Black Hearts / BHC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Founded in 2000 we will recruit mature players age 21+ that like to use Mumble, do NOT cheat or exploit and like to play games with their friends. We are Mercenaries and will follow the path that lands in front of us, if this brings us on the other side of the Law but fits within our own guidelines.


The Black Hearts were founded in Y2K in preperation for the launch of EA Games Multiplayer Battletech 3025 as the Disciples of Carnage 5th Regiment. We have transitioned through many games and alliances through the years and still remain true to ourselves regardless of attempts to change our core values.

From MPBT 3025 we moved on to Mechwarrior IV. While still being active in Mechwarrior IV we entered into Helbreath International Beta Testing. Started our rise in MMO success by achieving many firsts in the game including PVP Cloak (Phalse) and Archer (Catwoman) as well as many others. From there we moved into Mechwarrior IV War!Online as the Marion Hegemony. After a successful first season we were asked to take over House Kurita for the second season and were very successful. We maintained the House Kurita moniker for many years to come in Paid 2 Kill league, Empire League and then our move into more main stream MMOs Lineage][ on the Kain server.

We were very successful and owned 2 castles, Dion and Gludio, only to release them upon our choosing no matter the odds against we never ended a seige losing either castle until we had determined we were ready too. We had formed the Draconis Combine alliance and peaked with well over 400 members in our alliance. From Lineage][ we moved to WoW on Demon Soul as Black Hearts again dropping the House Kurita moniker, while we waited for either Darkfall Online, Age of Conan or Vanguard Saga of Heros to launch. We were very successful and one shotted the first 4 bosses in Zul Gurub during the time frame most people took weeks to get past each boss. Most unenjoyable experience in gaming every, terrible game and community. From there we moved to Vanguard with it being the first of the 3 games we were watching to release.

We started Vanguard on Tharridon (FFA PVP) server but chose to move to Varking (Faction Based PVP) after the first 6 weeks. There was only one guild at the time that could give us a run for our money and they were lead by Hurricane. After 6 weeks of relentlessly killing everyone we came across, other than our 2 allied guilds Virakar and Legends, we moved to Varking. It was a great choice, the PVP was more constant and blood thirsty with better quality PVP guilds than on Tharridon. We ended up having server merges with all 3 PVP servers merging into Sartok. This was a great time for Vanguard PVP and alot of fun. We ended up merging with several guilds as almost every guild merged with others during this time as everyone had lost members over the previous year. The guilds were 81K, Legion, Chimera and most of the remaining Blade Sworn members in the game at the time. We were called Fallout and were in the number 2 seat as far as raiding guilds went behind Xanit K`ven (they had been together for almost 6 months as a merged guild and had a leg up on eveyrone else at that point) and went on to get several world and server firsts raiding. When Age of Conan was released we lost too many core raiders from the guild to keep Vanguard an option anymore and the server as a whole had less than 100 players at primetime so we moved on. With that said WE were the last self sufficient raiding guild on the server when we left, Xanit K`ven left a month before us.

In Age of Conan we were Fallout on the Cimmeria server and had many firsts again, including the Dragon. Our time on Cimmeria we battled mainly Acoloytes and Eximos together against us to rule Keshata (level 80 zone). We had lots of great PVP and Seiges in the game but just as quickly people realized how bad the game was with bugs at the same time I was asked to Beta Test WAR: Warhammer Age of Reckoning.

We moved to WAR Age of Reckoning as 2 guilds, Black Hearts on Azazel and Fallout on Red Eye Mountain. Black Hearts were founding members in Law and Order Alliance with Lords of the Dead, Virakar and several other guilds latter admitting Vendetta. We won the 2nd City Siege world wide and realized the empty shell of a game it was and started looking to the future, Darkfall Online, Mortal Online or Rift Planes of Telera. Rift won out as we were invited to Alpha Test PVP as Fallout.

In Rift we tested the game heavily and were almost removed several times due to the cries of the Carebear Brigades! Yes this is directed at you whinners! We surpassed all the PVE guilds in content and whooped em all, including several Sieges of the vile Defiants capital city. We moved on to launch on Briarcliff and destroyed all Defiants in front of us. We were successful in our endeavors but not as quickly as some in the guild wanted at the time and Fallout split to Black Hearts and Shadowed Strife. We went on for quite a while having some success at varying times in the game like most guilds there, things fluctuated based on game interest. After Rift we moved on to Neverwinter Online.

In Neverwinter Online we were one on Dragon server with the majority of the rest of the PVP guilds and dominated quick and often. We were one of the first Guilds to Clear Castle Never and the first to do it without Exploiting and using a GF instead of two DC. We rose to well over 250 active members all the while kicking out everyone that cheated or exploited as they were found out. We took a short break back to Rift and came back to Neverwinter Online when they released the Ranger class and additonal Paragons.

Currently playing Neverwinter Online, Final Fantasy XIV, Firefall, Mechwarrior Online with the occasional players still in Rift, SW TOR, Smite, LoL, BF 4 or various other games we anxiously await Star Citizen. Several of us are testing other titles on the horizon as well but do not want to breach any NDA’s.

