Astral Dynamics / ASTDYN

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  • Resources
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Welcome Citizen

Astral Dynamics focuses on providing Resource Acquisition, Processing & Delivery in a Secure and Timely manner.

Applications are open for all positions, main membership required!

To find out more, join our discord and contact staff.


- 2872
Astral Dynamics is founded following the announcement of Project Archangel by the UEE Imperator Corbin Salehi, taking advantage of the sudden increase in demand for Mineral Extraction, Refinement and Manufacture. The now Corporation begins small, as a few friends band together to Extract, Process and Ship construction materials to the Project Archangel Site. This marks the small beginning of the Astral Dynamics Prospecting & Procurement Division, as well as the Astral Dynamics Hauling & Logistics Division.

- 2907
After the shutdown of the Dougan Mining Company due to internal strife, Astral Dynamics took the opportunity to expand it’s fleet, membership and mining claims throughout the verse. Moving in to Stanton to work on Prospecting & Extracting minerals from the Rings of Yela & the Aaron Halo in accordance to mining rights obtained from ArcCorp and Crusader Industries.

- 2913
Astral Dynamics partakes in medivac training exercises with the newly founded BiotiCorp Healthcare Corporation in an effort to reduce field fatalities. After the success of these training exercises the few vessels capable of Medivac, Salvage, Re Arm & Refuel services owned by members of Astral Dynamics were re organised from an unofficial emergency rescue unit into the Astral Dynamics Emergency Response Division.

- 2920 – 2922
Construction of Project Archangel has stalled due to the massive economic impact on the UEEs Economy. Astral Dynamics slows it supply of processed resources to the Project as more profitable ventures arise elsewhere. With the supply of resources having ceased fully after 2922, with Corbyn Salehi’s untimely death.

Vanduul Attacks have been growing more frequent, especially as the UEE has been pouring resources in to the construction of Project Archangel. Astral Dynamics begins contracts with the UEE Navy & several Civilian manufacturers to supply materials & distribute final products.

- 2928
With the Election of Imperator Kelos Costigan & the implemetation of policy from the Universalist Party Astral Dynamics expanded it’s fleet further, with the purchase of multiple capital class vessels over the next few decades.

- 2944
After observing the increase in Banu Citizens attending the Sataball Professional League, Astral Dynamics released some UEC for the trial of a Personnel Transport Group under the Hauling & Logistics Division’s management. This involved the purchase of multiple RSI Phoenixes, A Crusader E1 and a Crusader Genesis Starliner.

- 2945
A Vanduul attack on Vega II, 10/11/2945 marks the official start of the Vanduul War. As such, the demand for material supplies & military equipment logistics increases rapidly with Astral Dynamics managing to utilise the previously purchased capital ships to great effect.

- 2946
Astral Dynamics takes part in the Cargolympics, held on Terra. Coming in at a comfortable 7th on the overall leader boards, the determination of our participants show we can haull well about our weight.

Astral Dynamics members appear in interview extracts in the article Day One: A New Dawn, a report on the attack on Vega II writte by reporter Sean Nazawa.

- 2947
Consolodated Outlands unleash their CO Pioneer, a capital class vessel capable of producing pre fabricated habitation buildings almost anywhere. Astral Dynamics swiftly secures a bid for an order of two CO Pioneer vessels & susequent land claims from the UEE.

The signing of the Human-Xi’an Trade initiative

- 2950-2951
The UEE holds an Imperatorial Election. Astral Dynamics pushes for Titus Costigan, son of the current Imperator & fellow Universalist Party representative, however the UEE decides. Laylani Addison, an independent is voted in as the Imperator of the UEE.

- 2953 – 2954
Astral Dynamics assists the Civilian Defense Force (CDF) in the Stanton System when a State of Emergency is declared. With the UEE Navy still dealing with the Vanduul, and a aggressively hostile pirate enclave know as XenoThreat conducting raids form the Pyro System, a CDF Call is sent out for assistance. Astral Dynamics, with specialties in Hauling & Rescue services assist with the re-capture of lost CDF supply shipments, additionally with our expertise in Recovery & Repair, as well as previous contracts with the UEE Navy, we were tasked with recovering a Idris-M class frigate stolen by XenoThreat.

After a fierce firefight resupplying the CDF & subsequent attempts to disable the XenoThreat commanded Idris, Astral Dynamics were inevitable successful in disabling, boarding, recapturing and repairing the liberated Idris frigate.

The following year, in 2954 XenoThreat had reformed. Access to the Pyro System had been restricted by the UEE Navy in an attempt to stop the resupply of their enclave, but a smugglers will is a smugglers way, so instead what the UEE prevented was law abiding bounty hunters from tracking down & eliminating remaining XenoThreat members.

Shortly after the Invictus Launch Week celebrations in Stanton, on 14/06/2954, XenoThreat again launched an attack. As was expected, Astral Dynamics and other Entities operating in Stanton had remained on high alert since the previous incursion, and were ready. Astral Dynamics swiftly disabled, recaptured, repaired and then crewed the recovered Idris Frigate, just daring the XenoThreat enclave to try again.

The Idris was returned once again to the UEE Navy, when a few months later the Astral Dynamics Board received a comm from the UEE Navy, containing the verified purchase rights to an Idris-M Frigate. As such, an investment was made to secure business in and around the Stanton System. An Aegis Idris-M Frigate, Drake Kraken Light Carrier & Support Ships were purchased with preparations made to improved delivery times by utilising Low-Security systems, with High-Security fleets, for a premium.


Astral Dynamics is devoted to helping out Law Abiding Citizens and Civilians who need it, whenever they need it. We will provide timely services in the Sectors of Mining, Logistics, Construction and Transport throughout all of UEE Space.

Hear From Our Customers

“Brilliant customer service. Fast and safe delivery. 8/10”
- Robert Hopkins, Pyro III

“Wrecked my ship at Pickers. Astral towed me out before the pirates chewed me out! 9/10”
- Jared Huckaby, Terra

“Fastest I’ve seen a Hull Series fly. Had the emergency supplies delivered in a jiffy. 7/10”
- Arnold Matchkin, CDF


Members of Astral Dynamics are contractually obliged to uphold the following:

General Charter

  1. Respect UEE Common Law
  2. Respect Banu & Xian Common Law
  3. Respect Astral Dynamics Clients
  4. Respect other Astral Dynamics Members