Armadillo Galactic / ARMDG

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Onward, through the Cosmos!


Armadillo Galactic was founded in 2944 as a sizable fleet funded with a mysteriously obtained undisclosed amount of wartime credits, by an ex-UEE soldier descendant of musicians and Old Earth nomadic Bikers who based operations from the Armadillo World Headquarters in Austin, Texas, old Earth. “The Armadillo” as it was called was a both famous and infamous outlaw hangout, known for drawing the greatest musical talents from the furthest regions of the planet.

Armadillo Galactic continues in this intrepid tradition as a business wing of the Texas Space Navy. Everyone has a voice and shares in the profits. Check out the manifesto and recruitment page for more information.

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
Sic Itur Ad Astra


A freelancing corporate organization operating as a business wing of the Texas Space Navy, our members determine our course of action and share in the profits.

Bounty Hunting
High Risk Mercantile
Refining and Fueling
VIP Transport
Stellar Observation and charting
Orbital Medical, Farming and Research
Component Overclocking

Armadillo Galactic is an ethical organization which values honor and integrity, and does not engage in piracy, slavery, or thievery. However, our ethics may not always coincide with the more draconian viewpoints of some systems of government… We believe it is not unethical to turn a profit, while simultaneously helping the oppressed ;)


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