend the people, while the U.E.E defends only themselves”


Ark United Security files:Manifesto:—open—


ARK United Security strives to provide a strong and reliable defense against the terrors of the galaxy.
(for payment of course)

Once a contract is set we will do everything we can to make sure our customer’s ships and merchandise stay completely safe.

Until the contract is completed, we will risk our lives to protect our customers and their property.

We will travel any distance with players to protect their ships and cargo

Bounty Hunting:

ARK United Security also provides bounty hunting. We have trained bounty hunters that will do your bidding, however our bounty hunters may charge a higher price depending on the contract set.

Other Professions

Ark United Security wishes to hold and deliver all types of roles in the persistent universe, be it mining, transportation, or anything!


Ark United Security files:Charter/Rules:—open—


1 . We defend only the good, therefore no negotiations will take place between us and pirates/bandits

2 . Once a contract is set it must be followed through (Unless it is in-humane or changes from the time it was set)

3 . Enemy eject pods shall not be destroyed unless it is necessary

4 . Every member or Ark United Security will follow commands for the sake of the squadron
(During missions)

4 .Everyone has the ability to accept work outside of Ark United Security(Ex. Exploring/Trading/mining/ect.)

5.When planning missions everyone will have a say.

6. Teamwork is priority!!

7. Outside of missions, everyone is considered equal. (rank or no rank)


1. Do what you need to do

2. When called upon by your squadron you must make it your priority to join them, unless its not possible

3. Bounty hunting is secondary to Security contracts