ASIS (Apocryphal Special Intelligence Service) / ASIS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Infiltration
  • Smuggling

At its core ASIS is an intelligence gathering machine. Want intel? – we will get It. Want your intelligence material or living intelligence assets transported discretely and securely – we are the experts.


ASIS’ exact time of origin is unknown (befitting a private intelligence service) but it commenced in the Messer Era as a means of countering the intelligence efforts of the Dictator and his regime. ASIS’ public mission is to collect, protect, and transport secret intelligence information. ASIS has been known to contract with many organisations including the UEE military arms and the Advocacy but their main clients are believed to be merchant and mercenary guilds who require its intelligence gathering skills and ability to discretely (but sometimes violently) disrupt their competitors and leave no trace of who undertook or financed the action.

Generally ASIS members will attempt to obtain information and fulfill missions discretely. However ASIS is combat capable and can launch a formidable fleet. ASIS battles are usually short-lived with combat commencing when the enemies flagship launches a capital torpedo inside its own hull (sabotage) followed by enemy fleet members turning on their own (thanks to well paid inducements or blackmail of ship commanders by ASIS).


ASIS’ mission is to collect, protect, and transport secret intelligence information in the Star Citizen Universe for customers. ASIS may also undertake (for clients or to protect its own interested) combat operations of any type (but with a preference for actions that are discrete).

ASIS memberships is believed comprised of a range of professions but merchants are often members as their profession provides good cover for intelligence gathering activities. As befits an intelligence gathering organisation ASIS members often work for other organisations but their primary alligence must be to ASIS.

If needed ASIS’ membership will faciltate the overthrow of the UEE government (ASIS’ birth was to facilitate actions to overthrow the Messer dictatorship), system governments, and private organisations who control resources (eg, patents, monopolies) that act in a manner which if left unchecked could threaten the survival of humanity.

ASIS will also attempt to steal technologies from other species, and engage in activites to thwart a competitive advantage of other species.

Where these activites lead to vast profits by ASIS and its members – so be it!


  • ASIS members play for fun, and the environment of the organisation will be a helpful and polite one. Membership of the organisation requires good sportsmanship, and interest in others. This extends to gameplay attitude to other SC players (outside the organisation). Trolling, flaming, and behaviour contrary to that expected by Cloud Imperium Inc is not acceptable.
  • ASIS members shall generally be free to particiapte in other organisations (as double agents) but their primary obligation is to ASIS and ASIS members in the Star Citizen persistant universe.
  • ASIS members must share intelligence information with the ASIS collective and participate in actions which ensure the security and survial of the human species. Non-human members are acceptable provided their goals align.
  • ASIS members who turn on the organisation (you may leave but must swear and obide to a lifetime of secrecy) will be taken out (within the game environment – not real life – until “Death of a Spaceman” occurs for their current character and their 1st descendant unless they are from the Messer family or similar – they will forever be hunted), along with their relatives, descendents, and known associates.
  • ASIS is a secretative organisation and must remain so. Retirement from ASIS is not uncommon and accepted by the membership provided the secrets of ASIS are kept.