ArmamentGroup Interspatial / ARMAGI

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Armagroup Interspacial, Inc. Is a Private Military Corporation that specializes in Freelance operations for planets within the Stanton System, primarily catering towards Hurston Dynamics and her constituters. ARMAGI, also works in Exploration both passive and escort determined, contact us today!


2954: ARMAGI has begun operations in 2954 after establishing ties with Hurston Dynamics in her efforts to defend sites and communications relays being exploited by pirate groups in-system, ARMAGI, founded by Veteran Entrepreneur Richard ‘Dick’ Hielson is now looking for contractors to join up for exploration across the Stanton System in the name of any who call our name, with the aUEC to boot.

2954-1: ARMAGI Head of Contracting, Richard ‘Dick’ Hielson has handed over the management of the company to a board of trusted Contractors and Consultants, as he’s headed out to undertake missions for the organization and work within the field alongside new blood.


ARMAGI, ArmamentGroup Interspatial, Inc. Is a Private Military Contracting organization that operates within Stanton, our prerogative is to assist clientele with Freelance Requests in combat fields and exploration to places peaceful or otherwise, ARMAGI stands to execute mission orders swiftly and professionally, minimizing accidents and keeping group cohesion to a higher standard than any other, our specialties can assist any corporation or private investor who needs something on the battlespace done, or needs to get from Point A to Point B.

ARMAGI, Inc. Is not responsible nor to be held accountable for any unwanted casualties or accidental mishaps that may occur on mission detail, responsibility falls onto the clientele accordingly.


As an independent contractor for ARMAGI, you are responsible for your actions within the field, act upon the orders of those superior in rank to you when in the field, and remember the professional standards you are held up to, seek private documentation from an ARMAGI Consultant for further information into infringements and consequences of ill-mattered actions; all Charter Rules are to be kept private, (otherwise than basic responsibilities), from the public eye.