Bara Kaitos Syndicate / BKS

  • PMC
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  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to the Bara Kaitos Syndicate.


Our core group of members started flying together in a previous Space Combat/Sim. titled Black Prophecy. Although the game was relatively short lived, we have stuck together to form a close knit group and are anxiously awaiting this game. Although we play other games while waiting for Star Citizen, once the game is out most of us will probably devote all our gaming time to SC and Squadron 42.


Even though large tracts of the UEE and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Vanduul, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Killian, we shall fight on the seas and oceans of Nemo, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in space, we shall defend our homeland; whatever the cost may be, we shall never surrender. Amidst this struggle, we shall capitalize as traders and pirates of our enemies. We shall show them no quarter, we shall give them no rest, peace or mercy. We shall overcome our adversity as we explore and patrol our homelands and we shall be pioneers of that glorious and most mysterious vastness of space as our New World expands our Old.


We are just pretty chill and diffuse responsibility between each other so that more can possibly get done.