Bellicus / BELLICUS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration


Bellicus was formed October 6, 2945, during the Vanduul attack on Vega II. by a small time cargo ship captain. Upon entering atmo and seeing the destruction of the city, he threw his cargo ship and crew directly into the defense of New Corvo. The fully loaded cargo ship was no match for a full invasion force and crashed into the city. While searching for his crew, the captain was ambushed by Vanduul ground forces. He drew his damaged Arclight Pistol to defend himself. The pistol overcharged and the resulting shot was a concussive flash that made quick work of the Vanduul raider. This single shot was mistaken for a QTD malfunction by the Vanduul raiders and they fled the damaged ship, but it was the rallying point for the defense force the founder was putting together.

Bellicus, originally named “Lux”, bands traders and industrialists together to form a pact to defend humanity’s best interest under the protection of the MMI.

Bellicus means warlike. Humanity’s main goal should be industry and exploration, but if threatened, every spacefaring human must be ready and willing to fight- this is our philosophy and our mission.

Bellicus frequently groups together for in game events as well as org ran events. We specialize in multicrew combat but frequently employ ground or light crafts for events.


Lux blurs the line between in game lawful and lawless in order to dominate or disenfranchise our opponents.

We believe in abiding by the ToS rules and little else.


1. Domination is preferable to destruction of opponents

2. Record reactions for laughs

3. Abide by ToS and little else.

4. Cheesing helps build new combat ideas, do not stick to a meta for “honor”, stick to dominating an opponent so that the game evolves.

5. Work in compliance with the CDF when possible

6. Disregard Rules of War

7. No act is too extreme, no act is too violent against an enemy (except for rule 3)