If you are looking for an mature guild that likes to have fun and play games with each other, all the while completing content a game has to offer, with a group that becomes more than just guild mates over the course of getting to know one another, than maybe we are what you are looking for.


The Black Hearts were founded in Y2K in preperation for the launch of EA Games Multiplayer Battletech 3025 as the Disciples of Carnage 5th Regiment. We have transitioned through many games and alliances through the years and still remain true to ourselves regardless of attempts to change our core values. If you are looking for an mature guild that likes to have fun and play games with each other, all the while completing content a game has to offer, with a group that becomes more than just guild mates over the course of getting to know one another, than maybe we are what you are looking for.

Now, with that said we can be irreverant and like to make fun of Xflame’s mom and Boyd on a burrito binge, or talk about Aannaeyalia’s latest sexual escapade, but we will not tollerate racism of any sort. We do not want your baby momma drama either and will not tollerate it. Over the years we have tried to be nice to people that do not fit in with us for the sake of being decent human beings, but those days are long gone. If you do not fit in with us then go somewhere you do fit in.

We are looking for players that are 21+ age and realize the people you play with is more important than the piece of gear you get this evening. If you want to work with others and have fun doing it, while accomplishing things casually that it takes younger players more time to accomplish by doing it 7 nights a week, then feel free to contact one of us or fill out an application on our website.

Yes, EVERYONE fills out an application, even I have filled them out many times for the guild over the years. If you can not be bothered to take 5 minutes to fill out a decent application, then you do not have the dedication to the guild we are looking for.

We use Mumble as our primary means of communication. If you do not wish to participate in Mumble, you will not fit in with us. We suggest headsets if you are worried someone will hear what we are saying in Mumble as we do not restrict language nor censor what our friends wish to say.

We have a website we expect people to be at least moderately active on. You do not have to spend every waking hour on the website, but we do expect you to sign up for events, post game relevant information and if you feel like it non game related things as well. We are a community of like minded individuals not just a guild that raids 3 nights a week like some guilds do in various games.

In Star Citizen we will be Mercenaries that will follow the path laid in front of us. If that means being on the other side of the Law, then so be it if that is what our guide lines lead us too. We will explore, mine, PVE, PVP, craft, murder, pillage and whatever else the Universe throws at us. If this sounds like a guild you would like to be apart of, feel free to send one of us a PM, do an application on our website or respond to our recruitment thread!


Here at Black Hearts Clan we are griefers, gankers, pkers, campers and will make you rage quit, but we are not cheaters. As such we have a list of general guidelines for our members to follow and are enforced so take them to heart.

1) Donations made to Paypal are used to pay for the website and other concerns that the leadership agrees upon (ie flowers for a guild members/spouse/sibling/parent/child death).

2) No obviously retarded names (ie Horserapist, Aids, etc)

3) Use your brain and common sense!

4) Don’t ask 24324 million fucking questions that you can find the answer to yourself by doing 5 seconds of research.

5) When the Guild is out in mass doing something you need to come along if you are online unless you have a valid reason not to. (i.e. I have a baby in my lap, family member just fell down the stairs, etc)

6) Try to help other guild mates when at all possible. I understand that progressing your own character is important and I am not saying to drop whatever the fuck you are doing to help someone. The quicker the guild gets to where you want to go personally, the quicker we can all do the fun stuff! (Raids, Raid PvP, and Stompin’ N00bs)

7) This should be lumped in with common sense but for the love of Jezeus Christo, (Boyd Spanish spelling) treat others the way you want to be treated. (Golden Rule)

8) If you are having problems with the guild or a member of said guild please come to an officer/leader first to discuss your grievance if you and the member can not work it out among yourselves. There is no need to air your dirty laundry in guild chat or public channels.

9) Try to keep drama at a minimum! Unless it is an awesome sexual escapade no one cares.

10) Being on Vent the majority of your playing time is a requirement. We all have certain things occasionally that prevent us from listening on Vent, but this is the exception, not the rule. If you can not be on Vent normally, we are not a good fit for you.

11) We look for members to be 21+ age in real life. Occasionally we will give exceptional players that are younger and mature a chance, but we prefer to play with mature members and not WoW spammers.

12) No hacking, exploiting or using 3rd party software. We do not immediately assume everything is exploiting just because some carebear says it is (kiting, cliffing, etc) but if a Guild Leader, Officer or GM within a game tell you to stop doing something it is exploiting, STOP, no further discussion is needed. If you feel the need to keep discussing after being told to stop by one of the above mentioned people, than detag yourself and have a good life. Same applies if you feel the need to use something you know is an exploit and tell others not to tell people about what you are doing, detag, we really do not need you in Black Hearts if that is your behavior pattern.

13) Since it was not clear enough, you can not be in the Black Hearts and join another guild in an official game we are playing. The exception is in games where there are multiple guilds allowed, you can join a crafting or trading guild but no other adventuring or pvp guilds in the same game where there is an official Black Hearts guild, support your guild or detag.