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Black Star.

We never back down from a challenge.

Discord: “”


Black Star is a mercenary group recognized for its combat skills and client loyalty. The organization originated years ago at Jumptown, a once-notorious outpost in the Stanton System, frequented by individuals involved in illegal activities.

The group’s foundation traces back to a group of mercenaries, including founder ONIDREM, who were hired to safeguard drug shipments during the Jumptown Wars. This high-risk, high-reward job marked the beginning of their journey.

Following a successful mission that resulted in the fragmentation of their previous organization, the group shifted to working with the Civilian Defence Force, focusing on intercepting contraband. This change in direction was partly due to the inefficient profit-sharing under the old leadership.

Recognizing the potential for a more effective mercenary group, the founders established Black Star in January of 2952.
The organization aimed to offer protection services to a diverse clientele, including smugglers, traders, and legitimate corporations.

Over time, Black Star expanded its operations and reputation, undertaking challenging contracts. Their engagements included conflicts with the NineTails at the Siege of Orison, confrontations with Xenothreat pirate fleets, and occasional clashes with the UEE Advocacy. Throughout, they maintained their core values of loyalty, honor, and commitment to their tasks.

Black Star also gained recognition in the galaxy as a sponsor of professional racing teams, achieving success in events like XGR, Scarlet Apex, and CRUX Cup Racing. Information gathered from these events led them to expand their operations.

In October of 2953, the group established a new post in the Pyro System at Jackson’s Swap on Monox (PYRO II), a settlement frequently targeted by Xenothreat and other hostile entities. For two weeks, they defended the settlement, restoring stability by mid-November of 2953.

Today, Black Star operates from Stanton and their new post in Pyro, respected by clients and known for their formidable presence.

This overview provides insight into Black Star’s history and ethos. The organization remains open to new challenges and opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities.


We, the members of the Black Star, pledge ourselves to the defense of quantum lanes and the protection of civilian life, for a price. We recognize that space is a frontier, and with that frontier comes danger, but we do not shrink from danger; we embrace it. We are the mercenaries of the stars, and we stand ready to take on any challenge that comes our way.

We are a professional organization, bound by a code of ethics that demands the highest standards of conduct from its members. We believe that our clients’ interests are paramount, and we will do everything in our power to ensure their success. We also recognize that our clients’ success depends on our own success, and we will work tirelessly to hone our skills and perfect our tactics.

We are a team. We recognize that no one individual can achieve success alone. We must work together, with trust and cooperation, to achieve our goals. We welcome members of all species, genders, and backgrounds, for it is our diversity that makes us strong.

We are warriors. We are not afraid to fight. We are not afraid to die.

We are the Black Star. Join us, and together we will create a better future for all who call space their home.


Charter of the Black Star

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Black Star (BS).

Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide a network of professional pilots and soldiers, united in their dedication to defending the space lanes and supporting clients in their military or mercantile objectives, while maintaining a balance of serious gameplay and good natured fun, for a price.

Article III: Leadership: The Legatus
The Legatus, ONIDREM, is the voice of BSL and has the final say in all disputes and decisions, however these duties may be delegated to Officers.

Article IV: Leadership: Officers
#A Custodians are appointed solely by The Legatus. These personnel administer the software used by BS, curate the server, and enforce the rules.
#B Paladins are appointed by The Legatus with input from Custodians and Paladins. Appointments of new Paladins receive discussion from all existing Paladins for The Legatus and Custodians to consider. Paladins may be demoted for inactivity or by request, but it is never to be treated as a negative mark against the person’s character.

Article V: Membership: Knights
Knights are Legionnaires who have gone above and beyond with their conduct and contributions to BS. This rank is largely cosmetic, but may be used to denote individuals with special skill sets.

Article VI: Membership: Legionnaires
Legionnaires can be promoted by anyone with all officers getting a veto. All officers must be given 3 days for a veto. Vetoed promotions may be overridden by The Lagatus, or by a unanimous vote of the Custodians.
Membership in the BS is open to all individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Have a proven track record of success in space combat
  • Have a commitment to upholding the BS’s Code
  • Have demonstrated proficiency in piloting or military tactics
  • Are willing to take on contracts as part of a team

Article VII: Membership: Aspirants
Aspirants are individuals that are new to the Organization, but have not participated enough or spent enough time in the Organization to be promoted by the Council of Officers.

Article VIII: Affiliates: Freelancers
Freelancers are mercenary associates of BS, but are not bound by our Code, nor are they full members of the Organization.

Article IX: The Code
All members of the BSL shall adhere to the following Code:

  • Act with integrity and honor in all business dealings
  • Respect the autonomy and privacy of clients
  • Protect contracted civilians and non-combatants from harm
  • Follow the laws of the local jurisdiction in which operations are conducted, if possible

Article X: Governance
BS shall be governed by a Council of Officers elected by The Legatus, and chaired by The Legatus. The council shall be responsible for setting policy, managing resources, and ensuring compliance with the organization’s charter and the Code, Council of Officers may be overruled by The Legatus in order to expedite pressing issues.

Article XI: Finances
The BS shall maintain a treasury to fund its operations, which shall be replenished by the profits from successful contracts. Members shall receive a fair share of profits commensurate with their contributions to a contract’s success.

Article XII: Website
Black Star can currently be reached at the following website(s):

Article XIII: Amendments
This charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Council of Officers, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at least two weeks prior to the vote, this may be overruled by The Legatus in order to expedite pressing issues.

Adopted this Saturday, January 23rd, 2952 by the founding members of Black Star.