Bad Wolf Corporation / BADWOLFCO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Dissolve Your Illusions and See the True Nature of Things.


Check the Manifesto for more Bad Wolf details.

Bad Wolf was created by two friends who have a passion for all kinds of games. Since we are not a Role-Play Organization there is not much of a history yet but we can promise this organization will not be abandoned in a few weeks or months like many others will and have been.

Gutterball is the founder and the President of Bad Wolf. He will be the primary contact for any questions. He can be reached on (Reddit) or by email


Pre-Release Benefits
We know many people don’t have time to check the site every day so until the game is released and after it is released we will provide game development updates, polls, and any other important information in a condensed form to our members as it is released. We will also be looking for members to be placed into leadership roles in preparation for game release.

What is Bad Wolf Corporation?

Bad Wolf allows and encourages its members to be completely autonomous. We are a group of players that allow you to make a profit however you want. We believe that a corporation that focuses on one activity will fail quickly that is why Bad Wolf Corporation encourages players to pick their favorite activity and with the financial backing and protection of Bad Wolf you can crush your competition.

What Can Bad Wolf Corporation Offer Me?

Bad Wolf’s existence is solely for its members. We offer our members resources, discounted equipment, protection, technology, and information. The more funding and members Bad Wolf receives the more we can offer our members and at larger discounts. We will be using most of the corporate funds to purchase production nodes under the Bad Wolf name and giving our members huge discounts on the produced items. When we reach enough funding and our members vote to we will begin to buy large multi-crew ships like corvettes or destroyers, to allow our members to work together to take on larger enemies and other organizations in a corporate takeover. If you are interested in racing see the below section marked Bad Wolf Racing Team.

What Does Bad Wolf Corporation Want From Me?

The only thing that Bad Wolf asks from its members is a small portion of their profits or sell your resources to a Bad Wolf manufacturer. The resources and money allows the corporation to purchase ships, manufacturing nodes and anything else the corporation needs. All items purchased with corporate funds are available to its members and all profits from corporate assets go back into the Bad Wolf Fund. The more active and the more you donate to the corporation the more privileges you will be granted.

What If I Hate Leaders Breathing Down My Neck

Bad Wolf is designed to help its members. Yes you will be put into a squadron but the primary purpose of this is to allow one person to take your requests and mentor you who shares the same play interests as you not to boss you around. In-game events will be organized some for all of Bad Wolf members some for specific branches but you do not need to participate to stay in Bad Wolf

Can I Become a Leader in Bad Wolf Corporation?

Bad Wolf is always looking for members to step up and become leaders. The higher echelons of Bad Wolf’s leadership will look for members who are active, help junior members, contribute regularly and recruit players. Bad Wolf will approach members about taking on leadership roles and will also take applications for recently opened positions. We do not put brand new members into leadership roles regardless of ships, experience or monetary donations.

What Ways Can I Give to Bad Wolf to Get Promoted?

We know members plan on playing all kinds of play styles some are less money oriented then others but we will not hold that against you here are a few ways members can contribute to Bad Wolf without money but we will accept pretty much anything you are willing to give.
  • Miners – Donate a portion of your resources to manufacturing nodes.
  • Security – Offer the occasional free escort to members.
  • Exploring – Give or sell new jump point or resource coordinates to the corporation only.
  • Money – Most appreciated form but not required.

What is Bad Wolf’s Stance on Joining Multiple Organizations?

Members may join any organizations they like with only three restrictions.
  1. Bad Wolf Corporation must be the main organization. (members of the race team are an exception.)
  2. Any hidden organization affiliations must be disclosed to the President. (President will keep information confidential.)
  3. You may not join an organization focused on illegal activity.

Bad Wolf Racing Team

Bad Wolf will have a racing team. Players who decide to join as an affiliate of the organization with the sole purpose of racing for Bad Wolf will only receive benefits that directly relate to their racing career and will only be charged a percentage of racing profits.

I Have a Question about Bad Wolf?

You can contact the President and Founder of Bad Wolf on (Reddit) or by email


Rules of Bad Wolf Corporation

  1. You are allowed to earn a profit nearly any way you want
  2. You may not profit or benefit from slavery or kidnapping.
  3. Smuggling is allowed when the item is legal in the UEE (Medical supplies, Animals, Artwork, etc.)
  4. You must contribute to the organization in some way (check the manifesto for examples)
  5. Work towards the betterment of Bad Wolf as a whole.
  6. Respect fellow members. We are members of the same pack and no one is left behind.