Autonomous Mercenary Collective / AUTOMERC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security


We are a tight Knit group of skilled Individuals Working together towards a
common goal.
Specializing In All of your mercenary needs.

Contact Or Join us on discord



Auto merc, Auto merc,
Does whatever a Mercenary can
Spins a Interdiction, any size,
Catches UEC just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Auto merc.

Is he strong?
Listen bud,
He’s got radioactive blood.
Can he Fly from a Ship?
Take a look overhead
Hey, there
There goes the Auto merc.

In the chill of night
At the scene of a crime
Like a streak of light
He arrives just in time.

Auto merc, Auto merc
Friendly neighborhood Auto Merc
Wealth and fame
He’s Intered
Action is also his reward.

To him, life is a great big bang up
Wherever there’s a hang up
You’ll find the Auto merc.


We’re a strong, creative and agile group of people, with a relentlessly positive culture that supports rapid change and fast growth.

We have a track record of achieving big things. How do we manage it? By openly recognising and addressing the challenges that face us.

Get used to learning by doing. We keep our business agile by practicing the art of achieving clarity through action – by acting, reflecting and reacting rapidly.

We believe protection is everything. From the way we engage with customers to the way we fight, support, explore and secure your and our assets – we look to protect.


Although we have a council for organisational purposes we view all members as equals.
We serve our customers with a purpose.

War has the power to improve the way we live, work and play. Our mission is to put the power of War into the hands of our customers, for the benefit of them and us.

We work for money.

We go the long way and we collaborate together and with our customers.

We explore, fight, secure and protect everything for the right price.

From the way we engage with our customers to the way we fight, explore, support and secure your assets; we look to protect. Protection is strong, easy to grasp and quick to learn. Protection scales rapidly, and we grow fast.

We seek clarity through action.

We believe in the power of doing, so get stuck in and have a go. Through experimentation, risk and measurement we learn more, faster, about what works better.

We are relentless in everything we do.

We believe every challenge contains an opportunity. It may be buried in many layers of dirt, steel and blood, but it’s in there.

We employ self-sustaining people.

We employ the brightest talent, provide them with a collaborative and supporting environment and allow them to grow.

Customers matter.

Our customers give us their time, money and trust. In return, we owe them great service, protection and respect.


  • Under The Supreme authority and law of the United Empire of Earth, hereinafter referred as UEE, acknowledge the Autonomous Mercenary Collective, hereinafter referred as AUTOMERC, as an self-governing organization which encompasses mercenaries, freelancers, and other persons who agree to be guided by the AUTOMERC charter. The goal of AUTOMERC is making profit and create a safe work and living environment for their members, while excuting the assignment from their contractors in the best way possible.
  • Our Council is the core of AUTOMERC, and all of the council members have helped to run or ran large online groups going back 10 years or more. That experience covers a very wide range of game types and gaming genres.
  • Anyone belonging to AUTOMERC is expected to abide by the rules and expectations outlined below. Also to respect the decisions made by either the organization as a whole or the council members.

What we do at AUTOMERC

  • Security – This includes securing pockets of space, trade routes, asteroid fields, etc. Escorting of other ships and/or persons. Onboard security for multicrew ships, including operation of ship turrets.
  • War – AUTOMERC remains neutral in most conflicts. Exceptions are if the contractor wages a war with the approval of the UEE or against forces who don’t operate under the UEE.
  • Reclamation – This includes reclamation of ships, cargo and (processed) debris.
  • Bounty Hunting – With exception of persons who still are under the protection of the UEE.
  • Transport – Includes transport of cargo and ships as long it’s legal within UEE regulations. This also includes smuggling into non-UEE regulated space.
  • Exploration – We explore space for all your needs, if you need a safe-zone to stage an attack, a trading route, information or a mining area.
AUTOMERC meetings
  • The AUTOMERC council will have scheduled meetings, all members are free to join in during the meetings. Voting on decisions concerning organizational changes and war is solely available for council members. Votes on other matters will be open to all members and in some Organization changes the whole of Automerc will be asked to vote.
MEMBERS 1. Composition of AUTOMERC – Eligibility, recruitment, election, admittance and status of AUTOMERC members.
  • AUTOMERC recruits and selects its members from among such eligible persons as it considers qualified.
  • New recruits will be on probation for 2 months. So be involved, show up, talk to the other members, play some SC with us. If you do all that you’ll be promoted to full member.
2. Obligations:
  • Show up for Organization meetings OR notify a council member via either RSI, Whatsapp or discord that you are unable to attend.
  • Be kind to one another, joking is aloud and happens but if your asked to dial it down please do so.
  • Be as active as life allows. This includes just messaging back and forth on Whatsapp, chatting on discord and of course playing in the PU or AC(when the game isn’t crashing)
  • Lastly it is a game, HAVE FUN!
Leaving AUTOMERC Reasons for leaving;
  • Resignation
  • Failure to communicate or be active at all(ie; if we dont see you log onto RSI and you fail to message us)
  • voted out by members and council
ORGANIZATION The powers of the AUTOMERC are exercised by its organs, namely:
  • The Council
  • The Members
  • Council members are the founders of AUTOMERC and exist to keep its ideals and organization course true.
  • The powers of the council are the following:
    1. to elect and recruit the members of the AUTOMERC;
    2. to expel members or council members;
    3. to make organizational structural changes;
    4. to decide who leads operations;
    5. to decide to take part in a war.
    6. to elect new council members in the event that current council members do not full-fill their duties or leave.

The official language of AUTOMERC is English, and bad English