Astronia Initiative / ASTRONIA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Wandering the stars. Embracing the void. We are the Astronia Initiative.

the Astronia Initiative Discord


Originally concepted during 2950

by its creators, the Astronia Initiative has become a community of encouragement and motivation for its members all across inhabited space. (yes this means we have members spanning from many countries from around the world!)

Formally Established in the year 2951

the Astronia Initiative is a newly formed group of some of the most supportive, adventerous, daring, and kind individuals you will find in the verse. During the creation process, we established the ideology of welcoming and embracing members from all walks of life, fulfilling all legal, morally upstanding careers around the verse.

  • “The wonder of the countless stars resting silently throughout the void, warrants not just exploration, but familiarization and utilization. It is with the help of technology, and our bonds with our friends that we shall overcome challenges previously thought impossible.” – SLiguykyle, IOCM, 2951

Join us, and let’s enjoy the verse together:
the Astronia Initiative Discord


We shall embrace our fellow members, and cooperate with others.
We will not instigate unjustified violence.
We do not hold bias towards any government or political parties.
We strive to further knowledge of the verse, and help new players in need of guidance.
We pride ourselves on technology, our friendships, and the things that we, as a group, accomplish.


Structure within the Astronia Initiative

Admins: These are the original creators, and hold exclusive power over org-impacting choices. examples include, but are not limited to, bans, rejects, alliances, inter-org negotiations, etc.

Founders: These are the initial members who joined our org and helped to establish the Astronia Initiative as a legitimate org. These members are considered priviledged, and hold a high level of relationship with the Admins. This role is non-obtainable through traditional means, and is only being assigned at admin discretion through an initial time-span upon the org’s establishment to signify those who have wandered the stars with us since the beginning, and have truly embraced the void.

VIPs: These members have contributed to the org in a significant way, and have been rewarded with the rank to signify as such. examples include, but are not limited to, extended amounts of activity, substantial in-game, or real-world contribution to the org, etc. This role is assigned at the discretion of the Admins. These members have a profound famliarity with the stars and the void that surrounds them.

Veterans: These members have been with the Astronia Initiative, and maintained activity within SC and our discord for a minimum of 6 months (subject to change). If you see one of these, you know they’ve “been around the block.” feel free to ask them for help on how to get involved with the org, or org activities. These members have genuinely embraced the void.

Members: This is the role awarded to members who have set the Astronia Initiative as their primary org within their citizen dossier, and have cleared the probational membership period. These are true wanderers of the stars.

Probational Member: This is the default role for new members and affiliates, who have joined the org. This role will last for 2 weeks if they set the Astronia Initiative as their primary and have shown the qualities to become a member, or indefinitely until the member sets the Astronia Initiative as their primary following the 2 week period.

Rules of the Astronia Initiative

Expectations of members within the Astronia Initiative are as follows:

- No racism, sexism, or any other form of derrogatory mentality will be tolerated.
We are a place where anyone can join and feel comfortable being themselves.

- No trolling, verbal abuse, or any other form of griefing will be tolerated.
Use common sense, have some decency and courtesy for others, and do not cause commotion. It’s not that hard.

- No explicitly sexual or harmful content is permitted to be posted within the org’s spectrum or discord groups.
We are generally a group of mature players, but we are open to anyone playing the game, so this should be pretty self explanatory at this point in time.

Rules and Roles will be enforced at the sole discretion of the Admins upon agreement of all Admins. There is no warning for breaking these rules. break the rules, get banned. It’s as simple as that.