Atlas Corporation / ATLASCORPS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

Welcome to Atlas Corporation, here we pride ourselves on our way word integrity in the march towards the future of the Empire and citizens alike.

See our Discord and meet the community of Atlas Corporation!

(Atlas Corporation Discord)


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our industry leading teams are some of the best in their fields, with mining, salvage and supply convoys to fuel our empire’s financial eco-system. The customer is our greatest priority and the goods we bring have been inspected thrice for purity, cleanliness and with excellent handling.

Here at Atlas Corporation, we hire for two main opportunities, into which you will be matched with the ideal career to match your ability and resume.
The branches in question are:

- General Logistics (shipping and handling of goods, acquiring of said goods and of course, refinement and manufacture of goods. Not responsible for death, dismemberment and or consumption from wild fauna insurance until after your 90 days)

- Private Security (Expected to uphold uniform standards as set by the Director of your branch, safe handling of and discharge of firearms, high-density explosives to maime or kill, life insurance not provided until past your 90 days.)

More branches to follow.

All this said and done, what is our mission you may wonder?

Atlas Corporation seeks to establish ourselves as a giant of industry so that we may sponsor our personal race teams and events!
*As such, we seek to also give back to the community by means of content.

In Ancient long-forgotten Greek mythology, Atlas was the son of a Titan, graced with a legendary enduring strength and integrity of character, bared the weight of both Heaven and Earth, Supporting the pillars that kept both separated for eternity. Our Logistics and industrial personnel like Atlas, share the same strengths of character and will get to see the fruits of their efforts in the form of our content provided for them and our members to partake in!

“When Atlas wins, we all win.”


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.

Our charter is as follows:
1. Quit asking for Dental, yes it is provided.
2. Respect eachother and all superiors, as is expected vice versa
3. Announce any periods of inactivity (LOA) in a reasonable fashion (Can be found in human-resources )
4. No, the bakery in the lobby is not for employee’s, it is for customers.
5. Smoke area is 5 miles away, breaks are 15 minutes.
6. Problem solving ability is expected, no bitter rivalries among your peers.
7. No racism, long as you’re not screaming the “N” word you are fine.
8. No muting of the server for direct pings or @everyone’s (They will be kept to a minimum, only for important announcements, 1 everyone ping is allowed per event.)
9. We are a neutral party with no interest in war, and will not partake in any form of war profiteering, what our members do on their own time is their business alone.