Applied Space-Faring & Logistics / ASFL

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to Applied Space-Faring & Logistics!

We are an active, well organized corporation with one thing in mind: profit.

- Recruitment closed until further notice -


Corporate History

Applied Space-Faring & Logistics was founded on 02-11-13 by three businessmen with one goal: to be the most profitable corporation in all the ‘verse. After a year, AS-FL expanded on it’s Commerce Division by founding 2 more divisions, Security and Exploration. The Security Division would contain the our most elite skilled pilots to protect AS-FL’s interests and players, whilst Science & Exploration was created to take advantage of the lucrative exploration and tech development industry, and allow AS-FL to probe into deep space and exploit it’s riches. It will have invaluable access to our database of information on planets, trade and limited items currently in the verse. The people holding key roles of leadership and teaching here feature invaluable experience from actual real world aerospace, military and field relevant studies.

Monthly Addresses

What does “Hardcore/Exclusive” Mean?

Applied Space-Faring & Logistics is listed on the RSI Orgs system as a hardcore and exclusive org. This means that members are expected to do 2 simple things:

  1. Employees of AS-FL must contribute to the corporation, both in and out of Star Citizen. Specifically, this means that employees must remain active on our out-of-game channels (forums, TS, Steam), and participate in corp happenings (Operations, Industry) in the Persistent Universe.
  1. Employes must also commit to AS-FL, and must not be involved in any other orgs. This is to insure that there are no conflicts of interests, and that resources are not wasted on employees that do not even contribute to the Corp. There are exceptions to this rule, but they must be cleared by HR.

Employee Benefits

Upon joining our corporation, every member will receive access to the following benefits. They are of course subject to change, but employees should expect some variation of these.

  • 500 Slot Corp Teamspeak 3 Server
  • Dedicated website and forums
  • Our own jabber server, for text chatting, coordinating, and live-news/emergency pings.
  • Internal shipping, refuel/rearming, and search and rescue services.
  • Escort and protection by the galaxy’s most elite private military.
  • Discounts on other corp services.
  • Ships, equipment, weapons, and upgrades paid for by the org based on either performance or operational needs.
  • Ship/equipment replacement programs.
  • Corp database for industrial, trading, scouting, tactics, and other live-universe information.
  • Training programs for all Corp-Sanctioned fields.
  • Access to hangars, starbases, factories, refineries, and other nodes.
  • VIP Access to AS-FL’s fleet of luxury party-yachts, exotic alien foods and/or access to hot tubs.

Joining AS-FL

Step 1:

Submit an application here on RSI

Step 2:

An HR Officer will contact you shortly and set up a Teamspeak interview. Please check your RSI forums messages! If you do not respond within the week you will be kicked and you will have to apply again. Do not apply for the website until you are told to do so by an HR officer.

AS-FL General Rules

AS-FL’s rules will be based on the Code of Hammurabi, otherwise known as an “eye for an eye”. Should disciplinary actions need to be taken, the aggressor shall receive punishment equal to whatever crime he/she committed. Punishment will come in the form of suspension of corp services, forfeiture of jobs and income, and in extreme cases, as a result of breaking, or bending the set laws, the offender will be suspended or possibly expelled from the corporation. Laws are as follows:

  1. Every member must respect one another to the extent in which order can be achieved. If at any point a member begins causing issue without proper cause- action will be taken. Otherwise known as “Be Excellent to each other”.
  1. Everyone will be treated equally regardless of gender or race in the face of these rules. Derogatory remarks with intent to harm will not be taken lightly. Joking, of course, is encouraged. “Don’t be a dick”
  1. No member will harm a colleague’s proper (ships, resources, etc.) Stealing is not tolerated as well.
  1. When representing AS-FL in an open dialogue with another organization the member must maintain the integrity of AS-FL. Failure to do so may result in termination.
  1. If you write “AS-FL” without the hyphen, you will slapped and/or made to clean the toilets

Whitelisted Orgs:

These are orgs (mainly allies/social groups) that you may affiliate with if you are a main of AS-FL and wish to become a full employee.

  • TEST Squadron
  • Operation Pitchfork
  • Idris Owner’s Club (glass of scotch will be waiting)
  • MISC Freelancer Owner’s Club
  • Origin 350R Owner’s Club

Please contact an executive on the forums or reddit if you would like to have another org added.

Blacklisted Orgs

These are orgs which you will not be allowed to affiliate in any way shape or form if you wish to become a full employee of AS-FL

*Fuzzball Enterprises / FBE

*Furs In Arms / FUR

*United Furry Forces / UFF

*Equestrian Security Services / EQUESTRIAN

*Furry Organized Gaming / BURD

Memebers of these orgs are free game and you have the permission of management to call in and utilise AS-FL org resources in the subjugation of players and destruction of property/assets belonging to the aforementioned.

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Applied Space-Faring & Logistics Bylaws

Adopted 5/5/14


These laws will set a precedent of AS-FL’s operational procedure. They will detail the corporate chain of command, and outline the rights and responsibilities of each position.

Article 1 – High-Level Management

Section I. C-Suite

These are the highest level positions in AS-FL, and take care of responsibilities that are not centered to one division in particular. C-level positions can be removed by CEO.

Chief Executive Officer – The CEO is the ultimate authority in the corp. Is in charge of the ultimate direction of the corp. All large proposals must go through him/her.

Chief Operating Officer – The second-highest authority in the corp, responsible for making sure that goals for each division and group within the corp are being reached.

Chief Financial Officer – The CFO manages the corporation’s financial resources. Is in charge of the corporate bank account, and can pay large fees. Maintains budget and financial plan, and presents it to the CEO and Board.

