Shadowbolts / BOLTS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

Pirates when times are bad with no work to be had, Corsairs in time of good contracts, will blow up or capture enemy spaceships for some food.


Founded in 2012 due to one man’s dream of freedom and friends, without having to answer to leaders unfit to lead.

We are a group of gamers who play various games together, usually through Steam. Our current main focus for the time being is Final Fantasy XIV, on the Famfrit server, where we’re a group of 20 players. Our motive is to have fun, and play hard, something that will only serve to benefit us when PU hits Star Citizen. Our group uses an open door policy, so feel free to drop by our site and check us out, since we’re always open to conversation.



We’re pirates in the true sense of the word, since we care not for the politics and regulations others hold dear, while also not caring to uphold the law to any real degree like others are more willing to do.

Our greatest motivators will be “Fun” and “Money”, since both will help make the game more enjoyable to us. We will either seek it out on our own time by engaging other players to take from them, or we’re open to talks of solid contracts from other players / groups. Some may call that merc work, but I think the difference here is that mercs have a reputation to uphold and care about, and pirates in space just care about our own enjoyment and profits, with a body count here and there. Mercs tend to be more of a grey area when it comes to how they operate, whereas I forsee piracy in this game dipping into a lucrative under the table area for those who don’t really care who they anger.

Honoring the Shadowbolts history in Final Fantasy XIV, this group will be operating as truly, “Free Company”, meaning none of our members are permanent, and free to come and go as they like. We have no long term roster outside of those pledging and proving they’re in for the long haul, as the truth is that if anyone who paid into Star Citizen wishes to try their hand at piracy, then all the more reason to welcome them aboard and enjoy their $30+ purchase they made with their own money. They may join our group and realize later on that the play style or how this group functions isn’t for them, so we can hardly hold that against them.

Player Ranking will be determined based on how long and active you are in the group, and true to how pirates worked in real life, each member will have an amount of “shares” to vote with.

To break it down simple enough, Captain is the highest rank occupied only by one member, worth 5 stars at this time. Someone fresh into the group has no stars until they prove themselves with a single act of piracy by joining us on a hunt or partaking in a contract with us. Members who pass initiation and show they have the blood of pirates in them will be raised to 1 star. Anything of interest will be put to a vote at the time, with the respective members and their ranks being used as the shares to determine the course of action. It’ll keep things interesting.


  1. Captain
  2. Quatermaster (Think mods and the like)
  3. Mate
  4. Striker
  5. Powder Monkey
  6. Swabbie

Two Mates can overrule the Captain, likewise the Captain has more say than a Striker and two Powder Monkeys with a Swabbie witness. If you follow this madness, you may just be what we seek for this group.


Rules are simple enough for our members to follow

  • Have fun
  • Honor your obligations, be they a contract from an outsider, or your own word.
  • Always be willing to help the cause, since a weakened ally might be the much needed savior in the future

We’ll have two “Modes of Operation”, which is more for outside entities to understand how we operate.

We’re not bound to any agreed upon contracts, so we’ll scour the stars for amusement and coins to fill our coffers. Fear for your ship insurance, for we be coming for it full or in pieces, and likely giving you a space tour to the nearest slave trade hub.

We’ve entered into an agreement with another group or individuals, and operate to a degree as to which the contract calls for. Could be to act as a decoy, or even hired security for a less than savory part of space, or even something as mundane as intel. As long as there’s coin involved, the client is able to get as creative as they wish.

Delivery Pirates that break into song over the comms? Why the hell not? Fly in front of another ship and dislodge cargo into their path? SURE! Boarding parties? We can fly your people in and out or even get a few of ours to do the boarding for you, for the right price, of course.