Bal Maethor / BMGC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Trading

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.


The guild Bal Maethor was created in early 2007 as a collaboration of friends and family from various games dating back to Everquest. Since the guild was created for Lord of the Rings Online, we decided to go with something from Tolkein, so we chose Bal Maethor as our name, which stands for “Powerful Warrior”.

Many of our members have been gaming as a group for over 10 years. In 2003, while playing in Everquest, we encountered that quandary that most guilds at that time were addressing; “Can a guild be a casual and family-oriented guild, yet participate in end-game content?” Many of us left in search of greener pastures and end-game content. For four years while still gaming together, we were scattered, some still searching for a guild to call their own. With the release of “Lord of the Rings Online”, we found ourselves back in game together, yet none of our guilds followed. Hence, the birth of Bal Maethor.

The following is a list of games that has Bal Maethor has partaken in as a guild:

Everquest – Tunare Server
Lord of the Rings Online – Landroval Server
Age of Conan – Derketo Server
Warhammer Online – Ironfist Server
Aion – Marchutan Server
Star Trek Online
Eve Online
Rift – Keenblade Server
Tera – Freeholds Server
Guild Wars 2 – Blackgate Server
FFXIV – Leviathan
Archeage – Tahyang Server


We are an online gaming community with members participating in a wide variety of massively multiplayer online games. We are comprised of friends, both real life and in-game, that have been gaming with each other for years and in many different games and guilds.

Bal Maethor was formed to provide a collective gathering of those friends. We strive on individual qualities within a guild. If you are looking for the large quantitative guild “the zerg”, we are not it. We are a small qualitative guild focused on the honing of our members into lethal players.



In order to maintain a fun environment for all members, we ask that our members place respect before pride. Treat everyone as you wish to be treated. Be courteous and respectful to all you encounter. Your conduct reflects that of the guild; please do not tarnish our reputation. Be thoughtful of the item requirements of your fellow players, do not be greedy, never ninja loot and don’t become a beggar. Although we do not require mandatory attendance from our members in events, we do ask that if you are taking a break from the game, be courteous and notify the guild.


Bal Maethor is foremost about having fun. We also like to be challenged, and often do things with less people than the average guild. Currently, we are focused on strengthening our ranks in preparation of progressing through end game content. We are primarily a PvE guild, our intentions are to participate in end-game raids lasting from 1 to 3 hours per interval.


Respect works in a two way fashion, if you do not show respect for others, you will receive none in return. This may be a video game but the golden rule still applies. Language will be kept clean and appropriate in public chat channels. Greed will not be tolerated! Other acts that are not tolerated are requests for power leveling, auction held in guild chat and begging for coin. Power leveling removes the aspect of properly learning the intricacies of your class. There will be times when higher level members offer to help lower levels. Treat your fellow guild mates as friends and family, do not try to sell them your items in guild chat for a quick profit. In regards to crafting, if a guild member had to consume their own resources in order to craft you an item, at least show a small bit of courteousy by compensating them for those resources.


All applicants must post in the recruitment forum if they wish to join Bal Maethor. They must also agree to strict adherence of the guidelines set forth in this charter. All applicants must be over the age of 18.


While Bal Maethor promotes participation within the guild, no event will have mandatory attendance. No member is to pressure another guild member into participating in events, parties or raids. Members who have been offline for more than 30 days will be removed from the guild. If a member is leaving the game for an extended period and has contacted an officer or notified the guild in any manner, they shall remain in the guild if they so choose. Members who have been removed from the guild will not be required to re-apply the guild, they must simply contact an officer.