Bebop Freelance Corporation / BEBOPCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Bebop Freelance Corporation accepts a grand diversity of tasks from citizens all over the universe. We do touring, travelling, transportation, exploration, protection, monitoring, fighting backup… Send us your requests or if you´ve got what is enough to get the job done, feel free to join B.F.C.!


If you have a job for us, click hereVisit our website, operative!


Since humanity started to expand far from beyond Planet Earth and even further into the vast space. Humans had no choice but to change their lifestyles, taking their customs to another level. At the beggining they were up to the challenge and glad about the colonial expansion, but that happiness vanished as soon as danger arised from the depths of space and humanity itself. Pirates, assassins, thieves… you name it you got it. Suddenly, wonders of the universe hid darkness in every corner, making life for humble people a cold hell.

November 11, 2945

Bebop Freelance Corporation is born from within the genious and scientist mind of Otacon in order to make a change in the infinite universe. Not much time goes by after the creation of B.F.C. until Spike Brightstar (an adventurous archaeologist) and Smasher Freeman (a man with a silver tongue and big muscles) join the B.F.C. Together they set a strong group to guide this corporation into supporting and assisting anyone who cares for his personal safety for a reasonable amount of UEC. Roles are renamed and assigned to each group member. Minor changes are done to the website.

November 12, 2945

DetectiveAzul joins the Bebop Freelance Corporation and adds a variety of new ideas which are discussed. Some minor changes are done to the website.

November 24, 2945

BardockPhoenix joins the Bebop Freelance Corporation. Finally, the head of the company is consistently settled.

November 26, 2945

Bebop Freelance Corporation has its first official gathering. Major aspects of the corporation are dealt and all founders start working to improve the website.

December 03, 2945

The official website of the Bebop Freelance Corporation is born. You can check it here

From there, you can join us or give petitions for our company to fulfill.

December 3, 2947

Bebop Freelance Corporation now has a RSI Constellation Aquila at disposal.


If you have a job for us, click hereVisit our website, operative!


Space can be dangerous. Our objective is to provide a reliable service to all citizens across the Universe. Our customers are our priority. Fast, secure and for the right price.

NOW HIRING – Enlist now!

If you’re interested in working with us, our company has several opportunities. Depending on your time available and implication with the company you can sign for a full-time position, a part-time contract, or just enlist waiting an opportunity for a mission without compromises.

Positions offered:

Full-time: You will be in the first line of the action. If the company has any job, it will be offered to full-time positions through our XenoHuman Resources Department. Be advised, if you reject the job you will be recolocated to a part-time position.

Part-time: If you want to be active at your other job or you’re a student, this position is ideal for you. If there aren’t free effectives in our first line, you will be the backup, plus you can reject 3 times in a row the jobs offered without being degraded, but if this condition is fulfilled, you will be degraded to enlisted.

Enlisted: You want to earn some money from time to time without any compromise. And you can! Enlist now, and wait your opportunity.

There are also opportunites to be promoted:

If you’re doing a good job with us in a full-time position, you could be promoted to Administrator! Help us coordinating our agents and lead them to a satisfactory victory for our customers.


We do not tolerate illegal actions. Being persecuted by justice will remove any binding you may have with the company. Anyway if you comitted criminal actions in the past, but you paid your social and financial debt with the justice, you can be part of the company.


If you have a job for us, click hereVisit our website, operative!


CEO (Otacon)

About me:
I’m the CEO, the chief, “el jefe”… You would think it’s an easy job, with a good amount of cash filling my pockets. It’s not, but it’s rewarding seeing our customers come and go. I was a normal citizen before, interested in science and the cosmos. Time goes fast though, because I learned that the Universe doesn’t have a plan for us, we must make our own… I don’t want to talk deeply about my past, but think about this: there are many people, risking their lives daily, to make a little piece of the future… For sure I wanted to become a part of it. We are here to help you in that mission.

