The Foot / ASHI

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“Just as every journey begins with but a single step, we shall call ourselves the Foot.” – Oshi

Time Zones: (UTC -6) CST, (+9 UTC) Tokyo
Languages: English, Japanese


The Foot is an ancient Ninjutsu clan, founded in Japan on Earth in 1583 by two men named Sato and Oshi. They were trained by four mysterious and very skilled warriors who taught them about Ninjutsu. After the mysterious warriors left, Sato and Oshi decided to continue following the ways of the ninja. Oshi declared: “In time, others will join us and we will become a force to be reckoned with. So just as every journey begins with a single step… we shall call ourselves The Foot.”

The Foot Clan quickly became the most feared clan of warriors and assassins in Japan. In the 1960s, both Oroku Nagi and Hamato Yoshi were members, until one day, they fought over the love of Tang Shen and Yoshi killed Nagi. Dishonored, Yoshi was exiled to America, while Nagi’s younger brother Oroku Saki was adopted by the clan and was trained to become a fierce ninja. When he was ready, Saki was sent to New York to start the American branch of the Clan. Under his leadership, it took only a year for it to become a powerful and fearsome group.

Saki also sought vengeance for his brother and, using his rank of “Shredder,” he assassinated Yoshi and Shen. Over a decade later, four warriors appeared and challenged the Shredder to a rooftop duel to avenge Yoshi and Shen. The Shredder sent his Foot Ninja to fight the warriors, but they were no match and were eventually defeated. The Shredder then fought the warriors himself, and although he was a more skilled ninja, he was killed when the warrior’s sensei appeared and managed to over power Saki, pushing him off a roof while carrying a bomb. The detonation of the bomb caused a major news incident and brought the Foot’s existence into the lime light for the first time in history. The loss of their Shredder caused them to fall into disarray and their activities were exposed by a channel 6 news reporter.

After Saki’s death, the Foot Soldiers began fighting against the Shredder’s elite guard, who were trying to maintain order as well as combat the four warriors, who were trying to dismantle the Foot. Karai, a clan leader from Japan was dispatched to stop the clan war. After arriving in New York she immediately executed all remaining leaders of the American branch for bringing shame and exposure to the Foot.

The warriors had inflicted heavy losses on the Foot and it appeared that the entire American branch would collapse, however Karai managed to seduce the swordsmen warrior. He believed that he could convert Karai to his side, but Karai managed to use this delusion against him and lure the swordsman and his fellow warriors into a trap. With the loss of their leader, the warriors were easily defeated by Karai and her men. With the only threat to them removed, Karai managed to rebuild and reorganize the American branch of the Foot. Careful to avoid any further publicity, the Foot once again returned to shadows and whispers to continue in their purpose.

Through the decades and centuries that passed, the Foot clan’s power and influence waxed and waned, though they remained a significant presence. Even as humanity made it’s way into space, the Foot had an operative among the members of the Mars terraforming project. But the Foot’s biggest move was contracting with the Xi’an. The Xi’an were not openly hostile with the UPE (and later the UEE), but not allies by any means. Covert operations, sabotage, and espionage was not uncommon. A contract with the Xi’an meant for much opportunity.

The appearance of the Tevarin created similar opportunities. The Tevarin were openly at war with the UPE, and even after their defeat, secretly sought out those willing to perform covert operations during their supposed 50 year absence. During that period, the forming of the imperialist UEE by Messer was making it more and more difficult to manage the Foot’s operations from Earth. With the defeat of Corath’Thal, the Foot feared discovery of their involvement, and so made the decision to strike out to the stars in search of a new home. Far from the tyrannical grasp of Messer and the UEE.


We are the Foot, though that may seem a contradiction in terms, for we do not exist. The Foot are nothing more than a flickering shadow or the whisper of a rumor. We are a story parents may tell their children when they misbehave, or a wild fantasy told by a pilot who has had too much to drink. Many may have heard our name, but as nothing more than myth or the subject of an action game or spectrum holovid.

Our operatives have had many names over the years: assassins, thieves, spies, saboteurs, pirates, ninjas, shinobi. But in truth, the Foot are whatever we need to be for the contract. Foot operatives will accept any job, any mission, provided the terms of the contract are sufficient. Many an unsuspecting employer have hired the Foot, none the wiser. Some have sought us out, only to accomplish nothing but grasping at shadows or worse, meeting a darker fate. A select and special few have ever had the privilege of encountering the Foot under no false pretense.

The Foot’s intentions, goals and motives are as numerous as our members. But we are not without our guiding principles. As the Foot were founded in feudal Japan, some traditions are kept by the clan. Loyalty is the only virtue each and every Foot operative must possess. An operative must never betray the Foot nor the contract. The sole exception being if the terms of the contract are broken or they are betrayed themselves. Operatives are expected to show no mercy and to make examples of those who would betray the Foot. Legend has it that Foot members who betrayed the clan had their very souls imprisoned for eternity… such was the price.

As a whole, knowledge and influence are chief amongst our concerns. Our operatives approach each contract as a journey to experience, an opportunity to learn and improve. And with each contract, each journey, the Foot’s influence advances. And just as each journey begins with but a single step, we are known as the Foot.


Due to the independent nature of our operatives, and our willingness to accept any contracts with sufficient rewards, the Foot are not required nor expected to adhere to any list of rules or regulations. We only have one tenet that all Foot must respect:


An operative must at all times remain loyal to the Foot and it’s purpose. An operative must never betray the Foot as a whole, nor any member. This loyalty extends to the contract as well. The Foot never betray a contract unless the terms have been broken or they have been betrayed by the employer or another acting on the employer’s orders.

As long as an operative remains loyal to the Foot and their fellow operatives, they are free to act however they wish and associate with whomever they wish. However, should an operative choose to break the tenet of Loyalty, they will be forever branded as an enemy of the Foot, stripped of their privileges, and hunted wherever the Foot tread in the ‘Verse.