Blap n' Scrap / BLAP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle, your enemies.


In 2946 in the Stanton system, Etogreen earned his citizenship, and began to swing between mercenary work for the military, and a little piracy when he sought true thrill. Flying his trusty Gladius Valiant, he knew he loved risking his neck in space combat. But between paying for jail bailouts, and all the ships he lost. A more profitable occupation had become desirable.

During a Stanton metal shortage in 2951, caused by the nine tails lockdown, Etogreen decided he’d try his hand at mining to earn better keep. So he rented a Prospector and set out to the Aaron Halo. there, he was safe from pirate Attacks, however his riches did not grow as quickly as he had hoped.

Using what he made for Gladius upgrades, he went back to collecting bounties. Several explosions later, he realized that there, in the numerous wrecks he was creating, was the real UEC to be made. Stalwart to his plan, he began saving for a Vulture, and at the same time funded Blap n’ Scrap. An organization to be focused on the thrill of space combat, and the profits from salvaging the wrecks they left behind.

Now Blap n’ Scrap operates by doing space combat on both sides of the law, and salvaging the wreks left behind for profit.


If space combat or salvage are your interest, we might be the org your looking for.
Our numbers are small, quite small as I’ve yet to recruit anyone yet. But you can join up to 10 orgs, and we do not require members to make Blap n’ Scrap their affiliate org.
If your interested in joining a small org with a focus on salvage and space combat, and a friendly and helpful environment, please consider applying.
If I do not see your application, please send me a message in spectrum.


I would like to create an environment where anyone can feel welcome. And we strive to improve. I will ban members who discriminate against race/sex, are too toxic, or just too rude, crude, or mean to others. To sum it up, don’t be a dick.