About my ship:

When I wake up in the morning and I go out to the vast deep space I don’t know what kind of encounters I’ll have. Because of that I chose the Cutlass Black versatility. Drake Interplanetary made a good job making this easy-to-maintain ship and with enough cargo for any unexpected transport tasks…. or even a rescue mission, being capable to accomodate up to six persons. Also, I’m updating my arsenal with a CF-117 Badger Repeater, but this job may last several weeks until I decide where I would put this beautiful piece of work. Turret maybe?



Nº1 Smasher Freeman

About me:

Hello citizens. Let me tell you about my job here in B.F.C. First of all, my primary concern is to manage the website and keep it updated for other employees and of course for the customers and newcomers. The main point of the Over Media Disclosure section is for the Bebop Freelance Corporation to get known by everyone in the universe. Soon, this section will be in charge of advertisements, social media accounts and everything related to spreading our name throughout the galaxy. If you have heard about our company that would mean that we are doing a great job!

About my ship:

My ride is the 315p Explorer by Origin Jumpworks. It is a good looking ship perfect for exploration tasks with a small capacity of cargo and just one seat for the pilot. Having said that, the 315p is equiped with a sure grip tractor which can be used to pick objects floating in space and two Omnisky VI Laser who shoot straight forward. This weaponry makes the ship best suitable for tasks such as mining and exploring whereas fighting backup would be an acceptable challenge for this model but not for bounty hunting.

Now, my second ship is just amazing, a RSI Constellation Aquila equipped with a Kruger P-52 Merlin and an Ursa Rover for both air and ground exploration. The Aquila supports about 5 people in long exploration travels with ease, being right now our biggest and more reliable ship in the company. Due to its weight and its focus on exploration, the Aquila is not really meant for fighting, even if it can provide a delightful challenge to enemies.



Nº1 Spike Brightstar

About me:

I´m one of the founders of the Bebop Freelance Corporation. My job in the company focuses mainly on exploration, guiding my crew and fellow Pathfinder Cosmonauts to the darkest corners of the Universe. I have an extensive knowledge about Universe´s locations and about the human and nonhuman history, which is a benefit when it comes to understanding the relationships between the different systems and races that inhabit it. My thirst for wisdom and adventure is what pushes me to explore and thanks to Bebop Freelance Corporation I can manage it in a professional way with the support of its members.

Nº2 Bardock Phoenix

About me:
I consider myself a good pilot, it is something that I have been ever since I started flying. That skill was what catched the attention of the Bebop Freelance Corporation which resulted in my instant hiring. Now I just wait to be worthy of their expectations. What do I do in the corporation you may ask? Transportation of both cargo and/or passengers, tactical support in combat, exploration… let´s just say “anything I can fulfill with my ship”.

About my ship:
My ship is the Kruger P-52 Merlin. Its a small ship with a medium fire power. It possesses a machinegun gatling T19-Tigerstrike-P model and a laser cannon M3A model on each wing. The P-52 Merlin has a great speed and even better manoeuvrability which make it a perfect ship for exploration since it is possible to maneuver to every single hideout in space. During battle, it is perfect for sneaky and fast attacks, but, of course, its greatest performance is shown when racing!



Nº1 DetectiveAzul

About me:
Graduated with honors as a pilot on Project Freelancer at Digital Anvil academy, I left the active part of my job on the company due to a Vanduul swarm ambush that took me in the middle of a cargo transport mission. Almost dead, I spent all my recovery time amplying my studies in the field of Psychology and Human Resources and, using the knowledge gained through my prior experience traveling through the galaxy, I became and specialist on Xenohuman Psychology. After recovering from my injuries, I returned to Bebop Freelance Corporation to be the head of the Xenohuman Resources department. Since then, I’m in charge of analysing the new members and choosing which contracts suits well with wich member.

About my ship:
As part of the benefits I get from the insurance company I decided to buy a humble ship to begin again my travels throught the universe: The Mustang Alpha, with the cargo bay expansion. I use it for easy jobs of cargo transport while I get use again to travel long hours through the space and I save money for buying a better ship to come back to my favourite jobs: bounty hunting.