Ashenfell / ASHENFELL

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy

Ashenfell is an ever growing community that plays multiple games.
We are very interested in being a big influence on Star Citizen and will aim to be a big driving force within the game.
We have a heavy focus on the PVP element of games and are one of the most active guilds in the MMORPG community.


Ashenfell officially started in 2016 where we started playing Life is Feudal: MMO as a guild within an alliance called DAC after a while of playing as a mamber of this alliance we decided to branch out and start our own we quickly rose to become one of the biggest guilds in the game owning the entire south of the map and dominating in most PVP events. We have many videos on our guilds various YouTube channels that showcase many of our PVP actions during our play time of the game.

After Life is Feudal we started playing Gloria Victis and aimed about bringing change to one of the three factions in the game (Midlanders). The factions before our arrival was the weakest in the game owning the least amount of territories and losing most events that they took part in. After our arrival we effectively organised the other guilds in the faction and with our hardwork and skill made Midlanders one of the strongest factions on the EU server.

After Gloria Victisl we decided that Atlas was the game for us to move onto. On Atlas we quickly took over our own island and server as well as consolidated our power in the surrounding servers. We controlled a large portion of the map carrying out raids on all that we could including other large groups and larger groups.

We currently have branches of the guild active in games such as World of Warcraft, Life is Feudal, Last Oasis and now Star Citizen.


Ashenfell are a PVP focused guild that does not mean however that we are a PVP exclusive guild we will have people all ways willing to go on mining missions as well as other PVE focused contracts.

What we offer

An active guild and community:
We have an active guild with members from all over the globe from different time zones who will always be ready to do contracts with new members. Many of our members are experienced in Star Citizen and are willing to teach new players about the game and improve older Star Citizen player’s knowledge as well as skills.

Mercenary jobs:
We will take many mercenary jobs to generate a profit and to provide fun PVP content for our members. We will take all sorts of contracts of all different types.

Smuggling Goods:
We will also carry out many smuggling missions to make profit for our members and guild this provides even more content and fun for our members.

As a PVP guild we will be making as much money as possible from piracy attacking mining ships and cargo ships to be able to take their cargo and ships to make a profit. We will be indiscriminate in who we will attack and aim to make as much profit and have as much PVP fun from this as possible.

Large scale PVP:
We will aim to take part in the large scale PVP of the game and be active in the politics of the game.

Mining and deep Space Exploration:
Our members will regularly go on mining and space exploration missions with some people doing the mining and exploring whilst others protect them from possible threats.

Even though we are a hardcore guild we understand that the whole point of a game is that the player has fun. We therefore ensure that all of our members are enjoying their time in the guild and that the content we provide is fun and enjoyable for them.


Ashenfell Tenets
We have many tenets that we expect all potential and current members to follow they are:

  • Respect
  • Unity
  • Loyalty
  • Duty
  • Willingness to learn


By joining Ashenfell you agree to follow all the rules, guidelines within the Guild and orders of your Leader.
1. Follow the Tenets to the best of your ability.
2. Be cooperative in Ashenfell activities at all times – when on.
3. Always honour the agreements of your Guild.
4. Do not promote negative or toxic behavior within the guild.
5. Do not partake in public drama, if you have a problem contact a leader or officer within the Guild. If you have a problem with the Leadership of the Guild – look for a new one.
6. No hate speech within the Guild, know the difference between what is or isn’t or get banned.
7. We are your main organisation, we don’t accept affiliate.

Our rules are ever adapting. Failure to follow the Tenets and rules of the Guild may lead up to permanent banishment.