The Auxiliary / AUXILIARY

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Hello and Welcome!

New to Star Citizen or looking for people to group up with?

You’ve come to the right place!

Join us on Discord!


If you have stumbled upon us and have not signed up for Star Citizen yet, use the following referral code to receive 5,000 UEC (in-game credits):1


The Auxiliary was started in the beginning of the February Free-Fly, February 18th 2951 (2021) by Auxilius and NemesisUno. The two noticed that a lot of the free-flyers/new pledges were getting frustrated teaching themselves how to play. Since there are no in-game tutorials, and YouTube videos cover a lot of material, they decided it would be easier for everyone if they just created a Discord Server and invited whoever was looking for assistance to party. After all, experiencing Star Citizen with a group is much better than going it alone.

1 More about the Star Citizen Referral Code system here.


We here at The Auxiliary want players to experience everything Star Citizen has to offer without spending countless hours on YouTube in “how to” videos. A hands on approach is the best way to learn, and as a member of The Auxiliary you will get just that. From just getting started, to tips, tricks, and bug work-arounds, we’ve got you covered.


Remember – This is just a game, things IRL should always come first!

We have some guidelines/rules. The majority of them can be found in the #guidelines message board on Discord

Basically, use common sense and keep in mind that we have players of all ages, ethnicities, and genders.