Ballistic Logistics / BLG

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Kinetic Solutions Made Simple!


The Beginning

Ballistic Logistics was born out of an under-performing black sector super weapon program gone over budget and completely awry. The project leads became “fed up” with a corrupt regime constantly interfering and playing outside the bounds of law. Though not originally born of the minds of those who would be later blamed for the project’s failure Aleksander Ruiz and Lain Miura were pivotal in the project’s climactic and waning years. The exact catalyst that would undo the project isn’t clear but what is clear is that several members of the Ruiz family were imprisoned and later disappeared during the Messer era. It is unknown what pushed Lain into the same category as his partner but later inquiries into the project’s failure indicate Lain Miura never existed prior to his college years on Earth.


Once it was clear the project was failing the two conspired to save as much valid research as possible and secret out as much profit as they could. Hiding much of this in plain view and expensing out great swaths of ships, equipment, and computers they planned to make a quick get away but clearly not to resell them. Since the entire project was based on the supposition of secrecy it was built deep in freshly explored space and decided this unexplored chunk of space would work just fine to hide their new venture. They set to work quickly identifying other like minded individuals both within the project and available outside resources and quickly brought them on board. Within a few months the pair had an effective core team and several contingencies in place. Their group simply disappeared one night leaving an empty husk floating in space.

New Allies

Their next steps were to secure their respective families. With that task completed they focused on establishing their new base and colony. Unfortunately some political enemies decided to try to make an example of the burgeoning group and sent out a task force under the command of General Deerfield. Deerfield following the much larger trail created in the wake of Ruiz and Muira’s family exodus was able to track them down. Through a series of fortunate events one of their contingencies allowed them to trap General Deerfield aboard a decoy ship.
Instead of outright killing the General Deerfield; Miura verbally engaged the General. After several hours Deerfield emerged from the craft unscathed and the ship proceeded to explode. General Deerfield’s forces began their move to jump out of system and during transition a sizable portion never fully engaged their jump engines. Instead they rendezvoused with Miura’s forces in system and proceeded to jump to parts unknown.


Ballistic Logistics restructured their group and command became more organized, taking some pieces from the Military. The group quickly set about creating a new operating structure in order to support the expanding group. Transportation, mining, exploration, scouting, and salvaging became their primary sources of income. Their more military counterparts began raiding illegitimate UEE forces and harassing illicit trade routes on the edges of UEE and Terran space. While never overtly challenging the UEE they helped to expose the corruption and negative elements pervading Messer’s UEE.

Post Messer & New Leadership

As the original leadership began to age, Deerfield utilized his vast network of resources to groom the future leader of Ballistic Logistics. It’s unknown when Matthius Stormfury took over but believed to be some time after 2915. As Matthius’ started to reshape Ballistic Logistics into his vision the group expanded into many other avenues including manufacturing, trade, bounty hunting, salvage, and a heavy amount of Vanddul raiding. Ballistic Logistics now has a presence in many parts of UEE, Terran, Banu, and Xi’an space and maintains a family oriented hierarchical system of working together toward the primary objective of furthering the group as a whole while grooming each of our members in their chosen roles and respective goals of Ballistic Logistics.

Mathius’ abrupt retirement left a void in leadership into which the enigmatic “Nemesis” was elevated. After a difficult consolidation period Ballistic Logistics contiunues to work its stock in trade.


Ballistic Logistics is a multi-game, multi-platform community of friends. We build around the principles of family, fun and cooperation. Over time, the games change but our Mission is to foster an online gaming community of committed, mature, veteran gamers. We are dedicated to a team oriented, fun-loving gaming environment where every member realizes their full potential. Each member contributes to the whole community experience, not simply as another player participating, but rather as a valued voting member who impacts the community of Ballistic Logistics. Our goal is to develop long term friendships and enhance the collective gaming experience of our membership regardless of the games currently being played.

Our specific goals within Star Citizen are the enjoyment of Star Citizen with a focus on PVE (60%) and a variety of activities to include:
  • Exploration
  • Vanduul Rading
  • Salvage
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Trade
  • Racing



​Ballistic Logistics is a multi-game, multi-platform gaming group. People come in all shapes and sizes and varying skill levels. We accept everyone here with no discrimination. We realize that there are some types of personalities that may conflict with what we stand for and believe and that is fine. If we find that you are not right for us or we are not right for you we wish you well in your future endeavors.


1. Have FUN and try not to take yourself or the game too seriously. Remember this is a virtual world, so getting killed 10 times, although frustrating, is not the end of life. So, take it in stride.

2. Be an active member of the group by helping other people with quests or by giving instruction, advice and help with complex quest lines. Contribute items and money (in-game currency) to the group bank for the benefit of others.

3. New members will be under a 30 day probationary period.

4. Keep foul language to a minimum as there are people of all ages in our group.

5. No stealing from the group. This includes everything from in game items/banks all the way to personal, physical and digital property.

6. Don’t fight, troll or act like a fool in General Chat. As a member of Ballistic Logistics you are not only representing yourself but the group as a whole.

7. Failure to follow group rules will result in a warning, either verbal or written. Any violations during probation will result in removal from the group.

8. We are an equal opportunity gaming group, all are welcome!

9. We ask that everyone get along and do not use Ballistic Logistics resources for advancing individual opinions, political views or ideologies.

All of our Officers and Council members have an open door policy. Feel free to discuss issues with any of them at any time. If you need to discuss any specific issues and they are not online you can also send a PM on the website.