Chief Human Resources Officer – The CHRO is the head of human resources within the corp. Can hire lower level employees, and fire them as need be. Interviews new employees, and based on their aptitudes, assigns them a division to join. Is responsible for managing corp members outside the game, and communicating the complaints/desires/thoughts to the CEO/COO.

Chief Coordination Officer – The CCO is responsible for coordinating AS-FL’s varying Divisions, and planning collaborations. Takes a hand in settling inter-Division disputes.

Chief Information Officer -The CIO is responsible for the corporations technology infrastructure.

Chief Design Officer – The CDO is responsible for maintaining the overall design of AS-FL, on all official corp venues.

Section II. Board of Directors

The Board is an advisory council whose responsibility is to represent the interests of the shareholders/owners. The Board will meet monthly with the C-Suite to discuss plans and progress. If the board finds that a C-level officer is being unproductive or hurting the company, they may remove them by unanimous vote.

Original and 2nd Round Investors – Ensure that leadership is productive, and the company is profitable.

Chairman – Leads the Board, takes notes and attendance.

Article 2 – Mid-Level Management

Section I. Division Directors

Director of Commerce – This position will be responsible for the organization of commerce operations, asset bookkeeping; with assistance from an Accountant, awarding ranks in conjunction with and approval of an Executive, as well as forwarding the economic gains of the corporation. This position will be filled by a highly knowledgeable/skilled individual in terms of commerce. In order to fill this position they must demonstrate a knowledge of economics and management skills. There is no ship requirement for this position.

Security Director – This position will be responsible for the organization of military operations as well as staying in contact with all Division Chairman and Executives to maintain that all assets are well guarded and all security needs are met in terms of escorts and guard details, asset bookkeeping; with assistance from an Accountant, justifying the military hierarchy (e.g. ships/abilities in relation to responsibilities). This position will be filled with a highly skilled player in all terms of security and warfare. In order to fill this they must be a good commander and have access to a ship with such capabilities. By Default this position holds the rank of Admiral.

Science & Exploration Director – This position will be responsible for organizing expedition, asset management, and furthering the technological/geological advancement of AS-FL. This position must be filled by someone who has an idea of how exploration and science is conducted within The Verse. They also must be capable of making a case for funding their division’s projects to the Executive Council. This position must be filled by someone with access to a jump-capable ship.

Article 3 – Lower Management – TBD

Subject to change as game evolves, and Owners see fit

-Latest edition (3/6/14) signed by Owners


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Applied Space-Faring & Logistics Charter

Adopted 11/2/13 – Revised 5/5/14

Article 1 – Purpose Statement

Section I. Commerce – Our mission, in short, is to create revenue. We will be exploring all areas of commerce. This includes, but is not limited to, mining, exploring, scavenging, and hauling goods.

Section II. Other divisions – AS-FL Will have 3 other divisions, Science & Exploration, Security, and Logistics.

Subsection a. Science & Exploration will be tasked with exploring the ‘verse in search for new systems, jump points, materials, and things that could lead to the development of AS-FL through technological means and estate.

Subsection b. Security Division’s primary duty is to provide protection to any division where needed; whether it is a caravan of goods being traded or delivered, a high priority exploration mission, or a heat of combat resupply. Security Division will also be the the spear of any military action that is required during wartime or estate dispute. In addition, in order to facilitate income Security division members will have the option to be contracted out by other organisation if pre-approved.

Section III. Independent Ventures – Independent ventures are groups/brands/enterprises within AS-FL that need to operate without the stricter command structure of a division. However, they are still expected to produce results and abide by standard rules of AS-FL. The specifics of each venture will be determined in an individual contract.

Article 2 – Ownership

Section 1. Investment – AS-FL’s initial startup costs will be covered by the investments of a few key individuals. They will continue to have say in the matters of the company, and preside on the Board of Director.

Section 2. Investment Rounds – The first round of investment was set at 25,000 UEC, and was topped at five investors. They are as follows: Rhone, Tymalic, Kaekru, Toast and Bobobubs. The second round of investment was set at the same values, and remains open. Current shareholders include: Headshot, Sens, and Bazzle.

Section 3. Compensation – Scaled based on profit, each investor will take home an equal portion of a percentage of the company’s total profit. Percentages to be determined.

Subject to change as game evolves, and Owners sees fit.

Signed, Owners 5/5/14:

AS-FL General Rules

AS-FL’s rules will be based on the Code of Hammurabi, otherwise known as an “eye for an eye”. Should disciplinary actions need to be taken, the aggressor shall receive punishment equal to whatever crime he/she committed. Punishment will come in the form of suspension of corp services, forfeiture of jobs and income, and in extreme cases, as a result of breaking, or bending the set laws, the offender will be suspended or possibly expelled from the corporation. Laws are as follows:

  1. Every member must respect one another to the extent in which order can be achieved. If at any point a member begins causing issue without proper cause- action will be taken.
  2. Everyone will be treated equally regardless of gender or race in the face of these rules. Derogatory remarks with intent to harm will not be taken lightly. Joking, of course, is encouraged.
  3. No member will harm a colleague’s proper (ships, resources, etc.) Stealing is not tolerated as well.
  4. When representing AS-FL in an open dialogue with another organization the member must maintain the integrity of AS-FL. Failure to do so may result in termination.
  5. Don’t be a dick.
  6. All members who own Idris must register with Tymalic, The Idrisis Destroyer.
  7. If you write AS-FL without the hyphen, I will kill you.


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